image/svg+xml63XIV/1/2023INTERDISCIPLINARIA ARCHAEOLOGICANATURAL SCIENCES IN ARCHAEOLOGYhomepage: http://www.iansa.euArchaeobotanical Evidence of Funerary Plant Oferings at the Southern Etrurian Necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano” (Rome, Italy)Claudia Moricca1*, Alessio De Cristofaro2, Laura Ambrosini31Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy2Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma, Piazza dei Cinquecento 67, 00185 Rome, Italy3Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Strada Provinciale 35d, 9, 00010 Montelibretti (RM), Italy1. IntroductionEtruscans are a non-Indo-European population of preclassical Italy, whose culture developed between the 7thand the 3rdcenturies BC in central Italy (Vernesi et al., 2004). While Etruria sensu strictu is framed by the rivers Arno and Tiber, the commercial and political expansion of Etruscans reached the Po Valley (north) and Campania(south; Bianchi Bandinelli and Torelli, 2008; Stoddart et al., 2019). Their cities were independent city-states that shared a religion and a language. While the Etruscan culture is believed to have developed locally, archaeological evidence suggests an eastern infuence (Vernesi et al., 2004).Etruscan human-plant relations are still under-explored, with archaeobotanical studies often being restricted to single contexts and published as short sections in archaeological reports. The Brain network and database (Mercuri et al., 2015; Mariotti Lippi et al., 2018) has proved to be a useful tool to perform bibliographic research, allowing the quick identifcation of relevant publications. To our knowledge, only ten Etrurian archaeological sites have been studied in terms of plant remains (Mercuri et al., 2015; Figure 1). Of these, Pyrgi (Coccolini and Follieri, 1980), Tarquinia (Rottoli, 2005), Veio (Celant, 2009), Vulci (Marchesini et al., 2014) are found in Latium. This selection is expanded by also considering the sites in the Po Valley, such as the settlement of Arginone in Mirandola (Accorsi et al., 1992), and Campania (e.g., Fratte – Colaianni et al., 2009). Another distinction can be made based on the type of context, with plant remains from funerary contexts being studied only in Petriolo (Milanesi, 2018), Tarquinia (Rottoli, 2005), Vulci (Marchesini et al., 2014) and Verucchio (Marchesini and Marvelli, 2002; Sala and Rottoli, 2018).1.1 The necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano”The present study concerns the archaeobotanical analysis of soil sediments and vase fllings from Etruscan tombs from the Necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano”, found Volume XIV ● Issue 1/2023 ● Pages 63–70*Corresponding author. E-mail: claudia.moricca@uniroma1.itARTICLE INFOArticle history:Received: 7thNovember 2022Accepted: 5thJanuary 2023DOI: words:Etruscansarchaeobotanycarpologyanthracologycentral ItalynecropolisABSTRACTThe present study concerns the archaeobotanical analysis of soil samples and vase fllings from Etruscan tombs from the Necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano”, found along via di Boccea, north of Rome (Italy). While the site was in use between the Archaic and Late Roman Age, the studied vestibule tombs belong to the Etruscan necropolis (second half of the 6th– beginning of the 4thcenturies BC). Archaeological data, based on the incineration rite and funerary equipment, suggest that these were used by one high-status family (or two) originally from Veio.Carpological analyses reveal the presence of food plants comprised of cereals, pulses and fruits. Furthermore, anthracological data give indications concerning the past environment, with a prevalence of deciduous and semi-deciduous oaks, accompanied by other taxa such as evergreen oaks, hornbeam, ash and Rosaceae Prunoideae. This is in accordance with the present-day vegetation of northern Latium. Finally, remains of synanthropic weeds (e.g., Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae and Polygonaceae) suggest a heavily anthropized environment.This study represents a step forward in the understanding of the still under-explored human-plant interactions of Etruscans.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2023 ● XIV/1 ● 63–70Claudia Moricca, Alessio De Cristofaro, Laura Ambrosini: Archaeobotanical Evidence of Funerary Plant Oferings at the Southern Etrurian Necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano” (Rome, Italy)64in the proximity of km 11,500 of via di Boccea, north of Rome (Italy). The site was identifed during archaeological excavations carried out between 2011 and 2014 with the aim of performing preliminary verifcations of building projects (De Cristofaro et al., 2015). The use of the small but meaningful site is framed between the Archaic Age and the Late Roman Age (7th–1stcenturies BC). Of specifc interest for this study is an area south of the natural canal, intended for funerary use for a sepulchral district. Such a nucleus includes six “vestibule” tombs, dated between the end of the 6thand the beginning of the 4thcentury BC. All the investigated burials observe the incineration rite. The remains were found collected in clay vessels, in a cloth or in a perishable container, placed directly on the bottom of the relative niche. The spatial disposition of the tombs – four of which are very close and almost tangential, with the same orientation and side by side to form a single row, having rich funerary equipment (including a bronze bowl, glass paste balsam, a bronze mirror, a bronze strigil), and the use of the incineration rite suggest that they belonged to one (or possibly two) high-status families originally from Veio (De Cristofaro et al., 2015).2. Materials and MethodsSediment, including vase and bucchero chalicefllings, was collected from eight diferent tombs (V, VI a, VI b, VI d, VI d5, XIX a, XX a, and XX b) during the excavation work giving a total of 15 soil samples. Sediment from the stratigraphic units (SU) 62/160 belongs to Tomb XX, part a and part b. Nonetheless, a sample strictly from SU 160 was also collected. The soil samples were then stored at the deposit of the Drugstore Museum in via Portuense 317(Rome, Italy) until 2020 when they were brought to the Laboratory of Archaeobotany and Palynology at “Sapienza” University of Rome. Here, a known volume (11.7 l in total) of these soil sediments was processed through bucket fotation. Charred macro-remains foating on the water surface were collected on a 250 μm sieve. The remaining sediment was then water-sieved, using a 1 mm mesh, to retrieve any additional plant (for example, preserved through mineralisation) or animal remains. Once dry, samples were sieved on a series of nested sieves of mesh size 5, 2, 1 mm (and 0.5 mm in the case of the light fraction) to make hand-picking more efcient.2.1 Carpological remainsCarpological remains were observed using a Leica M205C stereomicroscope (magnifcation range 7.8× – 160×). High-resolution images were acquired through a Leica IC80 HD camera and the Leica Application Suite version 4.5.0 software and subsequently merged using Helicon Focus (version 6.6.1 Pro) to obtain well-focused images over the entire surface.Identifcation of carpological remains was performed through a series of atlases (Jacomet, 2006; Neef et al., 2012; Cappers and Bekker, 2013; Nesbitt, 2016; Sabato and Peña-Chocarro, 2021). The Euro+Med PlantBase Figure 1.The geographical setting of the archaeological sites mentioned in the text: 1. Mirandola – Arginone; 2. Verucchio; 3. Prato Rosello; 4. Cetamura del Chianti; 5. Follonica; 6. Pian D’Alma; 7. Vetulonia; 8. Chiusi; 9. Vulci; 10. Tarquinia; 11. Pyrgi; 12. Veio; 13. Fratte. Starred: Necropolis of Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano.0 100 km
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2023 ● XIV/1 ● 63–70Claudia Moricca, Alessio De Cristofaro, Laura Ambrosini: Archaeobotanical Evidence of Funerary Plant Oferings at the Southern Etrurian Necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano” (Rome, Italy)65(2006+continuously updated) database was used as a reference for the nomenclature. It was not always possible to carry out identifcation to a species level due to either the state of conservation of the remains or, in the case of weeds, due to the multitude of species with similar characteristics within the same family, and the small amount of remains (which do not allow evaluation of the interspecifc variety).2.2 Anthracological remainsCharcoal fragments >2 mm were analysed following the diagnostic sections of wood (transversal, tangential, and radial) under a Nomarski microscope (phase contrast microscope with diferential interference contrast). Their morphological characteristics were interpreted using atlases (Schweingruber, 1990; for Quercus taxa: Cambini, 1967). The nomenclature of Quercus species follows Cambini (1967).3. ResultsAll extracted plant remains were preserved by charring, the most common modality of fossilisation in the Mediterranean basin (Renfrew, 1973). Anthracological remains were found in eleven processed sediment samples, while seeds/fruits were present in only fve. Four samples turned out to be devoid of plant macro-remains.A total of 469 charcoal fragments were studied, belonging to 10 diferent taxa (Table 1). The most numerous ones are represented by Quercus sect. cerris (semi-deciduous oaks – 234 fragments) and Quercus sect. robur (deciduous oaks – 135 fragments). Quercus sect. cerris is also the taxon with the highest ubiquity (81.8%). Other taxa include, in order of abundance, Quercus sp. (oaks – 51 fragments), Ostrya/Carpinus sp. (11 fragments), and Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. Figure 2.Carpological remains from the necropolis of Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano. From right to left – top row: Triticum aestivum/durum, Ficus carica, Rubus sp.; middle row: Avena sp., Caryophyllaceae, Portulaca oleracea; bottom row: Anthemis sp., Brassicaceae, Polygonaceae. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2023 ● XIV/1 ● 63–70Claudia Moricca, Alessio De Cristofaro, Laura Ambrosini: Archaeobotanical Evidence of Funerary Plant Oferings at the Southern Etrurian Necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano” (Rome, Italy)66Table 1. Anthracological assemblage of the studied samples. The * indicates that the sediment belongs to two stratigraphic units.TombVTombVI aTombVI dTombVI d5TombXX aTombXX bTombXX a/bStratigraphic unit (SU)/locus27N.D.Vase #1Bucchero chalice45511606215462/160 A*62/160 B* Volume (l) Concentration (charcoal fr./l)21.(6)710694121.(6)22017710231.(3)8.(8) 5 mm 2 mm5 mm 2 mm2 mm5 mm 2 mm 5 mm5 mm5 mm2 mm5 mm2 mm2 mmTOTALFraxinus sp.11Monocotyledons22 2 6Ostrya carpinifolia1 6 29Ostrya/Carpinus2 3 2411Quercus deciduous263225162 4813 135Quercus semi-deciduous21211167623810211 234Quercus evergreen1211 5Quercus sp.1171411045143 51Rosaceae Prunoideae1 1Indet.121 3 116 116TOTAL58422992522734417722328469
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2023 ● XIV/1 ● 63–70Claudia Moricca, Alessio De Cristofaro, Laura Ambrosini: Archaeobotanical Evidence of Funerary Plant Oferings at the Southern Etrurian Necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano” (Rome, Italy)67Table 2. Carpological assemblage of the studied samples. The * indicates that the sediment belongs to two stratigraphic units.TombVTombVI dTombXX aTombXX a/b AStratigraphic unit (SU)/locusVase #1N.D.4516060/162*Volume (l) (remains/l)341041.(6)20.(6)TOTALCEREALSTriticum aestivum/durumcaryopsis55Cereals indet.caryopsis fragment162541PULSESPulses indet.cotyledon11FRUITSFicus caricaachene11Rubus sp.endocarp11WEEDS/SPONTANEOUS PLANTSAnthemis sp.fruit11Asteraceae indet.fruit112Avena sp. caryopsis11Brassicaceae indet.seed22Caryophyllaceae indet.seed88Fabaceae indet.seed11Poaceae indet.caryopsis fragment33Polygonaceae indet.seed55Portulaca oleraceaseed11Indet.617TOTAL511252180(European hop-hornbeam – 9 fragments). The sample from SU 160 (Tomb XX a) is the richest in charcoal pieces (177 fragments).Carpological remains amount to a total of 80 fndings, belonging to 14 diferent taxa (Table 2). These are represented by cereals (Cereals indet. – 41 caryopses fragments), including naked wheats (Triticum aestivum/durum – 5 caryopses; Figure 2), pulses (1 cotyledon), fgs (Ficus carica L. – 1 achene; Figure 2), berries (Rubus sp. – 1 endocarp; Figure 2), and numerous spontaneous plants (e.g., Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae and Polygonaceae).4. DiscussionThe preservation of plant remains exclusively by charring in the investigated contexts is coherent with the incineration rite practiced in the necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano” (De Cristofaro et al., 2015). The same rite could also be responsible for the lack of plant remains in fve of the processed samples, as combustion could have proceeded further, turning all plant material into ash. The type of container used to store the remains in the tombs does not appear to infuence the concentration of plant remains in the sample. For example, the sample richest in carpological remains is represented by the flling of a ceramic vase in Tomb V. However, the sediment from Tomb VI d (where a perishable container is believed to have been used) presents a higher concentration of carpological remains per litre of sediment (41.7 vs. 34 remains/l). The use of perishable containers could nonetheless infuence the anthracological assemblage. Archaeological and archaeobotanical data suggest that these could have been made from wood or be represented by woven baskets (De Cristofaro et al., 2015). For instance, incinerated remains in Tomb VI d could have been stored in a box made of Quercus sect. cerris, as this taxon was very abundant in the studied sample. Similarly, the numerous charcoal fragments in Quercus sect. robur in Tomb XX b, could represent pieces of the box used to store the incinerated remains.4.1 Funerary oferingsMore detailed information about funerary rituals can be obtained by analysing the carpological assemblages. The sample richest in seeds/fruits is represented by the flling of vase 1 in Tomb V. Here, numerous fndings of edible species were recovered. These are represented by fve caryopses of naked wheats (Triticum aestivum/durum), 16 caryopsis
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2023 ● XIV/1 ● 63–70Claudia Moricca, Alessio De Cristofaro, Laura Ambrosini: Archaeobotanical Evidence of Funerary Plant Oferings at the Southern Etrurian Necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano” (Rome, Italy)68fragments of cereals (that could not be better identifed due to the poor state of preservation), a cotyledon of a legume and a fg achene. Twenty-fve burnt cereal caryopsis fragments were also recovered in the flling of Tomb VI d (SU 45). Finally, a Rubus sp. endocarp was found in the flling of Tomb XX. Considering the concentration of these fndings in small volumes of sediment, the remains of cereals, pulses, and edible fruits could be associated with food oferings. While only cereals can be interpreted as voluntary food oferings, the other records could have accidentally fallen into the containers. Nonetheless, palynological and anthracological evidence seems to suggest a similar funerary ritual at the necropolis of Vulci, where funerary oferings appear to be comprised of cereals, fava beans and grapevine (Marchesini et al., 2014). An even richer assemblage was recorded in tomb 12/2005 at Verucchio, where a wider set of cereals, pulses and fruits was found (Sala and Rottoli, 2018). The deposition of food plants is also attested at Tarquinia in the sacred “Area Alpha”, where the retrieval of cereals, legumes, and fruits, along with animal bones in two pots, seems to be related to the monumental nature of the area (Rottoli, 2005).The retrieval of a common purslane seed (Portulaca oleracea L.; Figure 2) from a soil sample from Tomb V is more problematic. Although it represents an edible species consumed in diferent parts of the world (Danin et al., 2013), common purslane is also known as a synanthropic species, growing on rich and fertilised soils (Nakhutsrishvili, 2012). In this case, more than a single seed is needed to interpret it as a food ofering.Pictorial evidence from Etruscan tombs can help to interpret archaeobotanical data in terms of plant availability and funerary rituals. For example, on the right wall of the Tomb of the Triclinium (470 BC) in the Monterozzi necropolis, it is possible to admire the depiction of a fg tree (Colletti, 2016). This allows one to hypothesise that this plant had a ritual meaning. Mural paintings, such as those of Golini Tomb I near Orvieto (ca. 350 BC), can also help to obtain information concerning banquets; in this case, it is possible to recognise fat breads, pomegranates, and grapes (Cocomazzi, 2008; Della Fina, 2019). A depiction of bread is also present on the Belly Amphora by the Andokides Painter (520–510 BC), discovered at Vulci and stored in the Staatliche Antikensammlungen in Munich (inventory number 2301). The hypothesis can be advanced that cereals were donated as a primary product to produce bread. Other plants often depicted in Etruscan funerary contexts are olive trees, myrtle, laurel, and ivy (Cerchiai, 1995; Colletti, 2016).Some fnal considerations can be made based on the ceramic assemblage that accompanied the plant remains in the necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano”. Here, one or more ceramic containers were retrieved in each tomb, such as a bucchero chalice (tomb VI a), a miniature bucchero chalice and a brown clay plate (tomb VI c), a fragmentary plate (tomb VI d), and a clay plate (tomb XIX b). These could be related to the practice of food ofering.Other observations related to rituals concern the choice of timber for the funeral pyres, represented mostly by deciduous and semi-deciduous oaks. This contrasts with the data from the tombs in Vulci (Marchesini et al., 2014), where evergreen oaks prevail.4.2 Past environmentAnthracological remains are useful for obtaining information about the procurement of raw materials and past vegetation. Currently, the fora of Northern Latium is characterised by the presence of Quercus cerris L. and Quercus frainetto Ten. Forests on sandy substrates, related to the signifcant water availability in these soils. In the areas where the substrate is clayey, other types of deciduous oaks are also present, such as Q. virgiliana Mill. And, locally, Q. robur L. (Blasi and Biondi, 2017). In terms of wood anatomy, Q. frainetto, Q. virgiliana and Q. robur can be grouped as Quercus section robur(deciduous oaks), while Quercus cerrisbelongs to Quercus section cerris (semi-deciduous oaks; Cambini, 1967). Considering the frequency of deciduous and semi-deciduous oak charcoal fragments in the analysed samples, it is possible to hypothesise that the environment surrounding the archaeological site was similar to the present-day one, and that the timber was of local provenance. An abundance of deciduous oaks has also been documented in other Etruscan sites, such as Cetamura del Chianti (Mariotti Lippi et al., 2020), Chiusi (Costantini et al., 2009), Pian D’Alma (Mariotti Lippi et al., 2002) and Vetulonia (Coradeschi et al., 2021), supporting the hypothesis that, in the frst millennium BC, the woody fora composition was similar to the modern one in Etruria.Past and present environments can also be compared by looking at other arboreal taxa. These include evergreen oaks (Quercus sect. suber), such as Quercus ilex L. (holm oak), currently present near the coastal strip of Upper Latium and Southern Tuscany (Blasi and Biondi, 2017). Similar consideration can be made for the charcoal fragments of Fraxinus sp. (ash tree), Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. (European hop-hornbeam), Ostrya/Carpinus(hornbeam) and Rosaceae Prunoideae, which nowadays form part of the fora of Upper Latium, particularly in level and semi-level areas, where they are conditioned by the dynamics of the agricultural system (Blasi and Biondi, 2017). Finally, it is possible to distinguish an herbaceous component (Monocotyledons), reduced to a few species, that are difcult to distinguish based only on the anatomy of the stem. A similar anthracological assemblage was identifed in two wells near Temple A at the nearby site of Pyrgi, where numerous fragments of deciduous and evergreen oaks are accompanied by riparian taxa such as Fraxinus cf.ornus,Salix sp. and Ulmus sp. (Coccolini and Follieri, 1980).Further information regarding the environment of the past can be provided by the presence of wild plants. Among these we fnd oats (Avenasp.; Figure 2), whose wild or cultivated state is difcult to determine with certainty on solely archaeobotanical remains. Some species of the genus Avenaare typically interpreted as weeds of cultivated felds (Fuller and Stevens, 2019).Synanthropic taxa also include Anthemis sp. (Figure 2) and several species of the Asteraceae, Brassicaceae
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2023 ● XIV/1 ● 63–70Claudia Moricca, Alessio De Cristofaro, Laura Ambrosini: Archaeobotanical Evidence of Funerary Plant Oferings at the Southern Etrurian Necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano” (Rome, Italy)69(Figure 2), Caryophyllaceae (Figure 2), Fabaceae, Poaceae and Polygonaceae (Figure 2) families (Drozdova et al., 2019; Piqué et al., 2021; Sadori et al., 2010) identifed in the studied contexts. These suggest a heavily anthropized environment. Unfortunately, the amount of information that can be obtained from these taxa is limited, as a more precise identifcation of the remains was not possible. Nonetheless, human presence and exploitation of the environment at “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano” is also attested by traces of viticultural cultivation detected during the archaeological excavations of the site (De Cristofaro et al., 2015).5. ConclusionsThe present study represents the frst attempt at reconstructing human-plant relations at the necropolis of “Valle Santa nell’Agro Veientano”. Here, archaeobotanical data provide insights into the human-plant relations of the Etruscans, including aspects related to funerary rituals. These appear to have included oferings of naked wheats and other cereals, pulses, and fruits. A preference for deciduous and semi-deciduous oaks in their funeral pyres suggests the use of local timber.Important information can be gathered concerning the past vegetation surrounding the studied site. The anthracological data allow a description of an environment surrounding the archaeological site that is similar to the modern one, dominated by semi-deciduous and deciduous oaks. Other taxa include evergreen oaks (presumably Q. ilex), ash trees, hornbeams and Rosaceae Prunoideae. This is also consistent with other archaeobotanical data available in the area in the same timeframe. The environmental image of the 6th–4thcentury BC Valle Santa is completed by the retrieval of spontaneous plants attributable to synanthropic taxa, whose presence provides records of anthropic activity.Overall, the present study provides new information regarding the Etruscans and their plants, enriching our knowledge of their ritual sphere and past environment.AcknowledgementsThe authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers, whose constructive comments were crucial for improving the form and content of the manuscript. We would also like to acknowledge the Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Romafor allowing us to study the materials and publish our results.ReferencesACCORSI, C.A., BANDINI MAZZANTI, M., FORLANI, L., and MARCHESINI, M., 1992. Il paesaggio vegetazionale dell’insediamento etrusco (fne VII – V sec. a.C.) di Arginone, Mirandola, 9–10 m s.l.m. (Modena, Nord Italia). In: M. Calzolari, and L. Malnati, eds. Gli Etruschi nella Bassa Modenese. 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