image/svg+xml99XIII/2/2022INTERDISCIPLINARIA ARCHAEOLOGICANATURAL SCIENCES IN ARCHAEOLOGYhomepage: http://www.iansa.euGeochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (NE Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human OccupationsMarta Sánchez de la Torre1*, Cynthia Belén González Olivares1, Bernard Gratuze2, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec3, Xavier Mangado11SERP-IAUB. Universitat de Barcelona. 6–8 Montalegre St, 08001 Barcelona, Spain2IRAMAT-CEB (UMR 5060). CNRS – Université d’Orléans. 3D Ferrollerie St, 45071 Orléans, France3Archéosciences Bordeaux (UMR 6034). CNRS – Université Bordeaux Montaigne – Université de Bordeaux. Esplanade des Antilles, F-33607 Pessac Cedex, France1. IntroductionThe analysis of lithic raw materials provides essential information not only about the strategies involved in the procurement of the rocks used for the production of lithic assemblages of past human groups, but also on the territorial use of past communities. Studies of lithic raw materials were incorporated into archaeological research some decades ago as means of better understanding the behaviour of past human populations. In NE Iberia, such studies started during the 1990s and have increased in the frst years of the 21stcentury. The classic approach to analyse lithic raw materials involved macroscopic characterisations to determine the textural and micropalaeontological content, as well as the use of petrographic analyses to determine mineralogical features (Mangado, 2005; Ortega, 2002; Terradas, 2001). However, the classic approach was limited in the case of sedimentary convergence facies, i.e.where two or more diferent geological formations possess similar characteristics and diferences cannot be established (Aubry, 1990). In addition, the petrographic characterisation was a destructive tool, as a thin section was needed to perform the mineralogical description of the rock. With the aim of resolving these limitations and avoiding the use of destructive techniques, other methodological approaches have been tested in recent years (Roy-Sunyer et al., 2013; Soto, 2015; Sánchez de la Torre, 2015). Following this trend, the use of geochemical tools to determine the origin of the archaeological chert Volume XIII ● Issue 2/2022 ● Pages 99–115*Corresponding author. E-mail: martasanchezdelatorre@ub.eduARTICLE INFOArticle history:Received: 19thJanuary 2022Accepted: 4thAugust 2022DOI: words:lithic sourcinghuman mobilitygeochemistrychertMesolithicNeolithicNE IberiaPre-PyreneesABSTRACTXicotó Rockshelter (Alòs de Balaguer, Lleida, Spain) is located in the eastern Pre-Pyrenean range in north-east Iberia, in the middle Segre River Basin. Since 2013, archaeological works have been developed by a team from the Prehistoric Studies and Research Seminar (SERP) at the University of Barcelona and up to three sedimentary levels have been identifed. The preserved archaeological remains have allowed determining that the site was occupied during at least two diferent periods: the Ancient Neolithic and the Middle Mesolithic. The relative chronology given by the archaeological assemblage has been confrmed by several radiocarbon dates that place the occupations of the site to be during the VI and VII millennia cal BC. This paper presents the results obtained after the analysis of lithic raw materials from the entire lithic assemblage. The analysis was performed using the classic petroarchaeological approach, comprising textural and micropalaeontological descriptions, combined with the application of geochemical methods, using energy-dispersive X-ray fuorescence (ED-XRF) and laser-ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The results show that several rock types were selected for confectioning the lithic tools, among which chert was the preferred. Diferent types and origins have been identifed, with similar sourcing strategies that involved local and regional procurement.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations100artefacts was incorporated a few years ago in NE Iberia with satisfactory results (Sánchez de la Torre et al., 2017a; Sánchez de la Torre et al., 2017c; Sánchez de la Torre et al., 2019a).This paper aims to present the archaeological site of Xicotó Rockshelter and its history of human occupation; the characterisation of the recovered lithic raw materials is used as means of tracing the mobility patterns and the territoriality of prehistoric people that occupied the site during the Ancient Neolithic and the Middle Mesolithic periods.2. Materials and Methods2.1 Xicotó Rockshelter: the site and the archaeological levelsThe archaeological site of Xicotó Rockshelter (Alòs de Balaguer, Lleida, Spain) is located in the contact area between the Catalan Central Depression and the frst Pre-Pyrenean Mountain Ranges. The site lies at 368 m asl and up to 100 m above the current Segre riverbed. The rock shelter possesses a maximum length of 18 m in its E-W axis and 8 m in the N-S axis. It was discovered in 1996 during a geoarchaeological survey in the Segre river basin (Bergadàet al., 2007) and it is located 400 m to the east of the prehistoric site of Parco Cave (Mangado et al., 2014). A survey to determine the archaeological potential of the site was undertaken in 1999. During these frst investigations, 4 m2were excavated and resulted in several sedimentary levels possessing archaeological remains being identifed. Within the archaeological evidence recovered, there were some faunal remains, pottery and lithic artefacts. In 2013, the archaeological work was restarted under the direction of two of us (Xavier Mangado and Marta Sánchez de la Torre) and still continues today.As a frst step, further 16 m2were opened, increasing the surface excavation to 24 m2in the following years (Figure 1).Below a mixed level with evidence of human occupation during the Bronze Age, frst sedimentary package of 40 cm was identifed, with several hearths and pits. Recovered archaeological assemblage suggested relative chronology from the Ancient Neolithic (e.g.presence of impressed pottery and some double bevel geometric lithic tools) (Oms et al., 2019), that was confrmed by a radiocarbon date from pit 1 (5300–5040 cal BC) (Figure 2). The second level was recognised below this frst one, possessing mixed archaeological assemblage about 20 cm in width with a mixed set of materials moved from levels I and III. The sedimentary level III, which is still under excavation, possesses archaeological remains that can be exclusively related with a human occupation of the site during the Middle Mesolithic period (Figure 3). The large amount Figure 1.Xicotó Rockshelter location (top), archaeological grid (bottom left) and site detail area (bottom right).
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations101of notched and denticulated chert artefacts, as well as two radiocarbon dates from charcoals recovered at pit 12 (7050–6700 cal BP) (see Figure 2), allow us to set that the site was frequented during the Mesolithic facies known as Notch and Denticulates. This facies has been defned in the southern slopes of the Pyrenees by the dominance in the lithic industry of notched and denticulated tools (Alday, 2006).2.2 Macroscopic and geochemical approachesFirstly, a visual and micropalaeontological description of the entire lithic assemblage was undertaken (2383 samples). This macroscopic characterisation was carried out using a binocular microscope Olympus SZ61 (from 6.7 to 45 × magnifcation). Images were taken using a coupled Olympus SC30 camera. As the aim of the study was to analyse both Figure 2.Representative lithic industry from levels I (top right) and III (top left) and radiocarbon dates and calibration after OxCal v.4.3.2 (Ramsey, 2017) with IntCal13 atmospheric curve (Reimer et al., 2013) (bottom).
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations102geological and archaeological samples, non-destructive techniques were prioritised.The second stage of this analytical approach involved geochemical analyses to quantify major, minor and trace components so as to be able to compare the raw materials of the chert artefacts with those from known geological outcrops. For this part of the study, 13 chert artefacts from level III of Xicotó Rockshelter were analysed by energy-dispersive X-ray fuorescence (ED-XRF) and 36 artefacts (also from the same level) were studied with laser-ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Archaeological tools without cortex and surface alterations were preferred.With the aim of comparing results obtained after the analysis of archaeological samples, geological formations with cherts having similar characteristics to those of the Figure 3.Materials dispersion with the three archaeological levels (A), the main types of rocks (B) and some representative archaeological remains (C).
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations103artefacts from Xicotó were surveyed and sampled. It involved up to 13 outcrops from 9 geological formations, with more than 160 samples being selected for geochemical analyses (Table 1). Only primary outcrops were considered for this study. To improve analysis time and to avoid surface alterations, geological samples were prepared in squares of 5 × 5 mm, removing cortex surfaces.To analyse major and minor elements, energy-dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) was employed. Analyses were done at the Archéosciences-Bordeaux Laboratory, Pessac, France. Nine element concentrations were quantifed (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Ti, Fe) using an X-ray fuorescence spectrometer SEIKO SEA 6000 VX (Orange et al., 2017), using fundamental parameters corrected by the granodiorite GSP2 from the US Geological Survey (USGS) international standard (Wilson, 1998). A 3×3 mm collimator was prioritised, and analysis time was set to 400 s for each measurement condition (3 conditions with air or He environment and Cr or Pb flter were established). To check instrument calibration and accuracy, the JCh-1 chert standard from the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) was employed (Imai et al., 1996). To prove and validate the formula which was used and to check instrument accuracy, a measurement with the JCh-1 chert standard was established, with the standard deviation obtained always being lower than 0.08 w%, validating the accuracy of the formula used (Sánchez de la Torre et al., 2017b).To analyse trace elements, we used laser-ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) at the Ernest Babelon Laboratory, IRAMAT, Orleans, France. Elements were quantifed using a Thermo Fisher Scientifc Element XR mass spectrometer associated with a Resonetics RESOlution M50e ablation device. This spectrometer has the advantage of being equipped with a dual mode (counting and analogue modes) secondary electron multiplier (SEM) with a linear dynamic range of over nine orders of magnitude, associated with a single Faraday collector which allows an increase in the linear dynamic range by additional three orders of magnitude. This feature is particularly important for laser-ablation analysis of lithic samples, as it is possible to analyse major, minor and trace elements in a single run regardless of their concentrations and their isotopic abundance. The ablation device is an excimer laser (ArF, 193 nm), which was operated at 7–8 mJ and 20 Hz and only if saturation was observed were conditions reduced to 10 Hz. A dual gas system with helium (0.65 l/min) released at the base of the chamber, and argon at the head of the chamber (1.1 l/min) carried the ablated material to the plasma torch. Ablation time was set to 40 s: 10 s pre-ablation to let the ablated material reach the μμspectrometer and 30 s collection time. Laser spot size was set to 100 μm, and only reduced to 80 or 50 μm if saturation was detected, and line mode acquisition was chosen to enhance sensitivity. Background measurements were run every 10–20 samples. Fresh fractures were analysed on geological samples to reduce potential contamination. Priority was given to characterising large samples; thus, only one ablation line was carried out per specimen. However, if element spikes due to the presence of inclusions or heterogeneities were observed during analysis, results were discarded and a new ablation location was selected.Calibration was performed using a standard reference glass NIST610 which was run periodically (every 10–20 samples) to correct for drift. NIST610 was used to calculate the response coefcient (k) of each element (Gratuze, 1999; Gratuze, 2014), and the measured values of each element Table 1.Outcrops and archaeological samples selected for study with the number of samples analysed by each geochemical method.ACRONYMOUTCROP / SITEFORMATIONAGETYPEED-XRFLA-ICP-MSALB1Alberola 1Tartareu-AlberolaOligoceneLacustrine2020ALB2Alberola 2Tartareu-AlberolaOligoceneLacustrine1617CDFCastelló de FarfanyaCastelltallat FmOligoceneLacustrine5149PCPuente CandasnosAragonian limestonesMioceneLacustrine2320PERALPeraltillaCastelltallat FmOligoceneLacustrine2320ZURIZuritaTremp Fm (2)MaastrichtianLacustrine1813FONTFontllongaTremp Fm (1)MaastrichtianEvaporitic19ALIAlins del MonteTremp Fm (1)MaastrichtianEvaporitic30CERCérizolsBleu tertiaryDanianEvaporitic17VSSMVessant Sud Sant MametTremp Fm (1)MaastrichtianEvaporitic21MONTGMontgaillardFlysch limestonesTuronian-SantonianMarine20MONTSMontsaunèsNankin FmMaastrichtianMarine20BUALABualaMarly fyschCampanian-MaastrichtianMarine20XICOTÓXicotó Rockshelter––Lacustrine1317XICOTÓXicotó Rockshelter––Evaporitic17XICOTÓXicotó Rockshelter––Marine2
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations104were normalised against 28Si, the internal standard, to produce a fnal percentage. Glass Standard NIST612 was analysed independently of calibration to provide comparative data. In all, 30 elements were quantifed (Li, Be, B, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Ga, Ge, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr Nd, Sm, W, Bi, Th and U).3. Results3.1 Macroscopic characterisations: chert types and related formationsFrom the 2383 lithic artefacts that were recovered from the three sedimentary levels from Xicotó, 1958 were made Figure 4.Main lithological groups from the lithic industry by levels (A), chert types by levels (B) and macroscopic views of the diferent groups (bottom).
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations105of chert (82%). Fine-grain metamorphic rocks defned as hornfelses made up 12% of the assemblage, the remaining being 6% other metamorphic and igneous rocks like quartzites and granites. In Level I, the Ancient Neolithic occupation, chert represented 58% of the set, the rest largely represented by hornfelses and other rocks (27% and 15%). However, in the Middle Mesolithic occupation from level III, the presence of chert increased up to 91%, the other rocks being anecdotic (quartzites 6% and other rocks 3%) (Figure 4 A). This signifcant diference between levels with regard to the lithology is probably related to changes in the typology of the retouched lithic assemblage. Thus, hornfelses and other metamorphic and igneous rocks are mostly related with the manufacture of macrotools, whereas chert is mostly used for confectioning carving artefacts obtained from fakes by direct percussion. Accordingly, during the Ancient Neolithic, the production of macrotools is predominant in the archaeological set (39% of the fnished tools). By contrast, in the Middle Mesolithic, the macrotools were reduced to 10%, whereas other typological tools like notches and denticulates increased (42% of the fnished tools). These tools possess extensive discontinued deep retouches frequently inverse or alternate with generally a signifcant presence of cortical surfaces. The macroscopic observation of the archaeological cherts has allowed us to determine two main types (1 and 2) and some evidence of other types (A and B), the latter only being represented by some scarce elements (2 pieces from type A and 1 from type B), suggesting that these raw materials were only occasionally procured. The presence of each chert type by levels is quite homogeneous, type 2 being the most represented in the three sedimentary levels (Figure 4 B).Type 1is represented by 253 artefacts, which means 13% of the set. The distribution of this chert type by levels is quite homogeneous, representing 14% in level I and 11% in level III. Macroscopically this chert has a heterogeneous texture with metal oxides, micritic residues, grains of detrital quartz and probably organic matter inclusions. The main micropalaeontological content consists of sections of Charophyte algaeand some gastropods. These cherts originated in a lacustrine sedimentary environment, with parallels in four diferent geological formations. A description of the main features of each formation, follows. More detailed descriptions can be found in Sánchez de la Torre et al.(2017c). The Tremp formation(2) (Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous) possesses a level of laminated micritic limestones with Charophyte algae and gastropod moulds flled with sparite (IGME, e.p.). This formation contains nodular cherts and outcrops in the Carrodilla Mountain Range, a Pre-Pyrenean foothill located between the Cinca River Basin to the west and the Noguera Ribagorzana River to the east (Zurita outcrop, ZURI). Cherts have a texture with impurities of mineral oxides, carbonate residues and probably organic matter. The main micropalaeontological content is composed of Charophyte algae and gastropods. The Castelltallat formation(Rupelian, Oligocene) largely outcrops in Serra Llarga (IGME, 1998), a mountain range located in the province of Lleida, in the contact area between the Pre-Pyrenees and the Central Depression. Nodular cherts appear within the stratifed limestone, more than 40 primary outcrops having been identifed along the Serra Llarga some years ago (Castelló de Farfanya outcrops, CDF) (Mangado, 2005). The presence of chert nodules from this formation has also been noticed several kilometres to the west of Serra Llarga and close to the Cinca River (Peraltilla outcrop, PERAL) (Sáez, 1987). Cherts from this formation have a macroscopic texture with metal oxides, carbonate remains, detrital quartz and probable organic matter. Charophyte algaeand lacustrine gastropods constitute the main micropalaeontological content. The Tartareu-Alberolacherts (Rupelian, Oligocene) appear within the lacustrine stratifed limestones outcropping in the Sant Miquel Mountain Range, a Pre-Pyrenean Mountain Chain located to the north of Serra Llarga and limited by the Noguera Ribagorzana River to the west and the Farfanya River to the east. Two primary outcrops were identifed during the surveys (Alberola 1outcrop, ALB1 and Alberola 2 outcrop, ALB2). This chert type has macroscopic heterogeneous textures with metal oxides and abundant micritic remains. The micropalaeontological content is formed of Charophyte algae and gastropod sections. The Aragonian limestone formationscontaining chert nodules (Aquitanian-Vindobondian, Miocene) outcrops in the Central Depression of the Middle Ebro Basin (Puente Candasnos outcrop, PC) (IGME, e.p.). This chert has homogeneous textures with metal oxides, carbonate remains, probable organic matter and some detrital quartz crystals. Charophyte algaeand gastropod sections make up the micropalaeontological content.Type 2is formed by 1550 elements, being the most represented chert type (79% of the set), being similar the distribution by levels (79% in the Ancient Neolithic and 81% in the Middle Mesolithic). This raw material is characterised by the absence of bioclastic content, as it originated in a hypersaline sedimentary environment. The textures are quite smooth, with only a few inclusions of metal oxides and lenticular gypsum pseudomorphs. Parallels can be macroscopically drawn with cherts from the Tremp formation, outcropping largely in the central and eastern southern Pyrenees and the blue cherts from the Danian outcropping in the northern slopes of the Pyrenees.The Tremp formation(1) largely outcrops in the southern slopes of the central and eastern Pre-Pyrenees. Cherts are embedded within the lacustrine limestones from the Garumnian facies of this formation (IGME, 2006). Chert outcrops have been located in the Carrodilla Mountain Range (Alins del Monte outcrop, ALI) and the Montsec
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations106Mountain Range, with several outcrops being defned, from which two have been selected for this study (Fontllonga outcrop, FONT and Vessant Sud de Sant Mamet outcrop, VSSM). Cherts possess a homogeneous texture with some metal inclusions, the main feature of this chert type being the absence of micropalaeontological content. In some cases, lenticular gypsum crystals are identifed.The Tertiary bleucherts (Danian, Paleocene) are recognised within the limestone formations from the Danian outcropping in the Petites-Pyrénéesand the Plantaurel regions, as well as in the Aurignac massif, in the northern slopes of the Pyrenean Mountain Chain (Simonnet, 1999) (outcrop selected for analysis: Cérizols, CER). These cherts have homogeneous textures without bioclastic content, the sole inclusion being some metal oxides.Besides the two main types, other textures were identifed. The frst one (type A) is only represented by two specimens, both found in the Middle Mesolithic level. Macroscopically, both samples are characterised by a heterogeneous texture composed of abundant metal oxides and detrital quartz crystals, the main micropalaeontological content being composed of sponge spicules. This chert type is macroscopically similar with the two chert sources outcropping in the northern slopes of the Central Pyrenees: The Montgaillard fysch cherts from the Turonian-Santonian and the Montsaunès-Buala cherts from the Nankin formation (Maastrichtian). A summary with the main features of each formation follows. More detailed descriptions can be found in Sánchez de la Torre et al.(2019b).The Turonian-Santonian cherts from the Montgaillardoutcrop (MONTG) originate in the fysch limestones outcropping primarily in the Dussert quarry, near Montgaillard town, in the northern central Pyrenees (Barragué et al., 2001). These cherts are macroscopically composed of a heterogeneous texture with metal oxides and detrital quartz crystals. The micropalaeontological content is formed of sponge spicules and some small benthic foraminifera.The Campanian-Maastrichtian fysch cherts come from the Buala outcrop (BUALA) outcrop in the old Buala quarry, near Montgaillard town, in the northern central Pyrenees. These cherts present a heterogeneous texture with metal oxides, detrital quartz cristals, sponge spicules, some small pelagic foraminifera and, in some cases, probable siderolites.The Maastrichtian cherts from the Nankin Formation (Montsaunès outcrop) (MONTS) are inserted in the Nankin formation limestones, outcropping in the northern slope of the central Pyrenees, near the ancient quarry of Montsaunès (Montsaunès outcrop, MONTS). These cherts possess a heterogeneous texture with carbonate relicts, detrital quartz and metal oxides. The micropalaeontological content is composed of sponge spicules and some small foraminifera.The second texture was defned as type B and represented by only a single specimen, found in the transitional level (level II). Macroscopically it consists of inclusions of abundant quartz crystals and calcite or dolomite rhombohedral crystals, and sponge spicules and small foraminifera as the main micropalaeontological content. This specimen can directly be related to cherts from the Agua-Salenz formation (Conacian), outcropping in the southern slopes of the Central Pyrenees, near the Turbón Massif. However, considering that this artefact is attributed to the transitional level, we will not particularly take it into account during the later discussion.3.2 Geochemical characterisations: connecting archaeological cherts with specifc outcropsTo try to establish a connection between the diferent chert types identifed in the archaeological record and specifc chert outcrops, geochemical methods were employed. The 13 lacustrine chert artefacts from level III were analysed by ED-XRF to determine major and minor components and were compared with 151 samples from six chert outcrops from four geological formations. Only lacustrine samples were studied using this geochemical approach, as previous studies revealed that this technique was not discriminant when analysing other types of chert (Sánchez de la Torre et al., 2017b). While nine oxides were measured within ED-XRF (Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, P2O5, K2O, CaO, TiO2and Fe2O3), data relating to Na2O and P2O5was limited as their values were frequently below the equipment’s detection limits. Median values and the standard deviation for each geological outcrop and the values for all the archaeological samples in w% are presented in Table 2.The lacustrine cherts recovered at Xicotó possess similar macroscopic features to the cherts outcropping in the Tartareu-Alberola unit, the Castelltallat formation, the Tremp formation (2) and the Aragonian limestones, and with outcrops from 25 to 100 km from the site. The scatterplot concerning three of the main components (Fe2O3, Al2O3and SiO2) (Figure 5, top) shows that some diferences can be observed between the diferent geological sources. However, there is an overlapping area, so results cannot be taken to be conclusive. Nevertheless, several formations could be already discarded: the Tartareu-Alberola cherts (Alberola 1 and Alberola 2) as well as the Aragonian cherts (Puente Candasnos) seem to be far from the main dispersion of the archaeological samples. In a similar way, the main groups from the Maastrichtian cherts (Zurita outcrop) and the Peraltilla outcrop from the Castelltallat formation do not ft with the samples from Xicotó. Thus, the lacustrine cherts from Xicotó seem to better ft with cherts from the Castelló de Farfanya outcrop (Castelltallat formation).As the ED-XRF results were not conclusive for the lacustrine cherts and the other chert types had not yet been studied, we also developed LA-ICP-MS analyses to quantify the trace elements. Thus 17 lacustrine chert artefacts, 17 evaporitic chert tools and the two recognised marine cherts from level III were analysed by LA-ICP-MS to specifcally determine trace elements and were compared with up to 286 samples from 13 chert outcrops from nine geological formations. Up to 30 elements were quantifed using this method (Li, Be, B, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Ga, Ge, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, W, Bi, Th and U). Median values and the standard deviation for each geological outcrop and the values for all the
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations107Figure 5.Scatterplot for Ln As/W vs Ln W/U representing all the lacustrine geological outcrops (circles) and the lacustrine archaeological samples of Xicotó (triangle).
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations108archaeological samples in ppm% are presented in Table 3. According to the LA-ICP-MS results, some trace elements could be relevant for distinguishing between sources. Regarding the lacustrine cherts, the values for As, W and U clearly separate the diferent geological sources, being in this case the archaeological samples from Xicotó directly related to cherts from the Castelló de Farfanya outcrop (Figure 5, bottom).The evaporitic chert artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter were macroscopically similar to the southern Pre-Pyrenean cherts from the Garumnian facies of the Tremp Formation (Alins del Monte, Fontllonga and Vessant Sud de Sant Mamet outcrops) and the northern Pre-Pyrenean bleucherts from the Danian (Cérizols outcrop). A discriminant analysis (DA) was run using XLSTAT software (Addinsoft, 2020) to see if quantifed distinctions were visible at the minor elemental levels. The DA of the four geological outcrops and the archaeological samples of Xicotó concerning three specifc trace elements (Be, B and U values) showed that some diferences can indeed be immediately observed between formations. Of the 98.36% of the total variance F1 (77.69%) and F2 (20.67%) is represented. Both in the presentation of all the samples (Figure 6, top) and only the centroids (Figure 6, bottom) it can be highlighted that cherts outcropping in the northern Pyrenees (Cérizols outcrop) do not ft with the main dispersion (cluster) of the archaeological samples. The large number of samples from Xicotó can mostly be related to cherts from Vessant Sud de Sant Mamet outcrop, according to the geochemical analysis of specifc trace elements.Finally, the two chert artefacts found in level III with macroscopic textures associated to marine cherts were studied by LA-ICP-MS and compared with geological samples from the fysch cherts from Montgaillard and cherts from the Nankin formation (Buala and Montsaunès outcrops), all of them outcropping in the northern Pyrenees. The scatterplot concerning specifc trace elements (Ti, Sr and Th) (Figure 7) clearly separates the three outcrops, the archaeological samples being placed in the dispersion area of the Montgaillard group.4. DiscussionThe macroscopic analysis of the lithological assemblage recovered at the Xicotó Rockshelter site has revealed that the nature of the rocks was adapted to the functionality of the artefacts. Thus, during the Ancient Neolithic period, metamorphic and igneous rocks such as hornfelses and granites were largely exploited for manufacturing macrotools, for example, hand mills, mortars and grinding stones. However, during the Middle Mesolithic period, the presence of these rocks signifcantly decreased. Unfortunately, the origin of the hornfelses and other metamorphic and igneous rocks has not yet been established. However, near to the site in the Segre riverbed these rocks are nowadays abundant.Regarding the origin of chert artefacts, type 2, which is the most abundant chert type found in the two human occupations, seems to be directly related to cherts from the Table 2.Median values and standard deviations (in brackets) for each geological outcrop and values for each archaeological sample with the nine elements quantifed by ED-XRF in w%.VariableAl2O3CaOFe2O3K2OMgONa2OP2O5SiO2TiO2ALB11.02 (1.22)3.02 (2.92)0.27 (0.37)0.16 (0.24)0.31 (0.21)<LOD<LOD95.44 (3.22)0.04 (0.06)ALB20.75 (0.56)2.88 (2.27)0.21 (0.15)0.12 (0.08)0.44 (0.24)<LOD<LOD95.92 (2.47)0.03 (0.03)CDF0.61 (0.55)2.17 (10.62)0.10 (0.43)0.03 (0.02)0.31 (0.22)<LOD<LOD97.07 (11.24)0.02 (0.04)PERAL0.42 (0.13)2.75 (1.58)0.09 (0.05)0.05 (0.02)<LOD<LOD<LOD96.68 (1.55)0.02 (0.01)PC0.41 (0.09)0.28 (0.38)0.02 (0.01)0.02 (0.01)0.08 (0.01)<LOD<LOD99.30 (0.36)0.01 (0.00)ZURI0.43 (0.10)0.28 (0.81)0.02 (0.01)0.02 (0.01)<LOD<LOD<LOD99.25 (0.79)<LODXicotó-050.640.580.030.170.66<LOD0.1397.790.01Xicotó-070.710.<LOD0.0498.440.01Xicotó-080.722.320.050.090.32<LOD0.1396.350.01Xicotó-090.730.370.030.160.45<LOD0.3797.89<LODXicotó-101.520.330.080.250.6<LOD0.2196.980.02Xicotó-110.651.980.080.090.38<LOD0.1696.640.02Xicotó-140.682.930.060.030.28<LOD0.0895.940.02Xicotó-181.080.390.10.140.58<LOD0.0997.61<LODXicotó-190.691.<LOD0.1197.510.01Xicotó-220.490.460.020.060.28<LOD0.1298.56<LODXicotó-230.910.750.040.140.49<LOD0.1297.550.01Xicotó-240.580.710.020.070.03<LOD0.0398.56<LODXicotó-262.110.760.080.260.77<LOD<LOD95.990.03
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations109Table 3.Median values and standard deviations (in brackets) for each geological outcrop with the nine elements quantifed by LA-ICP-MS in ppm. Data from archaeological samples can be found in the Supplementary Raw Data fle.VariableLiBeBMgAlSiCaTiVCrFeGaGeAsALB120.67(9.82)0.51(0.29)41.97(26.14)2570.92(1205.97)9712.97(8937.50)406164.10(46288.87)71674.31(74266.16)519.14(423.77)19.39(16.60)13.44(8.63)4522.34(3901.88)28.72(39.21)0.49(0.12)11.22(13.03)ALB218.76(8.90)0.40(0.2)39.49(12.37)2819.19(1157.20)7721.62(4609.65)417378.93(26698.20)58012.88(44655.41)504.68(348.99)14.39(8.38)11.42(5.56)3500.53(1826.71)24.59(16.99)0.52(0.14)4.01(3.29)ALI0.88(1.24)0.33(0.13)25.82(9.96)84.39(184.46)269.44(761.81)465558.38(1807.01)1831.27(1038.42)51.90(40.30)4.26(13.67)2.35(1.60)335.67(602.47)22.29(102.09)<LOD2.38(2.63)BUALA18.31(6.17)0.13(0.09)110.23(8.86)72.54(49.32)1071.67(874.76)460541.83(4220.74)1970.71(681.84)125.31(110.66)7.05(5.43)22.75(12.41)6379.06(5526.08)7.36(8.64)0.60(0.22)8.91(8.32)CDF13.27(7.31)0.17(0.10)56.50(12.09)540.92(549.82)2193.91(2251.09)450758.81(23874.27)20067.27(36294.54)169.79(316.46)4.67(5.06)4.69(3.06)1275.34(1612.18)12.97(9.40)0.48(0.14)8.26(5.31)CER4.61(4.50)0.10(0.05)51.82(35.29)36.75(17.33)86.57(57.56)465523.30(812.80)2224.10(1088.48)48.64(20.76)1.47(0.86)2.63(1.06)423.16(357.49)2.09(2.98)<LOD1.77(1.42)FONT0.51(0.50)0.12(0.07)15.23(15.26)53.27(85.14)150.58(378.11)464611.60(4537.01)3874.76(6705.12)34.79(35.11)0.39(0.63)2.05(1.45)92.28(164.39)1.18(1.16)<LOD1.30(0.95)MONTG12.11(7.13)0.06(0.05)64.20(19.49)170.75(201.75)2265.64(3007.38)463293.49(3830.70)4537.03(5195.78)165.10(91.51)6.21(8.41)13.32(10.56)3549.10(5357.62)5.58(2.69)0.66(0.19)5.15(7.82)MONTS9.90(4.15)0.14(0.05)111.15(22.63)93.73(47.67)1355.81(698.73)464669.27(1681.56)2623.20(991.31)222.65(145.78)9.99(6.99)15.95(9.55)2348.13(2110.58)3.44(1.21)0.24(0.06)7.79(6.76)PERAL15.46(5.67)0.16(0.07)62.91(9.51)1346.62(899.27)3299.64(1920.55)421340.51(34133.46)61376.29(51978.68)246.92(170.46)8.45(9.76)7.49(3.46)2008.55(891.10)32.84(19.50)0.50(0.36)12.50(9.48)PC7.13(4.97)0.23(0.06)43.78(6.91)173.01(110.29)964.58(617.38)461255.85(5484.60)7145.75(7511.34)153.24(114.02)2.33(1.43)4.65(3.46)371.80(186.27)2.75(2.71)0.36(0.05)2.10(0.66)VSSM4.98(6.67)0.23(0.20)13.45(12.67)53.75(91.50)107.10(143.79)463422.66(10089.95)5340.28(15386.86)44.34(32.81)3.24(10.65)2.56(1.11)480.36(772.90)1.98(1.20)0.61(0.14)2.15(2.57)ZURI2.53(1.90)0.10(0.09)37.62(32.48)254.65(253.93)483.61(598.21)457359.04(15665.83)13475.12(23505.41)96.67(56.46)3.24(3.98)4.19(2.05)708.36(875.59)3.59(1.86)<LOD4.48(4.41)
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations110Table 3.Median values and standard deviations (in brackets) for each geological outcrop with the nine elements quantifed by LA-ICP-MS in ppm. Data from archaeological samples can be found in the Supplementary Raw Data fle. (Continuation)VariableRbSrYZrNbCsBaLaCePrNdSmWBiThUALB116.61(14.54)293.41(337.69)1.32(1.00)10.62(15.76)1.58(1.281.04(0.97)138.56(224.35)3.82(5.27)7.66(10.59)0.78(0.97)2.92(3.45)0.50(0.43)0.40(0.26)0.14(0.12)1.42(1.39)11.14(9.07)ALB213.67(8.61)326.29(266.04)2.17(2.95)8.81(13.44)1.48(0.91)0.87(0.58)117.61(119.24)2.70(2.53)5.88(6.79)0.61(0.57)2.37(2.32)0.50(0.54)0.26(0.13)0.09(0.05)1.21(1.17)4.43(5.11)ALI0.66(1.53)7.82(21.17)0.07(0.14)0.34(0.66)0.19(0.36)0.07(0.13)100.54(473.07)0.12(0.28)0.74(2.34)0.06(0.12)0.12(0.24)0.04(0.06)4.45(6.79)0.24(0.19)0.05(0.11)58.20(22.56)BUALA1.30(0.97)13.51(8.12)0.77(0.60)4.19(1.62)0.41(0.22)0.09(0.09)30.06(43.72)0.74(0.49)1.65(1.07)0.23(0.15)0.85(0.58)0.22(0.15)3.58(8.55)0.16(0.07)1.30(0.58)0.67(0.17)CDF3.40(4.19)61.91(98.82)0.47(0.55)2.75(7.24)0.48(0.74)0.20(0.30)57.07(48.73)0.61(0.99)1.31(1.97)0.15(0.22)0.52(0.69)0.13(0.17)0.57(2.27)0.11(0.12)0.35(0.46)54.04(28.65)CER0.35(0.17)2.09(1.24)0.11(0.10)0.30(0.21)0.17(0.22)0.06(0.06)8.36(10.46)0.13(0.09)0.38(0.38)0.08(0.07)0.16(0.12)0.06(0.07)4.32(6.09)0.31(0.37)0.05(9.03)2.97(2.91)FONT0.31(0.56)3.66(8.24)0.06(0.07)0.15(0.18)0.07(0.10)0.07(0.08)3.61(3.83)0.05(0.08)0.12(0.21)0.03(0.03)0.04(0.05)0.03(0.03)3.31(7.91)0.90(2.31)0.04(0.04)2.69(2.73)MONTG3.65(5.01)34.91(61.98)1.51(2.26)2.29(1.69)0.43(0.32)0.25(0.37)51.20(66.92)1.26(1.46)2.54(3.70)0.30(0.34)1.26(1.53)0.30(0.37)1.04(1.41)0.26(0.32)0.46(0.38)0.25(0.06)MONTS3.10(1.92)7.74(9.12)0.97(1.51)4.10(9.13)0.62(0.53)0.25(0.16)15.70(8.75)2.19(3.81)2.31(2.12)0.51(0.76)1.86(2.80)0.34(0.50)1.13(0.62)0.21(0.16)0.74(0.36)1.02(0.43)PERAL6.00(5.83)399.93(339.97)0.58(0.32)2.87(2.66)0.62(0.38)0.83(2.61)158.78(98.87)1.20(1.36)2.43(2.77)0.25(0.30)1.07(1.35)0.20(0.21)2.20(5.70)0.20(0.24)0.51(0.36)4.54(2.44)PC1.99(1.24)16.26(14.33)0.15(0.10)0.84(0.66)0.39(0.47)0.10(0.07)8.09(5.74)0.27(0.24)0.57(0.42)0.06(0.04)0.22(0.16)0.04(0.03)2.53(6.64)0.11(0.08)0.13(0.07)113.84(32.64)VSSM0.33(0.13)3.86(9.65)0.03(0.05)0.22(0.16)0.08(0.04)0.04(0.036.98(4.82)0.05(0.06)0.11(0.13)0.03(0.03)0.06(0.06)0.03(0.02)3.11(5.73)0.31(0.37)0.03(0.02)11.44(11.34)ZURI1.20(1.32)24.20(28.59)0.12(0.10)1.06(0.83)0.30(0.19)0.03(0.14)15.72(8.79)0.19(0.17)0.41(0.05)0.10(0.09)0.15(0.12)0.06(0.05)2.40(3.86)0.64(0.49)0.10(0.08)3.76(4.31)
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations111Figure 6.Results of Discriminant Analysis (DA) of the Be, B and values representing the evaporithic geological outcrops (circles) and the evaporithic archaeological samples of Xicotó (triangle) with all the samples (top) and just the centroids (bottom).
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations112Figure 7.Scatterplot for Ln Ti/Sr vs Ln Th/Sr representing all the marine geological outcrops (circles) and the marine archaeological samples of Xicotó (triangle).Garumnian facies of the Tremp Formation, outcropping in the Pre-Pyrenean ranges. Moreover, the geochemical analysis has established signifcant diferences between outcrops, which has thus allowed the studied archaeological artefacts to be connected with samples from the Vessant Sud de Sant Mamet outcrop. This is the closest outcrop to the site, being located less than 5 km to the north of Xicotó. Probably because this chert type has a smooth grain and its capability for knapping is not extraordinary, human groups from the Middle Mesolithic also frequented the chert outcrops from Castelló de Farfanya, in the Serra Llarga Mountain Range, according to the geochemical study. These outcrops are located at 25–30 km to the south-east of Xicotó and have fne grains and high-knapping capabilities, being the better-quality chert outcrops nearest to the site. Moreover, the presence of two marine cherts in the Middle Mesolithic occupation that seem to ft with the Montgaillard chert outcrop, at more than 100 km distance in the northern central Pyrenees, could indicate the existence of contacts with northern groups. However, we need to be particularly cautious with these results, as they are only two pieces of evidence in an almost local lithic assemblage and other possible explanations could be considered.Taking into account that the geochemical analysis of chert has only been developed with artefacts recovered from the Middle Mesolithic unit, in further work we will try to relate these results with other Middle Mesolithic sites from the Pyrenean and Pre-Pyrenean region. The Notches and Denticulates Mesolithic (also known as the Macrolithic Mesolithic) has been attested in the southern Pre-Pyrenean region, with similar procurement strategies as that observed in Xicotó Rockshelter. Thus, in the level Ib of Forcas II Rockshelter (Graus, Huesca), the Macrolithic Mesolithic is represented by some lithic samples of local origin (Utrilla and Mazo, 2014) and in the Peña 14 and Legunova (Biel, Zaragoza) assemblages, the local cherts are heavily exploited (García-Simón, 2018). Similarly, in the Western Pyrenean site of Atxoste (Mendandia, Álava), the local cherts are also predominant, the presence of more exogenous varieties being largely anecdotal (Soto et al., 2015). In the south-eastern Pyrenees, the open air sites of Font del Ros (Berga, Barcelona) and Sota Palou (Campdevànol, Girona) have also revealed the main use of local materials for confectioning the lithic assemblage (Terradas, 1995). A similar strategy was also observed in the Mesolithic occupation of Balma del Guilanyà (Navès, Lleida) (Martínez-Moreno et al., 2016) and the Pyrenean site of Balma Margineda (Aixovall, Andorra) (Guilaine et al., 2008). We are faced with groups that culturally break with the previous lithic traditions, regarding the technology, the typology and the provenance of the
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations113lithic assemblage. During the Middle Mesolithic, it seems clear that the local cherts were almost always sufcient for confectioning lithic tools, regardless of the quality. Probably due to new climatic and environmental conditions, the use of wooden artefacts is strongly related to these changes. Following this assumption, human groups would be forced to adapt to the exploitation of this new environment, and the changes in their lithic acquisition strategies would most likely be a refection of these adaptations.5. ConclusionsIn this paper we have presented the archaeological sequence revealed until now at Xicotó Rockshelter, as well as the results of our analysis of the lithic raw materials. The archaeological investigation has demonstrated that the site, at the very least, was frequented by prehistoric human groups during the Ancient Neolithic and the Notches and Denticulates Middle Mesolithic periods. The nature of the lithological assemblage has revealed that diferent activities took place in each period. The study of the chert artefacts, however, has presented similar results for both periods, with a main source of the local cherts being from the Vessant Sud de Sant Mamet outcrop and a regular source being from the Serra Llarga Mountain Range (Castelló de Farfanya outcrop). The presence of only two long-distance chert specimens in the Mesolithic period could indicate that eventual contacts with other groups may have existed. Forthcoming archaeological research will help us to better understand this Mesolithic occupation, as well as defne the existence of previous human occupations at the site.AcknowledgementsThe research leading to these results has received funding from the postdoctoral fellowship program Beatriu de Pinós, funded by the Secretary of Universities and Research (AGAUR) (Government of Catalonia) and by the Horizon 2020 program Figure 8. Location of the archaeological site of Xicotó and the diferent chert outcrops considered in the study. The largest circles correspond to the frequented outcrops according to the geochemical data.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 99–115Marta Sánchez de la Torre, Cynthia Belén González Olivares, Bernard Gratuze, François-Xavier Le Bourdonnec, Xavier Mangado: Geochemical Study of Chert Artefacts from Xicotó Rockshelter (Ne Iberia) Archaeological Site. New Data on Neolithic and Mesolithic Human Occupations114of research and innovation of the European Union under the Marie Skodowska – Curie grant agreement No. 801370, held by M. Sánchez de la Torre. Archaeological works have been supported by the University of Barcelona and the project CLT009/18/00030 from the Catalan Government. This study was also fnancially supported by the Spanish project by the Spanish project PID2020-113960GB-I00, the French National Research Agency (ANR) (Grant No. ANR-10-LABX-52) and the project “The chronology of the Prehistory in NE Iberia” from the PALARQ foundation.ReferencesADDINSOFT, 2020. XLSTAT statistical and data analysis solution [online]. New York, USA. [viewed 08/08/2022]. 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