image/svg+xml7XIII/1/2022INTERDISCIPLINARIA ARCHAEOLOGICANATURAL SCIENCES IN ARCHAEOLOGYhomepage: http://www.iansa.euArchaeozoological Analysis of Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Site of Kukrek Culture Igren 8 (Ukraine)Alina Stupak1,2*, Leonid Gorobets1, Viktoria Smagol1, Leonid Zalizniak31Department of Paleontology, National Museum of Natural History, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, 01030, 15 Bohdan Khmelnitsky Street, Ukraine2Department of Archaeology, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Skovorody 2, Kyiv 0470, Ukraine3Department of Stone Age, Institute of Archaeology, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, 04210, 12 Heroiv Stalingrada Avenue, Ukraine1. IntroductionThe archaeological site Igren 8 is a seasonal settlement of the Mesolithic hunter-gatherer tribes of the Kukrek Culture. These former residents left behind some well-persevered remains of 10 pit-dwellings. Complete research of all categories of archaeological material has a high potential for the reconstruction of the economy and everyday life of the Mesolithic tribes who inhabited the river zones of the Ukrainian territory.The Igren 8 settlement belongs to the full-grown stage of Kukrek cultural development (Zalizniak, 2005, pp.74–82). The Kukrek Culture (10th– 7thMillenia BC) was developed on local bases of the Epigravettian Palaeolithic culture. The earliest sites of the Kukrek Culture were located in the territory of the Crimean Peninsula and the northern Black Sea region. As time progressed, Kukrek tribes appeared in areas of the Lower and Middle Dnieper River. They settled in such sites as Kamiana Mohyla, Dobrianka, Gorodock, Popovy Mys and others. The Kukrek Culture refects a basic development in the early Neolithic cultures of the Crimea and Middle Dnieper area, namely the Olexiivska and Surska Cultures (Yanevich, 1987, pp.7–18).This site is represented within the scientifc literature by two names: Igren 8 and Ogrin 8. The diference is due to the Russian and Ukrainian divergence in the naming of this location. In English-language publications, the name Igren 8 has been referred to the most. In this article, we will continue to use this name for convenience.The archaeological site is located in the Middle Dnieper area, which belongs to the forest-steppe temperate-climate ecotone. This settlement of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers was discovered in the Igren peninsula, the Samara district of the Dnieper site, in particular its left cape. At this location, the Samara River joins the Dnieper River (GPS coordinates: 48°26’34.2”N; 35°06’46.8”E).Sand deposits on rows of granite shaped the Igren peninsula. The granite ridges formed river rapids that lay along and across the Dnieper River. The sandy substrate of the peninsula had led to the formation of dunes. The peninsula Volume XIII     ●     Issue 1/2022     ●     Pages 7–17*Corresponding author. E-mail: lusyleakey@gmail.comARTICLE INFOArticle history:Received: 7thJune 2021Accepted: 31stJanuary 2022DOI: words:Mesolithicarchaeozoologypit-dwellingsIgren 8ABSTRACTIgren 8 is a settlement of hunter-gatherers of the Mesolithic period. In total, 10 pit-dwellings were found, having been constructed by the people of the Kukrek Culture (the 8th– 7thMillenia BC). The present study focuses on revising the animal osteological material according to modern archaeozoological techniques. The study fndings are related to the seasonal fuctuations of the settlement, the hunting specialisation of its inhabitants, and the details of taphonomy of the bones found. Moreover, a group of bone fragments were distinguished that constituted the waste material from bone tool production. The major groups of osseous industry are also described.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/1 ● 7–17Alina Stupak, Leonid Gorobets, Viktoria Smagol, Leonid Zalizniak: Archaeozoological Analysis of Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Site of Kukrek Culture Igren 8 (Ukraine)8was connected to the natural ground of a geological plate covered by a loess plateau. The coast of the Igren peninsula was destroyed by the river over a long time period.1.1 Discovery and history of site investigationThe natural erosion of the bank of the Igren peninsula was the reason for the organisation of an exploration of the area by the archaeologist M. Miller. He worked as a member of an archaeological rescue expedition during the building of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station (1929 to 1932) (Miller, 1935, pp.162–177).From the territory of the Igren peninsula and the neighbouring area has arisen the discovery of ten diferent archaeological sites from distinct historical periods. The Mesolithic site was labelled number 8. During 1946–1947, excavation was continued by the archaeologist A. Dobrovolski. He was able to fx the layers with the remains of burned wooden elements of a pit-dwelling construction. The researcher thought that it was a part of the dwelling’s structure (Telegin, 2000, pp.1–86).These types of fndings became the reason to start regular excavations of the Mesolithic layers at the Igren 8 sites. Regular archaeological operations were held in 1973–1976, 1978, 1982, 1986, 1988, and 1990, in which D. Telegin led all these expeditions. Archaeologists L. Zalizniak and D. Nuzhnyi took an active part in the excavation and research.This work resulted in the discovery of the remains of 10 pit-dwellings (Zalizniak, 2018; Telegin, 2000). They were located along the river bank. The pit-dwellings number 5 and number 10 were complete, but the river water erosion had partly destroyed the others. All of the pit-dwellings had a round form that ranged from 7 to 10 m in diameter with the vestiges of a fre at their centre. The dwelling’s foor had been deepened to about 0.5–0.7 m lower than the former ground level.The flling of the dwelling surface consists of a humous layer of sand mixed with grey ash. Many gastropod freshwater molluscs, the large freshwater snail Viviparus viviparous, were found in the foor area of every pit-dwelling. The presence of this species of mollusc in large numbers in the Mesolithic cultural layers indicated a pit-dwelling. The molluscs got into the flling of the pit-dwelling naturally after the seasonal overbank fooding. The ground foor of every pit-dwelling was covered with microlithic fint, animal bones and tools. The big collection of fndings inside the pit-dwellings included animal bones, which were the kitchen waste of the site’s inhabitants.All groups of the material fnds were studied and published. The complete research was issued by the Igren excavations leader D. Telegin (Telegin, 2000, pp.1–86). Telegin defned the technocomplex of the settlement up to the late stage of the Kukrek Culture (8th– 7thMillenia BC). It is correlated with the Late Mesolithic period in the whole Ukrainian territory. The radiocarbon dating of the site was made in the laboratories of Berlin, Groningen and Oxford (Telegin, 2000; Biagi, Kiosak, 2010; Lillie et al., 2009). As a result, the leading group of dates lies between 8550 ±80 and 7640± 90 years BP. The earliest date is 9940 ±70 BP; it belongs to the dwelling number 2 (Table 1). As it appears from Telegin’s notes, such a big spread of dates might indicate multiple usages of this place for living purposes and a seasonal cycle of housing in this settlement.D. Nuzhnyi examined the features of the microlithic technocomplex. He also rebuilt a throwing weapon with microlithic elements. L. Zalizniak introduced a number of publications connected with cultural communications in the Igren settlement and a social reconstruction of the Mesolithic tribes (Zalizniak, 2018; Nuzhnyi, 2007; Benecke, 1997).In July 2018, Zalizniak organised and led an archaeological expedition to the Igren peninsula. The expedition’s principal goal implied a fxation of the Mesolithic cultural layer and the detection of new Mesolithic features. The results of the excavations were limited in the number of fnds: the specialists found only some microlithic fint tools in Figure 1.Igren peninsula location.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/1 ● 7–17Alina Stupak, Leonid Gorobets, Viktoria Smagol, Leonid Zalizniak: Archaeozoological Analysis of Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Site of Kukrek Culture Igren 8 (Ukraine)9the flling of the dwellings explored during the previous excavations (Zalizniak, 2019, pp.95–104).The primary focus of this research is on the faunal material found in 9 pit-dwellings. Archaeozoologist V. Bibikova conducted the initial identifcation of the faunal remains. The results of her eforts were published in the Telegin’s monograph (Telegin, 2000, pp.1–86): a list with diferent groups of animal species from the site. After further examination of Bibikova’s investigations, we can conclude that the wild ox Bos primigenius, red deer Cervus elaphus, roe deer Capreolus capreolus, and other large ungulates made up the most important hunted resource. Among the traditional fur animals, a large number of fox Vulpes vulpes, hare Lepus europeus, wolf Canis lupus, and European polecat Mustela putoriusbones were found. The bird fauna consisted mostly of river ducks, such as common goldeneye Bucephala clangula, mallard Anas platyrhynchos, and common pochard Aythya ferina.Considering that the bones had been originally inspected very briefy, it appeared that more detailed research of the diferent kinds of faunal remains was needed. The primary goals of this research comprise the identifcation of species through bone fragments and observations of taphonomic details, along with analysis of use-wear traces and reconstruction of the production and wear cycle.2. Material and methodsThe animal bones collection consists of the material from 9 pit-dwellings. The faunal collection, in total 3,126 bone fragments, is preserved in the fund of the NASU Institute of Archaeology (The Institute of Archaeology of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences). Only 1115 (35%) bone fragments were identifed. The biggest part of the animal remains belongs to mammals – 681 pieces (61.5%). The birds were represented by 118 pieces (10.5%), fsh by 91 pieces (9%), freshwater turtles by 194 pieces (18%) and molluscs by 31 pieces (3%). A. Stupak studied the mammals and fsh bones; V. Smagol performed the morphometry of the mammal bones. L. Gorobets identifed the bird remains, while V. Anistratenko studied molluscs.Species identifcation was made on the basis of the comparative collection of animal bones at the Palaeontology department of the NASU National Museum of Natural History. The archaeozoological methods were applied according to E. Reitz and E. Wing (Reitz, Wing, 2008). Age identifcation of mammals was made by analysis of the development of bone structure, and teeth enamel abrasion (Shostak, 1998; Kolda, 1936).The bone measurements were made according to A. von den Driesh’s methodology (Driesh, 1976). The taphonomy details were described via the recommendations of Y. Fernandez-Jalvo, P. Andrews, and A. Behrensmeyer (Fernandez-Javo, Andrews, 2016; Behrensmeyer, 1978). The red deer age was identifed according to S. Shostak’s methodology (Shostak, 1998). The mammoth’s teeth were analysed according to V. Garutt and I. Foronova’s methods (Garutt, Foronova, 1976; Foronova, 2001). Identifcation of fsh bones was made via V. Radu’s atlas of fsh bones (Radu, 2005). Reconstruction of fsh length and age was made following the investigative methods of V. Lebedev (Lebedev, 1960). The list of abbreviations for marking the overall quantity of inspected fragments included NISP as the Number of Individual Specimens and MNI as the Minimum Number of Individuals (Lee Lyman, 2008).After long-term preservation, a part of the collection was lost, and the horizons of the pit-dwellings got mixed up. Mammal bones were grouped by species and not by pit-dwellings. The feld codes written on the bones helped to rebuild their belonging to each pit-dwelling. This situation is associated with the primary research tasks of V. Bibikova and general development of the archaeozoological discipline. Materials from the ffth and eighth pit-dwellings were the most well-preserved. The sand surface of the Igren peninsula provided a good preservation substrate for the bone material. A large number of bones, namely 680 pieces (63.2%), were covered with an ash-grey deposit. One group of bones, 16 pieces (1.4%), had signs of weathering. These bones were covered with specifc cracks left after seasonal temperature and long-time humidity changes. Another 40 pieces (6%) had a post-fre black colour. The signs of rodent-gnawing were recognised on 6 bones. The bones of all the animal species were crushed into small pieces Table 1. The dating of Igren 8 site.Pit-dwelling numberLab NumberMaterialDate BPCalibration BC 1 sigmaCalibration BC 2 sigmaReferencePit-dwelling № 4Bln-1798Charcoal8550 ±807670–75307780–7450Telegin, 2002Pit-dwelling № 2Bln-1797/1Charcoal8570 ±707680–75507770–7500Telegin, 2002Archaeological layerBln-1707/2Freshwater Shells8570 ±708230–79908270–7840Telegin, 2002Pit-dwelling № 2Bln-1797/2Charcoal9940 ±709630–93309760–9280Telegin, 2002Pit-dwelling № 4GrA-33112Long bone fake8695 ±457770–76207910–7600Biagi and Kiosak, 2010Pit-dwelling № 8GrA-33113Long bone fake8880 ±458180–79608220–7820Biagi and Kiosak, 2010Pit-dwelling № 8OxA-17491Fish bone7640± 906590–64206650–6280Lillie et al., 2009Pit-dwelling № 8OxA-17489Cervusbone8885±408180–79708220–7840Lillie et al., 2009
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/1 ● 7–17Alina Stupak, Leonid Gorobets, Viktoria Smagol, Leonid Zalizniak: Archaeozoological Analysis of Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Site of Kukrek Culture Igren 8 (Ukraine)10as a result of human activity. Every bone was crushed into three or more pieces.The sandy substrate of the Igren peninsula contributed to the high-quality of preservation of organic material, including the animal bones. Any destruction of the bones, besides the crushing, had occurred mainly because of human activity, not the natural conditions.3. ResultsIn total, mammals are represented by 13 species at the Igren 8 site. Large ungulates, such as wild ox and red deer, seemed to have a prominent economic role here. All the anatomical parts of these animals, including the not very nutritious elements such as metapodium and phalanx bones, are represented on the site. The wild ox Bos primigenius(NISP = 125, MNI = 6) represents one of the most critical ungulates, the age group of adult animals dominating; besides that, there are 3 subadults and 2 juveniles. The measurements of wild ox bones were taken from the 4 specimens of the talus. It was determined that Bd of the talus bone of wild ox on average is (n=4) 5.3±0.18 sm, Glm 7.9±0.07 sm (n=4), Gli 8.4±0.06 (n=4), and Dm 4.1±0.12 sm (n=4). The mid-coefcient of the variability of the four patterns is 3.74±1.26%, the smallest coefcient belongs to the Gli = 1.49%, and the biggest one to Bd = 6.71%. It means that the wild ox of this collection has a low level of variability.The Cervidae family is represented by such species as the red deer Cervus elaphus (NISP = 175, MNI = 7); roe deer Capreolus capreolus (NISP = 48, MNI = 5), and elk Alces alces (NISP = 11, MNI = 1). Many red deer remains are represented by antler pieces – 45 pieces (26% from all red deer remains). The red deer antlers were used as a base for tool making. The found fragments contained the waste of the tool-making process. The burr of a red deer antler, which fell out in a natural way, is also one of the specimens. The antlers of the male individuals of red deer fall out every year in February or early March. Some parts of the antler fragments may be connected with the burr gathering. The age groups of red deer are represented mostly by adult individuals. There are 3 bone specimens of subadult age and 1 individual of juvenile age.The Bd dimension of the talus bones of red deer on average equalled 3.72±0.07 sm (n=5), Glm 5.56±0.14 sm (n=5), Gli 5.98±0.13 (n=5), Dm 3.26±0.12 sm (n=5), and Di 3.1±0.05 sm (n=5). The mid-coefcient variability of the fve patterns amounts to 5.52±0.76%, the smallest one coefcient belongs to the Di = 3.95%, and the biggest to the Dm = 8.28%. The Table 2. The age group representation of the ungulates.SpeciesInfantJuvenisSubadult AdultSenilisBos primigenius; Wild ox–1240–Cervus elaphus; Red deer–12201Capreolus capreolus; Roe deer–2151–Sus scrofa ferus; Wild pig– 11–Alces alces; Elk–––3–Equussp.; Wild horse––15–Canis lupus; Wolf––416–Vulpes vulpes; Fox––312–Lepus europeus; Hare––218–Castor fber; Beaver––11–Figure 2.Dimensions of the talus bone of the: a – wild ox, b – red deer.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/1 ● 7–17Alina Stupak, Leonid Gorobets, Viktoria Smagol, Leonid Zalizniak: Archaeozoological Analysis of Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Site of Kukrek Culture Igren 8 (Ukraine)11matrix relation correlation of the talus bone dimensions points to a strong dependence between its diferent patterns. It was determined that the correlation coefcient deals with the changes from the Gli to Glm patterns (r=0.94). A lesser index was associated with modifcations of the Glm and Bd (r=0.48) values.The smaller group of animal remains is represented by wild horse Equus pieces(NISP = 18, MNI = 2) and wild pig Sus scrofa(NISP = 27, MNI = 2).A large number of bone remains belong to traditional fur animals. There are: wolfs Canis lupus (NISP = 68, MNI = 4); foxes Vulpes vulpes (NISP = 122, MNI = 5); hares Lepus europeus(NISP = 71, MNI = 5); and beavers Castor fber (NISP = 11, MNI = 2). All anatomical parts of these animals are represented. The numerous parts of the fox’s metapodial bones 33 ft (27%) may signify the result of the skinning process (Val, Mallye, 2011). In individual cases, there were identifed the mandible of a wild cat Felis silvestris (NISP=1), humerus bone ofaEuropean minkMustela lutreola (NISP=1), and mandible of a European polecat Mustela putorius (NISP=1).The bone material also contained a fragment of a mandible tooth M 1–3 of a mammoth. It was taken from the natural ground of the site (layer D2–D3, square G 6–10), together Figure 3.Anatomical representation of ungulates.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/1 ● 7–17Alina Stupak, Leonid Gorobets, Viktoria Smagol, Leonid Zalizniak: Archaeozoological Analysis of Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Site of Kukrek Culture Igren 8 (Ukraine)12Figure 4.Anatomical representation of carnivores, beaver and hare.Table 3. The list of mammal species representation and the fresh water turtle.SpeciesNISPMNI%Bos primigenius; Wild ox125618.3Cervus elaphus; Red deer175726.1Alces alces; Elk1111.6Capreolus capreolus; Roe deer4857.Equus sp.; Wild horse1822.6Sus scrofa; Wild pig2724Canis lupus; Wolf68410Vulpes vulpes; Fox122518Lepus europeus; Hare71510.4Castor fber; Beaver1121.6Felis silvestris; Wild cat110.14Mustela lutreola; European mink110.14Mustela putorius; European polecat110.14Mammuthus primigenius; Woolly mammoth110.14Mammals in total681 Emys orbicularis; Fresh water turtle19424
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/1 ● 7–17Alina Stupak, Leonid Gorobets, Viktoria Smagol, Leonid Zalizniak: Archaeozoological Analysis of Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Site of Kukrek Culture Igren 8 (Ukraine)13with the mass of freshwater molluscs. The mammoth tooth fragment consists of the tooth crown with the destroyed masticatory surface and roots. The exterior surface of the tooth is covered with an ash-grey deposit similar to the one found on the other bone item from the site. After the correlation between the length of the tooth plate and the width of the dental enamel, the tooth fragment confrmed the early form of Mammuthus primigenius (MIS 6–7). The village of Table 4.The measurements of the mammoth tooth fragment.Mammuthus tooth measurements (mm)High of the tooth crown118Breadth of the tooth crown82Length of the tooth plate13Width of dental enamel1,7Figure 5.Mammoth’s tooth fragment: a – ventral plane; b – median plane; c – dorsal plane; d – roots of tooth; e – masticatory surface.Table 5.The list of bird species represented.SpeciesNISPMNI%Podyceps grisegena;Red-necked grebe110.8Anas platyrhynchos;Mallard25921.1Anas strepera;Gadwall110.8Anas acuta;Northern pintail211.6Anas clypeata;Northern schovrler535.43Anas crecca; Eurasian teal211.7Aythya nyroca; Eurasian teal1048.5Melanitta nigra; Common scoter110.8Aythya ferina; Common pochard957.6Bucephala clangula; Common goldeneye30925.4Mergus albellus; Smew322.5Otis tarda; Bustard 332.5Anantiniindet.26 22.03In total118
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/1 ● 7–17Alina Stupak, Leonid Gorobets, Viktoria Smagol, Leonid Zalizniak: Archaeozoological Analysis of Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Site of Kukrek Culture Igren 8 (Ukraine)14Stari Kodaki appeared to be the nearest natural spot where this type of faunal complex was found; it is situated about 7 km from the Igren peninsula. One of the possible options implies that this tooth (or its part) was brought naturally.The bird bone remains, 118 ft (9% of whole bone collection) in total, are mainly represented by ducks: 11 species and 1 bustard Otis tarda (NISP = 3, MNI = 3). The leading number of remains belong to duck species, such as common goldeneye Bucephala clangula(NISP = 30, MNI = 9), mallard Anas platyrhynchos(NISP = 25, MNI = 9), ferruginous duck Aythya nyroca(NISP = 10, MNI = 4), and common pochard Aythya ferina(NISP = 9, MNI = 5). The bones of red-necked grebe Podyceps grisegena (NISP = 1),gadwall Anas strepera (NISP = 1), northern pintail Anas acuta (NISP = 2 MNI = 1), northern shovelerAnas clypeata (NISP = 5, MNI = 3), Eurasian teal Anas crecca (NISP = 2, MNI = 1), smewMergus albellus (NISP = 3, MNI = 2), common scoter Melanitta nigra (MNI = 1), and diferent kinds of duck species Anantini indeterminata (NISP = 26) are represented in the smaller number.The fshbone remains belong to 8 species, which live in the deep and littoral part of the river water. Archaeologists discovered 91 fragments of fsh bones on the settlement. All of the identifed fsh species are typical for freshwater basins in the area. In turn, the remains of sturgeon family species NISP = 8, MNI = 3 are exclusive; fsh species of the sturgeon family migrated to the lower part of the Dnieper River during the spawning period. They do not live in the river today. A large part of the bones belongs to pikeEsox lucius (NISP = 35, MNI = 12), wels catfsh (sheatfsh)Silurus glanis (NISP = 18, MNI = 12), andsander Sander lucioperca (NISP = 3, MNI = 2). Thecarp Cyprinus carpio (NISP = 10, MNI = 6) has the dominant role in the carp family species. Such species as Black Sea roachRutilus frisii(NISP = 5, MNI = 3), common roachRuthilus ruthilus (NISP = 6, MNI = 2), tench Tinca tinca (NISP = 1, MNI = 1), and diferent kinds of carp family speciesCyprinidae gen. et pieces (NISP = 5) are represented in a smaller number. According to the reconstruction of the length of the fsh body, the size of pike was about 40–90 cm, and the size of sheatfsh was about 60–160 cm.Some parts of freshwater turtle shell Emys orbicularis (NISP = 194, MNI = 24) were found in all pit-dwellings.A relatively small number of 31 specimen (3%) remains belong to the freshwater molluscs. Potentially it represents a small part of all of the molluscs which were found in the fllings of dwellings. Perhaps, some exemplars from some species were taken for identifcation during the excavation. The freshwater molluscs belong to non-nutritious elements of the collection of the site. The accumulation of freshwater snail Viviparus viviparus(MNI = 17) shells is considered as a sign of a pit-dwelling (Miller, 1935, pp.162–177). Another mollusc species belongs to the painter’s mussel Unio Table 6.  The list of fsh species represented.SpeciesNISPMNI%Esox lucius Pike351238.4Silurus glanis;Sheatfsh181220Ruthilus ruthilus;Common roach626.6Cyprinus carpio;Carp10611Cyprinidaegen. etsp.; Carp family species515.4Sander lucioperca;Sander323.2Acipensersp.; Strugeon family species838.7Tinca tinca;Tench111.1Ruthilus frisii;Black sea roach535.4In total91 Table 7.  Reconstruction of the length and age of some fsh individuals.SpeciesSkeletal element Length ofbody (sm)Age(years)Esox lucius PikeVertebra precaudal41–Vertebra abdominal85.2–Silurus glanis SheatfschVertebra abdominal15014Vertebra abdominal16016Vertebra abdominal10010Table 8.The list of mollusc species represented.SpeciesNISP%Viviparus viviparus 1754Unio pictrorum413Sphaerium rivicola1032In total 31
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/1 ● 7–17Alina Stupak, Leonid Gorobets, Viktoria Smagol, Leonid Zalizniak: Archaeozoological Analysis of Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Site of Kukrek Culture Igren 8 (Ukraine)15pictrorun (MNI = 4) and nut orb mussel Sphaerium rivicola(MNI = 10). The molluscs probably got into the dwellings during seasonal foods.The main results of the species identifcation are similar to V. Bibikova’s research. She worked with this material in the 1980s (Telegin, 2000). Additionally, we identifed the remains of small carnivores, European polecat Mustela putoriusand European minkMustella lutreola. Still, we did not fnd animal remains of an onager (Asiatic wild ass) Equus hemionusand European badger Meles meles. This kind of situation can be associated with the long-term preservation of the bone collection and the consequent loss of a part of it.4. Discussion4.1 Ecological implicationsThe Middle Dnieper area belongs to the forest-steppe geographical zone and borders on the steppe region. The species composition of this collection is typical for mixed landscapes. The bones of the bustard Otis tardaon the settlement refect the steppe elements of the environment. These results prove the presence of forests and steppe elements near the peninsula. A similar landscape in the Igren peninsula was also typical in Mediaeval times. The faunal remains from archaeological objects of the 11th– 13thcentury contain many wild animals like elk, red deer, and European polecat. This type of landscape was destroyed in the modern period after the city of Dnipro’s development (Zalizniak, 2019, pp.95–104).4.2 Reconstruction of the year cycle on the settlementThe results of species identifcation allow a determination to be made of the yearly seasonal type of settlement. Archaeologist D. Telegin attributed this settlement as a winter seasonal site. The Mesolithic tribes used to return to the Igren peninsula every winter (Fesenko, Bokotei, 2002, p.86). This version proceeds from the fact that the Mesolithic period is characterised by two types of buildings: deepened semi-subterranean and above-ground dwellings. A deepened semi-subterranean pit-dwelling is warmer and better for the winter season; the other type, at the ground surface, is cooler and more mobile, which is useful for the summer (Telegin, 2000, pp.1–86).The hunting of animals is reasonable for the winter when animal fur is of high quality. The bone of the common scoter Melanitta nigra indicateswinter season activity on the settlement, since these birds migrate to Ukrainian territory only in the winter. Besides that, turtles are active in the warm season. The best time for catching turtles is April when they have a mating season. During this period, turtles are in place along the river bank, making them easy prey.The type of bone structure development inherent to mammals helped to identify one individual of wild ox and one of red deer, both being about 6 months old. This may indicate an autumn hunting season.The granite Dnipro rapids prevented the icing over of the river waters during the winter. It explains why fshing was possible during all seasons. Besides which, fsh remains also include the bones of representatives of the sturgeon family (Acipenseridaeindet.). In the early Holocene, species of this family used to migrate to freshwater basins during the spawning period in spring (March and April) and autumn (September and October). Consequently, the archaeozoological methods confrm the wintertime activity at the settlement. Also, habitants lived in this place every year, potentially from September till April.4.3 Animals in the context of food productionThe kitchen waste, 754 pieces (70% of bone fnds), from the site inhabitants represents the central part of the bone collection at the site. These kinds of bones have signs of chopping or fre. The hunting of large ungulates, such as wild ox, red deer, and roe deer, was essential for this type of economy. The signifcant proportion of meat from these animals can provide provision for a long time. Concerning the kitchen-waste bones, all anatomical parts of animals were represented. The fsh and bird meat used to constitute an element of the habitants´ diet. The fnding of 21 specimens of turtle shells, with signs of fre, and 12 specimens with the cut marks, point to the usage of this meat in their diet. There is no other evidence for the use of the turtle shells for any other purposes than for the extraction of their meat.The massive part of the collection consists of the bones of traditional fur animals, such as foxes, wolves, and hares. A large number of metapodial bones of fur animals can denote a sign of the skinning process. Also, there are examples of the tibia bone of fox with a group of characteristic skinning marks. Similar marks were detected during the skinning experiment of A. Val and J.-B. Mallye (Val, Mallye, 2011). The bones of the animals refect all the anatomical parts inherent to fur species. One fox bone had signs of fre; the fve specimens of long bones of wolf preserved the signs of chopping. This means that the meat of fur animal was part of the people’s diet.4.4 Osseous industryThe bone industry of the Igren 8 complex has been researched by D. Telegin and L. Zalizniak and published. Following the results from their data, about 150 artifacts of bone and antler tool production were found. There are arrow-heads, the base of spear-pointed heads with microlithic embedding, harpoons and hooks, and various other items.Antler manufacturing formed the basis of the bone tool-making process. Signs of cutting are visible in the fragments from the antler species identifed as the Cervidaefamily. These kinds of signs are regularly met on the deer antlers. The fnding of separated antler burrs of red deer confrms the presence of their gathering. Specifc cutting marks across the bone are present on the one long bone of a duck (Anatidaeindet.); this probably played the role of the base for small arrow-heads that were the typical Mesolithic tools. A similar sign of cutting is present on the two examples of fox tibia bones. There are no tools made from this kind of material in the collection. One example of the long bone fragment has
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2022 ● XIII/1 ● 7–17Alina Stupak, Leonid Gorobets, Viktoria Smagol, Leonid Zalizniak: Archaeozoological Analysis of Animal Remains from the Mesolithic Site of Kukrek Culture Igren 8 (Ukraine)16signs of polishing; however, it could have been the waste from some destroyed tools.4.5 Igren 8 in the cultural context of the Mesolithic of UkraineThe beginning of the Holocene coincided with environmental changes. The megafauna and herd animals, such as bison and reindeer, were replaced in Eurasia by mainly solitary animals – elk, red deer and roe deer. The environmental transformation and megafauna extinction brought about a reduction in potential biomass available for the provision of food. These factors contributed to the development of a diversifcation in the hunter-gathering economy. In particular, fshing, bird hunting, along with ungulate hunting and gathering began to play a greater role (Zalizniak, 1990; Zalizniak, 1997). This contributed to the spread of the adaptation model of the river hunters and fshermen to whom this study belongs.The Igren 8 site is an example of a settlement of hunter-gatherers and fshermen tribes. These groups used to settle the banks of rivers or large water basins for a complex use of environmental resources. There are Holocene hunter-gatherer settlements in Ukraine that are located on the islands or peninsulas of rivers. There are archaeological sites of the Neolithic Surska culture on the Dnieper islands of the Middle Dnieper region (Zalizniak, 2009). The tribes of the Buh-Dnister Neolithic Culture located their settlements on the banks and islands of the Southern Buh River. The faunal assemblages of these types of sites are similar. The living strategy of the Mesolithic tribes of riverine areas were completed by the hunting of large solitary ungulates and fshing. Such a mixed-economy strategy is useful in crisis periods. Elements of the hunter strategy similar to that of Igren 8 have been described as the basis of the island archaeological site of Dudka (Poland) and Zamostje 2 (Russia) (Guminski, 2003; Lozovski, and Lozovskaya, 2013).Remains similar to that of the Igren 8 pit-dwellings have been found on the Early Mesolithic site of the Zymivnyky Culture Viazivok 4A (Zalizniak, 2018). A similar model of settlement location is characteristic for some other hunter-gatherer settlements of Eurasia. For example, the large number of Mesolithic sites of Belorussia are located near the Neman and PripyatRivers (Aszejczyk, 2016). Similar dwellings to to the Igren 8 pit-dwellings have been founded in the context of the Jászság Mesolithic archaeological site (Hungary) (Kertesz, 2002).5. ConclusionThe hunting economy of the Mesolithic tribes of the Igren peninsula was very diverse. It was based on the hunting of large ungulates and complemented by the hunting of birds, fshing, and turtle catching. The sufcient level of preservation has enabled the identifcation of species from the bone material. The hunting of large animals like wild ox, red deer, roe deer, and other big ungulates had a paramount role. The presence of the remains of typical fur animals served as evidence of a formerly high level of skinning and fur preparation. Usage of all the resources of the environment was once the key feature of the river hunter-gatherer primitive tribes. This research has confrmed the wintertime activity of the settlement and clarifed the periods of its seasonal activity. The fndings of bone and antler tools prove the past value of the animal-derived type of production. The results of the comprehensive analysis of all the fndings at Igren 8 illustrate the variability of the economic strategy of Mesolithic tribes from such riverine areas.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Oleksandr Kovalchuk for consultation with interpretation of fsh remains, Bohdan Ridush for help with studying the mammoth tooth, and Vitaliy Anistratenko for mollusc identifcation.ReferencesASHEJCZYK, W., 2016. Kultura janislawicka na Bialorusi. Stan i wybrane aspekty badan. Podlaskie Zeszyty Archeologiczne, 12, 21–57.BENECKE, N. 1997. Archeozoological studies on the transition from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic in the North Pontic Region. Anthropozoologia,25–26, 631–641.BIAGI, P., KIOSAK, D., 2010. The Mesolithic of the northwestern Pontic region: new AMS dates for the origin and spread of the blade and trapeze industries in southern Europe. Eurasia Antiqua, 16, 21–41.DRIESH, A. 1976. A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites. 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