Guidelines for authors
Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica – Natural Sciences in Archaeology
Submission process
Submissions are completed online through the electronic editorial system at the IANSA website after creating author’s account. In the case of any problems in submitting of manuscripts, please contact the IANSA Executive Editor Ondřej Mlejnek on After submitting an article, authors will be informed whether or not it meets the thematic scope of journal. If an article meets the thematic and formal requirements, the review process will be launched.
Review process
All submissions must undergo a review process. Submitted manuscripts are presented by the Executive Editor to the Editorial Board, which appoints two reviewers, and decides whether to accept or refuse the submission. The review process is unilaterally anonymous. Peer-reviews are forwarded to the author immediately after receipt at the editorial office via the electronic editorial system. The author is invited to upload a revised version of the submission in consideration of the reviewers’ comments. If the author refuses, the editorial board has the right to refuse further consideration of the submission. When submitting revised manuscripts, it is recommended to upload a cover letter explaining which suggestions of the peer-reviewers were not accepted and why.
The evaluation and the decision process for each submission is as follows:
- Editorial proceedings
- Manuscript submission via IANSA editorial system
- Receipt by Executive Editor
- Editorial Board considers submission, and assigns to Editor in Charge
- Return of unsatisfactory submissions
- Acceptance of satisfactory submissions
- Editor in Charge assigns two anonymous peer-reviewers
- Author is notified of outcome of editorial proceedings
- Review process
- Executive Editor delivers submission to peer-reviewers
- Completed peer-reviews received and forwarded to corresponding author
- Request to accommodate to peer-reviewers’ comments
- Receipt of revised manuscript via online editorial system
- Revised manuscript is delivered to peer-reviewers
- Final comments from the peer-reviewers are delivered to author
- Request to accommodate to peer-reviewers’ final comments (if there are any)
- Author is notified of outcome of review process
- Copy edits and language correction by Executive Editor and Copy Editor
- Printing process
- Typesetting
- First author’s proof
- Second author’s proof
- Typeset article forwarded to printer
- Author copy is forwarded to author(s)
IANSA is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
All articles published in the IANSA Journal are licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.
Technical requirements
- Photographs, coloured drawings or similar, should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi
- Figures in black and white should be at least 800 dpi,
- Raster graphics with gray tones should be at least 600 dpi,
Please do not supply files that are optimized for screen use (e.g., GIF, BMP) or files with low resolution. With lesser resolution this is a risk that figures will appear pixilated.
The best way to submit tables is in MS:Excel file format (.xls, .xlsx).
The best way to submit graphs and similar vector pictures is in MS:Excel file format (.xls, .xlsx)
Files should be named after the figure (Figure 1 is file name Fig1.jpg) Save the files with a suffix and in one of the following formats:
Data formats for figures, photographs and raster graphics:
- Tag Image File Format .tiff
- JPEG File Interchange Format .jpg, .jpeg
- Encapsulated PostScript .eps
Data formats for tables, graphs, and vector graphics with text:
- MS:Excel format .xls (.xlsx)
Text formatting:
- Paragraphs should be separated by an empty line
- Text editor formatting should be avoided (heading styles, paragraphs etc.)
- Avoid indentation of first line of a paragraph
- At the end of the manuscript include captions for every figure
Text data formats:
- Rich Text Format .rtf (, MS:Word)
- MS:Word document .doc (.docx)
When providing location references use GPS coordinates system (WGS84) and avoid determination of distances from sectional map lines.
Article contents
Each accepted submission must include following:
Word/Character count: 15,000 - 20,000 symbols (approx. 5,000 words)
Title: Article title, principal author, co-authors, address of each co-author’s institution, contact information for each co-author (e-mail, telephone)
Abstract: A paragraph of text summarizing the content of the study (50-200 words).
Key words: 3-10 key words defining the theme of the article.
Body of text: The text of the article should contain the following parts:
- Introduction (may include: scan of related research, overview of accessible related literature, summary of up to date results of related research)
- Methodology (description of study and methods used, with literature references, description of analysed material)
- Theories and reasoning (development of the theoretical position, practical outcomes)
- Results (clear and concise statement of the results of research)
- Discussion (analysis of research results)
- Conclusion (main thesis of submission, research conclusions)
Individual chapters are to be numbered to no more than three levels (1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2 etc.). Each chapter is to have a brief heading.
Acknowledgements: This may include a list of financial resources (grants) used to complete the paper, recognition of colleagues who contributed towards the paper but are not listed as authors,dedication of article and related items.
References: List all literature cited in the text, as outlined in the reference guidelines section below.
Figure and Table captions: Table captions and Figure captions are listed in separately numbered rows. Graphs, maps, schemes etc. are considered Figures, and as such are all numbered in one number row.
Reference guidelines
The journal uses a reference style British Standard Harvard (BS ISO 690:2010, Annex A): Standard Harvard accessible.pdf
Citing references in your text – also known as “In text citations”:
When using Harvard, cited items are referred to in the text of your work by giving the author’s name and year of publication. If you are quoting directly, paraphrasing or using ideas from a specific page or pages of a work, you should also include the page number(s) in your citations: Jenkins (2007, p.54) argued “...........” If you are referring to an argument or ideas which are throughout a work, cite using just the author and date details in brackets: In a recent study (Jenkins, 2007), it was argued that ........ The authors’ last names will appear in alphabetical order at the end of your essay where you will give the full publication details of references.
Citing sources in your reference list:
For each type of material you cite you will need a slightly different arrangement:
AUTHOR(S), Year. Title. Edition – if not the 1 . Place of publication: Publisher.
e.g. KOOP, G., 2005. Analysis of economic data. 2nd ed. Chichester: Wiley.
Chapter from an edited book:
AUTHOR(S), Year. Title of chapter. In: AUTHOR(S)/EDITOR(S), ed(s). Book title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, Pages. (use p. or pp.)
e.g. DAVIES, S., 2002. The Professor, Agnes Grey and Wuthering Heights. In: H. Glen, ed. The Brontes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 75.
Journal article:
AUTHOR(S), Year. Title of article. Title of journal, Vol. no.(Part no./Issue/Month), Pages.
e.g. KUZNAR, L.A., and LUTZ, J.M., 2007. Risk sensitivity and terrorism. Political studies, 55(2), 341 – 361.
Website: (Some websites do not have all the citation elements so cite all the ones you can find)
AUTHOR(S), Year. Title of document. [online]. Organisation responsible (optional). [date viewed]. Available from: web address
e.g. DARLING, A., 2009. Speech by the Chancellor of the Exchequer at Mansion House. [online]. HM Treasury, London. [viewed 17/06/2009]. Available from: retrieved July 14th 2009
Newspaper articles:
AUTHOR(S), Year. Article title. Newspaper title, Day and Month (abbreviated), Pages. (use p. or pp.)
e.g. BROWN, P., 2002. New foot and mouth outbreak suspected. The Guardian, 27th Feb, p. 1.
ARTIST, Year. Title of the work [Material types]. At or In: (where found, for example in a book or museum). IN: AUTHOR/EDITOR of book, Year. Title. Place of publication: Publisher.
e.g. MASOLINO, T., 1427. The Temptation of Adam and Eve [Painting]. In: BRUCEMITFORD, M., 1996. The Illustrated Book of Signs and Symbols. London: Dorling Kindersley.
Papers in conference proceedings:
AUTHOR(S), Year. Title. In: EDITOR(S) Title of conference proceedings. Place and date of conference (unless included in title). Place of publication: Publisher, Pages. (use p. or pp).
e.g. GIBSON, E.J., 1977. The performance concept in building. In: Proceedings of the 7th CIB Triennial Congress, Edinburgh, September 1977. London: Construction Research International, pp. 129-136.
Theses and dissertations:
AUTHOR, Year. Title. Designation (Level, e.g. MSc, PhD.), Institution.
e.g. MARSHALL, J., 2002. The Manuscript tradition of Brunetto Latini’s “Tresor”. Unpublished thesis (PhD), University of London.