image/svg+xml129XIII/2/2022INTERDISCIPLINARIA ARCHAEOLOGICANATURAL SCIENCES IN ARCHAEOLOGYhomepage: http://www.iansa.euCopper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura ValleyDirk Brandherm1*, Ignacio Montero Ruiz2, Milena Müller-Kissing3, Alexander Maass4, Emilio Diz Ardid51Queen’s University Belfast, School of Natural and Built Environment, Belfast, BT7 1NN, United Kingdom2Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científcas, Instituto de Historia, Calle Albasanz 26–28, E-28037 Madrid, Spain3Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Am Bergbaumuseum 31, D-44791 Bochum, Germany4Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpfege, Arbeitsstelle Montanarchäologie, Bergtal 18, D-38640 Goslar, Germany5Museo Arqueológico Comarcal de Orihuela, Calle Hospital 3–5, E-03300 Orihuela, Spain1. IntroductionThis paper presents results from a programme of analyses undertaken on copper ores from the Lower Segura Valley, straddling the provinces of Alicante and Murcia in south-east Spain, and on metal objects from sites of the El Argar culture in that same study area (Figure 1). Our programme of analyses was conducted following a feld survey project that aimed at identifying evidence for pre-modern mining activities in the Lower Segura Valley (Brandherm and Maass, 2010; Brandherm et al., 2013; 2014). Both in terms of the archaeology of its pre-modern mining remains and of the characterisation of relevant ore bodies, the study area has received relatively little attention in comparison to the much larger nearby mining district of Cartagena and Mazarrón, as well as other mining areas further afeld in southern Iberia. The principal aim of our project was to remedy that situation and enable a full assessment of the signifcance of extractive industries and their contribution to past metal supply networks in the region.One of the main points of interest in this regard was to determine to what extent the exploitation of local copper ores might have contributed to the metal supply of Early Bronze Age (EBA) settlements in the region. During the EBA the Lower Segura Valley constituted the northernmost expanse of the El Argar culture area (Brandherm, 1996; Martínez Monleón, 2014), and the extent to which copper supply within the El Argar culture may have been centrally controlled by a political élite continues to be a matter of considerable debate (Lull Santiago et al., 2010a; 2010b; Montero Ruiz and Murillo Barroso, 2010).On one side of that debate we have a model according to which the bulk of El Argar copper would have originated from the Linares mining district in the eastern Sierra Morena, Volume XIII ● Issue 2/2022 ● Pages 129–141*Corresponding author. E-mail: INFOArticle history:Received: 18thNovember 2021Accepted: 11thApril 2022DOI: words:Bronze Agecoppersupply networkslead isotopesminor elementstrace elementsABSTRACTThe range of copper sources and the nature of metal supply networks used by the El Argar culture of south-east Spain have been the subject of a long-running debate. On one side of this debate we have a model that envisages supply for much of the El Argar culture coming from a closely circumscribed region and controlled centrally by a political élite, while on the other side we have a model of a more decentralised supply network drawing on a wider, geographically more dispersed range of ore sources that is lacking the same level of political control. The available archaeometallurgical data are not entirely conclusive in this respect. While results from the existing, comparatively small body of lead isotope analyses have been taken to support, at least to some extent, the idea of a single main source region supplying most if not all of the El Argar culture area with copper, results from the much larger but not easily interpreted body of minor-element analyses would appear to lend support to the notion of a more decentralised supply. In this contribution we present new analytical data from the Lower Segura Valley, both from local copper ores and from local El Argar artefacts, which provide new insights relevant to this debate.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley130with the distribution of the metal tightly controlled by the ruling class of an emerging El Argar state. This model was originally based on a limited set of lead isotope data obtained as part of the Gatas project through a programme of analyses undertaken at the Oxford Isotrace Laboratory (Stos-Gale et al., 1999). Subsequently it also came to draw on the lack of direct evidence for extractive metallurgy from El Argar contexts other than those of the Linares mining district (Escanilla, 2016, pp.430–432).On the other side of the debate we have a model of multiple, geographically dispersed ore sources providing El Argar society with copper through a non-centralised supply system. This model was originally informed by statistically signifcant variation in the trace-element contents of copper-base metal objects from a range of diferent El Argar settlements, which seems to suggest that not all of the relevant sites were supplied from the same ore body and clearly contradicts the notion of a single supply source for El Argar copper (Montero Ruiz, 1999, p.350). Subsequent additions to the body of relevant lead isotope data also appear to indicate that diferent sources contributed to the copper supply of El Argar society (Stos-Gale, 2001, p.454; Müller-Kissing, 2014, p.56; Murillo-Barroso et al., 2015, pp.152–154), but the number of available analyses still only provides limited coverage of the very diverse range of relevant ore bodies in southern Spain, and the respective body of data continues to present some difculties of interpretation which only an approach combining lead isotope and trace-element data can potentially overcome (Montero Ruiz, 2018, pp.322–324; Murillo-Barroso et al., 2019, pp.606–607).The isotopic and trace-element characterisation of ore bodies and El Argar copper-base metal objects from the Lower Segura Valley presented here constitutes an important step in flling the remaining gaps in this jigsaw.2. MethodologyAs part of our feld survey project, copper ore samples were collected at diferent locations in the Sierra de Orihuela and Sierra de Santomera, either directly from surface outcrops of ore bodies or from spoil tips left by modern exploration or mining activities. None of the analysed ore samples was retrieved from an EBA context, although several of the respective sampling locations are situated in the immediate vicinity of prehistoric settlement sites (Cabezo Mal Nombre, Cerro de la Mina).Figure 1.Map of the study area with site names mentioned in the text.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley131The analyses of ore samples from our survey were carried out in the German Mining Museum at Bochum (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum), employing X-ray difraction (XRD) to establish the types of minerals present, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine their chemical composition. Samples with a copper content of less than 5 % were excluded from the subsequent lead isotope analysis. Likewise, sample preparation for the latter was undertaken at the German Mining Museum, with subsequent analysis through multicollector-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) conducted at the University of Frankfurt (for the relevant method statement, including measurement conditions, see Klein et al., 2009, p.64).Further ore samples from the Lower Segura Valley referenced in this study and collected prior to the aforementioned survey project were analysed by X-ray fuorescence (XRF) for their elemental composition, as part of the project “Archaeometallurgy of the Iberian Peninsula” at the National Museum of Archaeology (Museo Arqueológico Nacional) in Madrid (Rovira Llorens and Montero Ruiz, 2018). As part of that same project, one sample (PA13535B) was also analysed for its lead isotope ratios through thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) at the Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry Research Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country (SGIker).The elemental and lead isotope analysis of copper-base archaeological objects for the present study was also carried out by SGIker, on bulk samples drilled close to the centre of the relevant artefacts, using quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (Q-ICP-MS) for elemental analysis and MC-ICP-MS for lead isotope analysis (for the relevant method statement, including measurement conditions, see Rodríguez et al., 2020, pp.875–876).Previously published analyses of copper-base metal artefacts from the Oxford Archaeological Lead Isotope Database (OXALID) referenced in this study had been analysed via XRF for their elemental composition and through TIMS for their lead isotope ratios at the Oxford Isotrace Laboratory (Stos-Gale, 2001, p.445). The results of the TIMS method used by SGIker and the Oxford Isotrace Laboratory have been shown to be directly comparable to those from MC-ICP-MS analyses such as those presented in the present study (Stos-Gale and Gale, 2009, pp.196–198).3. Copper resources in the Lower Segura ValleyAccording to the ICP-MS analyses carried out at the German Mining Museum (Table 1), the copper ore from the study area is quite pure, with a low to moderate presence of arsenic, depending on the mines sampled. The As / Cu ratio ranges from 0.02 % to 5.24 %, with an average of 1.78 %. Arsenic content is highest in the sample from Cabezo Mal Nombre in the Sierra de Santomera and is lowest in the samples from Cabezo de Bello in the Sierra de Orihuela, with the samples from Cerro de la Mina falling in between. Processing of ore with these characteristics will produce copper with variable arsenic content, but it is unlikely that high-arsenic pieces (>3% As) are produced from such ore, as the relative volatility of arsenic will generally produce metal with a lower average arsenic content than is found in the ore from which that metal has been smelted, and this efect will be further enhanced if that same metal is then subjected to subsequent pyrotechnical processes (Craddock, 1995, pp.285–290). Other elements do not have a signifcant presence, except for iron (Fe) in samples where this element is in the majority and which we can therefore classify as Cu-Fe ore. The amounts of sulphur detected are extremely low, which means that we are dealing with oxide, hydroxide or carbonate minerals rather than chalcopyrite or other primary sulphides. X-ray difraction (XRD) confrms that samples are mainly malachite, with paratacamite also present, and iron appearing as goethite or hematite. The gangue is mainly composed of quartz, albite, muscovite and paragonite, with calcite present in only one instance (sample SAN 24-2-1).These features allow the ores to be attributed to Escanilla’s (2016, pp.328–330) Class 3, with the samples falling into his Groups B or C, based on their greater or lesser proportion of copper. These data coincide with the ores studied by Escanilla (5 samples) from Cerro de la Mina, labelled as Cerro de las Fuentes in his study (Escanilla, 2016, pp.75–85 and Annex I, ID 89; pp.521–525). Ores of Group 3B in particular would have been easily processed with the technology available to EBA communities in the study area (Escanilla, 2016, p.329). Ore samples from Cerro de la Mina were also analysed by XRF as part of the “Archaeometallurgy of the Iberian Peninsula” project (Table 1). Although poorer in arsenic than the newly analysed samples presented here, these show the same trend and identify a sporadic presence of cobalt (Co) and bismuth (Bi), as do the analyses conducted as part of Escanilla’s study. It is also interesting to note that in all analyses undertaken the lead content is low, below the detection limit for some of the analytical techniques involved. In the new analyses presented here, the Pb / Cu ratios do not usually exceed 0.01 % or 100 ppm, with a maximum value of 0.03 % Pb / Cu.The absence of relevant proportions of antimony, silver and nickel means that the metal obtained from these ores would fall into Group 2 (Cu + As) according to the classifcation established by Pollard et al.(2018). Articulating a more specifc relationship between the diferent categories of ores according to Escanilla (2016) and that of fnished objects according to Pollard et al.(2018) is rendered difcult by the coarse-grained nature of the latter classifcation scheme and by the complex nature of the chemical processes involved in smelting operations.4. Metal objects from San Antón and MonteagudoA set of 12 objects, mainly dagger blades, have been analysed to determine their composition, using ICP-MS in the Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry Research
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley132Table 1.Chemical composition of copper ores from the Lower Segura Valley (1–13: ICP-MS analyses carried out at the German Mining Museum [Element XR, Thermo Fisher Scientifc]); 14–22: XRF analyses carried out at the National Museum of Archaeology [X-MET 920MP, Metorex]; mdl = method detection limit).No.Lab CodeField Sample IDProvenanceSrAgSnSbTeBiPbUCoCuNiSeAsZnFeFeOppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppm%ppmppm%%%%14002/13ORI-28-2-1Cabezo de Bello2820475312045226.3734<40.0033.2624003/13ORI-30-1-1Cabezo de Bello281612112596.561940.0010.9234004/13ORI-31-2-1Cabezo de Bello231592<1427141.9026<40.0011.6244005/13SAN-2-0-7Cabezo Mal Nombre110636711753934920.34051.061.0154006/13SAN-64-5-3Cerro de la Mina5644923<122538261722.35350.753.1164007/13SAN-11-0-3Cerro de la Mina424323<13814824.7111<40.060.3974008/13SAN-16-0-4Cerro de la Mina79115578<11052322213.9940.731.6984009/13SAN-33-6-1Cerro de la Mina13514857<18113184857.60200<40.035.1694010/13SAN-27-5-1Cerro de la Mina4413483026110325613.896150.1521.3104011/13SAN-14-0-2Cerro de la Mina50254612<1509211025.91740.192.28114012/13SAN-33-7-2Cerro de la Mina3411410<12242716.5565<40.031.02124013/13SAN-24-2-1Cerro de la Mina105149120<1129304611.18170.1824.2134014/13SAN-44-2-1Cerro de la Mina3843624<1313121103.2269<40.123.7114PA13535A ―Cerro de la Mina10<mdl<mdl<mdl180013.2<mdl<mdl<mdl1.4315PA13535B ―Cerro de la Mina520<mdl100<mdl200025.8<mdl1.10<mdl8.7616PA13535C―Cerro de la Mina170<mdl<mdl<mdl10053.5<mdl<mdl<mdl2.0117PA13535D―Cerro de la Mina270<mdl<mdl<mdl<mdl7.28<mdl<mdl<mdl4.4419PA13535E―Cerro de la Mina200<mdl<mdl<mdl140046.2<mdl<mdl<mdl0.7420PA13535F―Cerro de la Mina260<mdl<mdl<mdl180018.9<mdl<mdl<mdl2.0721PA13536A―Cerro de la Mina190<mdl<mdl<mdl220035.0<mdl<mdl<mdl1.3122PA13793―Cerro de la Mina160<mdl<mdl<mdl670029.7<mdl<mdl1.581.91
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley133Table 1.Chemical composition of copper ores from the Lower Segura Valley (1–13: ICP-MS analyses carried out at the German Mining Museum [Element XR, Thermo Fisher Scientifc]); 14–22: XRF analyses carried out at the National Museum of Archaeology [X-MET 920MP, Metorex]; mdl = method detection limit). (Continuation)No.Lab CodeField Sample IDProvenanceNa2OBaOMgOAl2O3SiO2P2O5SCaOTiO2MnOZnOK2O%%%%%%%%%%%%14002/13ORI-28-2-1Cabezo de Bello0.710.020.453.6574. de Bello0.770.010.145.2179. de Bello0.490.030.176.2778. Mal Nombre0.430.010.394.5260. de la Mina1.200.010.0911.750. de la Mina0.640.0030.097.4680. de la Mina1.300.010.0612.756. de la Mina2.910.010.047.6458. de la Mina0.630.010.235.2246.60.300.110.661. de la Mina0.510.0040.068.0552. de la Mina0.09<0.0030.310.0985. de la Mina0.430.010.223.6545.20.460.021.732.880.080.041.18134014/13SAN-44-2-1Cerro de la Mina0.820.0020.098.2479. ―Cerro de la Mina15PA13535B ―Cerro de la Mina16PA13535C―Cerro de la Mina17PA13535D―Cerro de la Mina19PA13535E―Cerro de la Mina20PA13535F―Cerro de la Mina21PA13536A―Cerro de la Mina22PA13793―Cerro de la Mina
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley134Table 2.Chemical composition of El Argar copper-base metal objects from the Lower Segura Valley (Q-ICP-MS analyses carried out at the Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry Research Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country [XSeries 2, Thermo Scientifc]; mdl = method detection limit). (Continuation)Lab CodeSbBaLaCePrNdSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmD13/169.501.450.0510.077<mdl<mdl0.0060.0020.0070.001<mdl0.0010.003<mdlD13/2166.201.07<mdl<mdl<mdl<mdl0.002<mdl0.002<mdl<mdl<mdl0.001<mdlD13/356.223.180.0570.0960.011<mdl0.0080.0020.0090.001<mdl0.0010.003<mdlD13/47.501.830.0840.1690.017<mdl0.0140.0030.0120.002<mdl0.0020.005<mdlD13/550.472.910.0350.067<mdl<mdl0.0050.0010.0050.001<mdl0.0010.002<mdlD13/615.202.40<mdl<mdl<mdl<mdl0.0020.0000.0020.000<mdl0.0000.001<mdlD13/76.393.460.0590.1120.012<mdl0.0100.0010.0100.001<mdl0.0010.004<mdlD13/8176.560.480.0330.0350.016<mdl0.0020.0000.002<mdl<mdl<mdl0.001<mdlD13/938.490.910.0490.1310.011<mdl0.0090.0020.0080.001<mdl0.0010.003<mdlD13/10188.003.860.0500.0930.010<mdl0.0090.0020.0080.001<mdl0.0010.003<mdlD13/1142.3916.820.3270.7120.0870.2970.0590.0120.0610.0070.0420.0070.020<mdlD13/12375.604.740.4040.7830.1160.2900.0630.0160.0660.0100.0450.0090.024<mdlMDL (ppm)1.120.530.0280.0430.0110.2280.00010.00010.00010.00010.0130.00010.000117.271Table 2.Chemical composition of El Argar copper-base metal objects from the Lower Segura Valley (Q-ICP-MS analyses carried out at the Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry Research Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country [XSeries 2, Thermo Scientifc]; mdl = method detection limit).Lab CodeObject CategoryMuseumInventory NumberProvenanceBibliographyD13/1halberdMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8957San Antón (?)Brandherm, 2003, no. 1457AD13/2knife-daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8965San AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 1257D13/3daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8967San Antón (?)Brandherm, 2003, no. 1502D13/4daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8970San AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 1501D13/5daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8973San AntónBrandherm 2003, no. 1232D13/6daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8978San AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 743D13/7daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8979San Antón (?)Brandherm, 2003, no. 744D13/8daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8980MonteagudoBrandherm, 2003, no. 481D13/9axeMuseo Arqueológico Comarcal de OrihuelaB 383San AntónSimón García, 1998, fg. 5,1D13/10daggerMuseo Arqueológico Comarcal de OrihuelaB 385San AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 585D13/11daggerMuseo Arqueológico Comarcal de OrihuelaSA (CB) 3San AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 632D13/12daggerMuseo Arqueológico Comarcal de OrihuelaSan AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 699
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley135Table 2.Chemical composition of El Argar copper-base metal objects from the Lower Segura Valley (Q-ICP-MS analyses carried out at the Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry Research Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country [XSeries 2, Thermo Scientifc]; mdl = method detection limit). (Continuation)Lab CodeYbLuPbBiThUNaMgAlKCaVCrFeppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmppmD13/10.0030.00034.54268.800.020.19239.00141.30145.40311.30405.7011.24<mdl111.00D13/2<mdl<mdl708.40318.700.28<mdl74.4025.8621.97<mdl<mdl0.37<mdl<mdlD13/30.0020.00041.11159.920.030.05295.92122.16165.36456.00321.445.60<mdl88.56D13/40.0030.000<mdl554.300.040.03591.60152.00160.60577.00487.506.537.92128.80D13/50.0020.00079.1899.400.03<mdl770.40954.0097.01604.301405.005.629.69164.90D13/60.001<mdl<mdl92.340.04<mdl858.6970.4320.41494.55271.172.12<mdl<mdlD13/70.003<mdl50.5282.640.080.31<mdl109.045866.40<mdl<mdl4.7514.91166.64D13/80.001<mdl50.9862.520.07<mdl212.72109.20<mdl312.72<mdl0.46<mdl<mdlD13/90.0030.00144.68547.280.070.04<mdl139.7679.8980.48231.041.73<mdl160.40D13/100.0030.00067.0351.180.030.1098.8078.5999.12105.84<mdl4.9910.35118.48D13/110.0160.00316.23118.700.150.142293.00374.80594.502021.001664.0013.519.38383.50D13/120.0180.00438.79298.640.140.47117.52231.92509.20220.88166.7223.52<mdl269.04MDL (ppm)0.00010.000114.182.350.020.0268.5016.1719.3972.1786.940.154.8537.16Table 2.Chemical composition of El Argar copper-base metal objects from the Lower Segura Valley (Q-ICP-MS analyses carried out at the Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry Research Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country [XSeries 2, Thermo Scientifc]; mdl = method detection limit). (Continuation)Lab CodeMnCoNiCuZnGaAsSeSrYAgCdSnppmppmppm%ppmppm%ppmppmppmppmppmppmD13/12.552.1363.8378.35230.800.065.2010.3527.650.06373.60<mdl<mdlD13/22.170.29213.1093.97234.20<mdl4.4910.4710.51<mdl20.77<mdl<mdlD13/32.781.537.8384.56221.280.052.5810.2532.900.0563.06<mdl<mdlD13/44.662.302.4287.55226.200.054.8818.5389.110.0672.59<mdl<mdlD13/52.889.4144.2588.34228.300.262.284.72183.500.03108.600.06<mdlD13/<mdl5.955.7543.25<mdl51.270.07<mdlD13/718.681.607.3592.40284.480.863.254.88<mdl0.0524.880.06<mdlD13/81.483.00132.6480.88195.44<mdl0.798.9010.58<mdl43.97<mdl25192.00D13/91.840.431.8093.36220.080.074.5515.8717.510.0352.060.07<mdlD13/101.856.3152.9488.56223.52<mdl0.977.1814.360.03137.280.02546.56D13/114.477.10120.4087.56212.900.195.2912.95209.600.2128.760.06<mdlD13/1211.545.4830.2191.68233.840.230.8234.077.800.2313.040.1256128.00MDL (ppm)0.300.061.542614.019.390.0429.121.016.630.029.820.02104.37
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley136Table 3.Lead isotope ratios of copper ores from the Lower Segura Valley (1–10: MC-ICP-MS analyses carried out at the University of Frankfurt [Neptune, Thermo Scientifc]; 11: TIMS analysis carried out at the Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry Research Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country [Finnigan MAT 262, Thermo Scientifc]).No.Lab CodeField Sample IDProvenance206Pb/204Pb2SE207Pb/204Pb2SE208Pb/204Pb2SE208Pb/206Pb2SE207Pb/206Pb2SE14002/13ORI-28-2-1Cabezo de Bello19.48340.004315.70600.003539.30050.00972.017120.000130.806120.0000424003/13ORI-30-1-1Cabezo de Bello19.02690.001215.68590.001139.06530.00332.053160.000070.824400.0000134005/13SAN-2-0-7Cabezo Mal Nombre18.93270.001215.68170.001139.03980.00332.062030.000070.828290.0000244006/13SAN-64-5-3Cerro de la Mina19.12080.001315.69020.001139.11950.00342.045910.000070.820580.0000254008/13SAN-16-0-4Cerro de la Mina19.99510.003115.74560.002739.28170.00801.964570.000160.787470.0000464009/13SAN-33-6-1Cerro de la Mina19.86710.001215.72720.001038.97980.00301.962030.000060.791620.0000274010/13SAN-27-5-1Cerro de la Mina19.29820.001215.69580.001139.22350.00302.032500.000050.813330.0000184011/13SAN-14-0-2Cerro de la Mina18.76580.001615.66360.001438.92270.00362.074130.000060.834690.0000294012/13SAN-33-7-2Cerro de la Mina19.33340.001415.70100.001138.99320.00332.016880.000060.812120.00002104013/13SAN-24-2-1Cerro de la Mina19.22400.005615.68810.004739.17960.01202.038060.000130.816070.0000511PA13535B —Cerro de la Mina19.09750.003315.69140.003138.95240.01362.039600.000530.821650.00005Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country (Table 2). The analysed objects are from the two regional El Argar centres of Monteagudo and San Antón, situated in strategic positions along the Lower Segura Valley (cf.Brandherm, 1996). A smaller El Argar settlement exists at Cerro de la Mina, from whose immediate vicinity most of the analysed ore samples were obtained, but the site remains unexcavated and so far has not yielded any documented fnds of copper-base metal objects of EBA date. The same holds true for the less securely dated prehistoric settlement at Cabezo Mal Nombre.Most analysed objects (9) are from arsenical copper with high proportions of arsenic (> 2% As), reaching a maximum value of 5.3 % As in the two-rivet dagger SACB3. Dagger B385, which has slightly below 1 % As, in this respect constitutes an exception. The contents of Ag, Ni and Sb never exceed 0.05 %, so all sampled objects would fall into Metal Group 2 (Cu + As) according to the classifcation by Pollard et al.(2018, pp.85–114). Co and Bi values are also not particularly elevated, with Bi values the higher of the two, in some cases reaching proportions of 0.05 %. Lead contents in the objects are very low, less than 100 ppm, except for the dagger CS8965, which reaches a value of 710 ppm (0.07 %).The two remaining pieces are made of bronze with low proportions of tin (2.5 % in the dagger CS8980 from Monteagudo and 5.6 % in the dagger without inventory number from San Antón). Both bronzes contain signifcant proportions of arsenic, around 0.8 % As. These pieces also do not contain any other element in proportions greater than 0.1 %, so they would likewise fall into Metal Group 2 according to Pollard et al.(2018, pp.85–114). As the overwhelming majority of copper-base metal objects from EBA south-east Spain fall into this group (Pollard et al., 2018, pp.100–103), this classifcation does not facilitate regional distinctions within the El Argar culture area.Stos-Gale (2001) analysed some other pieces from San Antón and Montegudo. They are mostly arsenical coppers, except for a dagger from Monteagudo (MU35) that only has 0.4 % As. The metal strip from San Antón analysed by Stos-Gale (MU29), which consists of a quaternary alloy with Zn, does not belong to the El Argar period. The three-rivet dagger (MU28) difers from the remainder of this assemblage because of its high proportion of silver (0.4 % Ag).5. Provenance studyLead isotope analyses carried out on copper ores from the Lower Segura Valley include the ten samples presented here (Table 3) and one previously published by Murillo-Barroso et al.(2015, p.151, note 9). All of them plot in the same zone and present a clear linear regression trend in their 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb ratios (Figure 2), allowing a good defnition of their isotopic feld, which tends to cover radiogenic zones. They can be clearly diferentiated from the trend shown by ores from Cerro Minado in Almería, whose linear regression runs in
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley137Table 4.Lead isotope ratios of El Argar copper-base metal objects from the Lower Segura Valley (MC-ICP-MS analyses carried out at the Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry Research Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country [Neptune, Thermo Scientifc]).Lab CodeObject CategoryMuseumInventory NumberProvenanceBibliography206Pb/204Pb2 SE207Pb/204Pb2 SE208Pb/204Pb2 SE208Pb/206Pb2 SE207Pb/206Pb2 SE8957halberdMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8957San Antón (?)Brandherm, 2003, no. 1457A18.36540.000715.64190.000938.43650.00352.092870.000130.851700.000028965knife-daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8965San AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 125718.26630.000815.63520.000738.41970.00202.103300.000040.855960.000018967daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8967San Antón (?)Brandherm, 2003, no. 150218.46240.000815.65730.000938.55150.00372.088120.000140.848070.000028970daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8970San AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 150118.35580.004815.67020.004538.50040.01152.097460.000210.853700.000058973daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8973San AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 123218.52450.000715.66670.000738.71890.00192.090150.000040.845730.000018978daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8978San AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 74318.40320.003215.67000.003038.55090.00872.094800.000210.851480.000048979daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8979San Antón (?)Brandherm, 2003, no. 74418.45890.001115.66980.001438.53860.00542.087810.000200.848910.000048980daggerMuseo Arqueológico Provincial de AlicanteCS8980MonteagudoBrandherm, 2003, no. 48118.57430.000915.67580.001238.54370.00442.075110.000160.843950.00003B383axeMuseo Arqueológico Comarcal de OrihuelaB 383San AntónSimón García, 1998, fg. 5,118.31270.000815.66750.000738.54830.00202.105000.000040.855550.00001B385daggerMuseo Arqueológico Comarcal de OrihuelaB 385San AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 58518.32970.000615.64560.000638.42060.00192.096080.000060.853570.00001SACB3daggerMuseo Arqueológico Comarcal de OrihuelaSA (CB) 3San AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 63218.31570.001515.64490.001438.27990.00382.090000.000090.854180.00002MUSdaggerMuseo Arqueológico Comarcal de OrihuelaSan AntónBrandherm, 2003, no. 69919.25280.001215.68750.001238.95900.00432.023550.000130.814820.00002206Pb/204Pb2 SD207Pb/204Pb2 SD208Pb/204Pb2 SD208Pb/206Pb2 SD208Pb/206Pb2 SDnCalibration Standard NBS98116.94250.003515.49900.006536.71770.02852.167190.001310.914800.000224
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley138parallel. The graph shows that these ores are also clearly distinguishable from other mineralisations of the Betic Sierras, such as Cabo de Gata in Almería or those of the Sierras of Cartagena and Mazarrón in Murcia, whose linear-spread trends run perpendicular to that of the Segura Valley ores. They are also isotopically diferentiable from the ores of the Linares mining district.The objects from San Antón and Monteagudo analysed for their lead isotope ratios include the 12 samples presented here (11 from San Antón and 1 from Monteagudo; Table 4) and a dagger blade from Monteguado whose analysis was published by Stos-Gale (2001, table 2, MU32) and which is included in the OXALID database. The results shown in Figure 2 demonstrate that only one of the analysed objects can be related to the ores of the Segura Valley; it is the dagger blade without inventory number from the Orihuela Museum which is made of bronze (5.6 % Sn and 0.8 % As). From a compositional point of view, this moderate amount of arsenic is compatible with that detected in the local ores, as are the very low proportions of other trace elements. The rest of the analysed objects, consisting of arsenical copper with high proportions of arsenic, plot in diferent zones of the graph that do not coincide with ores from either Cerro Minado or the Cartagena and Mazarrón mines. Two of them (looking at all plotted combinations) fall into the isotopic feld of Linares (CS8965 knife-dagger and B385 two-rivet dagger from San Antón). The majority, including the two pieces from Monteagudo, must be related to diferent ore bodies, either from the provinces of Granada or Málaga or from the Cordovan area of Los Pedroches and adjacent parts of the Sierra Morena.If we include all El Argar copper-base metal objects whose lead isotope ratios have been published or are in the process of being published (Montero Ruiz et al., forthcoming) in the comparison (73 objects), we observe that another piece fts within the isotopic feld of the Segura Valley ores (Figures 3 and 4). It is a bronze dagger (8.7 % Sn and 0.1 % As) from grave 21 of Cerro de la Encina (Granada), and this possibility was already highlighted when the respective analysis was frst published (Murillo-Barroso et al., 2015, p.150), now confrmed with a greater number of ore samples to defne the isotopic feld.Currently, there are 16 EBA metalwork objects in the available corpus of lead isotope analyses that can be linked to the Linares ores, plus the two objects identifed in the present study, which represents 21 % of the El Argar copper-base metal objects analysed so far. The plotted spread of the lead isotope analyses suggests that the ore bodies from which the metal used in the manufacture of El Argar objects was extracted were diverse. Some of these ore bodies, such as those found in the coastal ranges of Murcia and Almería, were of limited signifcance: the mines of the Lower Segura Valley (only 2 of the 85 objects analysed), Cerro Minado (4 objects, one of them found in grave 21 of Cerro de La Figure 2.207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb lead isotope ratios of El Argar copper-base metal objects from the Lower Segura Valley and the Linares area, and of diferent ore bodies in south-east Spain.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley139Figure 3.208Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb lead isotope ratios of El Argar copper-base metal objects and of diferent ore bodies in south-east Spain.Figure 4.208Pb/206Pb versus 207Pb/206Pb lead isotope ratios of El Argar copper-base metal objects and of diferent ore bodies in south-east Spain.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley140Encina, although this metal could also be from the Alcolea mines in Almería) and Mazarrón (1 object).At the same time, the plotted spread of the analyses indicates that metal from diferent ore bodies circulated throughout the El Argar culture area, regardless of their geographical location. Thus, a dagger blade from Cerro de la Encina can be related to ores from Murcia and a bracelet from the same context to ores from Almería, and only a small part of the objects from El Argar, Monteagudo or San Antón were manufactured using metal of local origin. Metal produced from ores of the Linares mining district has been found at a number of diferent sites across the El Argar culture area, but based on present evidence it does not account for a majority of the metal used, neither with regard to the overall body of analysed El Argar copper-base metalwork nor regarding any of the sites where we have a minimum of fve objects analysed. Finally, taking into account the latest available data (Murillo-Barroso et al., 2015; Montero Ruiz et al., forthcoming) it is possible to identify metal from outside the El Argar culture area, originating from Los Pedroches or from geographically even more remote regions, such as northern Iberia and the Alps, and this wide catchment partly explains the diversity of raw material sources apparent in the lead isotope data.6. ConclusionsThe results from the programme of metal analyses presented here clearly demonstrate that the majority of copper-base metal objects in circulation in the Lower Segura Valley during the EBA do not seem to have been made from locally available copper ores. Another important result is that only a minority of objects were possibly made from ores originating from the Linares mining district. Instead, the raw material used in the production of most EBA copper-base metal objects from the Lower Segura Valley appears to have come from sources further afeld, most likely ore bodies in the provinces of Granada, Málaga or Córdoba, i.e.regions either on the periphery of the El Argar culture area or entirely beyond its confnes. This observed variation in raw material sources for EBA copper-base metal objects is consistent with results from previous programmes of metal analyses focusing on other regions of south-east Spain during the El Argar period, although a considerably larger dataset would be required in order to make statistically valid statements about the relative proportion of metal supplied by diferent source areas.In any case, the variation in raw-material make-up observed in the presently available dataset lends further support to the notion that metal recycling, which could be expected to exercise a homogenising efect on metal composition and lead isotope ratios, did not play a signifcant part in supplying El Argar society with copper-base metal (cf.Montero Ruiz et al., 2020, pp.242–245). As we have no indication of long-distance movement of ores, and as metal travelling as ingots from the Linares mining district only seems to have accounted for a minority of the metal consumed by El Argar society (cf.Moreno Onorato and Contreras Cortés, 2010), it would seem to have been mostly fnished objects that travelled, sometimes over considerable distances, from their place of manufacture to where they were deposited in the archaeological record.What the results from our programme of analyses do not support then is a model of centralised metal procurement and supply for the El Argar culture area. Things were clearly more complex than the prevalent model of tight political control over metalwork production exercised at polity level would have it. It is, of course, entirely possible to envisage other models involving a high level of élite control over metalwork production that do not rely on directly controlling raw material supply, but which instead focus on the social and symbolic connotations of metalwork. Such models, however, will require us to look beyond what metal analyses alone can tell us and consider other elements of the social and economic context in which metal objects were produced and consumed (cf.Brandherm, 2009, pp.176–179; Lull Santiago et al., 2010b, pp.24–26).AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank Prof. Thomas Stöllner (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) for his support and encouragement particularly in the early stages of our feldwork, Dr Michael Prange (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum) for technical advice and for facilitating the analysis of ore samples, and Dr Jorge Soler Díaz (Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante) for permission to sample objects from the museum’s collections. Funding for most of the feldwork and for the programme of analyses was generously provided by the British Academy’s Albert Reckitt Archaeology Fund.ReferencesBRANDHERM, D., 1996. Zur Nordprovinz der El Argar-Kultur. Madrider Mitteilungen, 37, 37–59.BRANDHERM, D., 2003. Die Dolche und Stabdolche der Steinkupfer- und der älteren Bronzezeit auf der Iberischen Halbinsel. Prähistorische Bronzefunde, VI/12. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.BRANDHERM, D., 2009. The social context of Early Bronze Age metalworking in Iberia. Evidence from the burial record. In: T. Kienlin, and B. Roberts, eds. Metals and Societies. Studies in honour of Barbara S. Ottaway. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, 169. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt, pp. 172–180.BRANDHERM, D., and MAASS, A., 2010. Copper mining, settlement and society in the Earlier Bronze Age of southeast Spain: prospects for new research in the Lower Segura Valley. 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image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/2 ● 129–141Dirk Brandherm, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Milena Müller-Kissing, Alexander Maass, Emilio Diz Ardid: Copper Supply Networks in the Early Bronze Age of South-east Spain: New Evidence from the Lower Segura Valley141Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, pp. 115–119.BRANDHERM, D., MAASS, A., MÜLLER-KISSING, M., and DIZ ARDID, E., 2014. Prospecciones arqueomineras en la Sierra de Orihuela. In: Orihuela. Arqueología y museo. Museos municipales en el MARQ.Alicante: Museo Arqueológico de Alicante, pp. 114–125.CRADDOCK, P.T., 1995. Early Metal Mining and Production. London: Archetype Publication.ESCANILLA, N., 2016. Recursos minerales de cobre y su explotación prehistórica en el sudeste peninsular. El valle del Guadalentín. Unpublished thesis (PhD), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.KLEIN, S., DOMERGUE, C., LAHAYE, Y., BREY, G.P., and VON KAENEL, H.-M., 2009. The lead and copper isotopic composition of copper ores from the Sierra Morena (Spain). 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