image/svg+xml217XII/2/2021INTERDISCIPLINARIA ARCHAEOLOGICANATURAL SCIENCES IN ARCHAEOLOGYhomepage: http://www.iansa.euDiferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland GreeceAnthi Balitsari1*1Fonds de la Recherche Scientifque -FNRS, Université catholique de Louvain, Place Blaise Pascal 1, bte L3.03.01, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium1. IntroductionGrey Minyan is considered an emblematic ceramic class of the Middle Helladic (hereafter MH) period (ca. 2100–1700 BCE) in mainland Greece. It is a ceramic tradition particularly related to central Greece, mainly Boeotia, where it was frst recognised by H. Schliemann, during the Orchomenos excavations back in the 19thcentury, and named after the mythical king Minyas (Sarri, 2010a, pp.55–56). Because of the radical changes that took place in the material record towards the end of the Early Helladic (hereafter EH) period, which are traditionally described in terms of backwardness, Grey Minyan was not simply considered as a new ceramic trend of tablewares but as a product of the new population that had just arrived, the frst ancestors of the Greeks, according to the cultural-historical approach (Blegen, 1928; Haley, 1928; Caskey, 1960; Syriopoulos, 1994, pp.771–775; for a latest overview of the matter, see also Dickinson, 2016). Although the MH material excavated at Orchomenos had to wait for a century to be fully published (Sarri, 2010a), the characteristics of Grey Minyan as frst described in some detail by E. J. Forsdyke, namely the use of fne clay pastes, the grey colour throughout the section due to the reduction fring, the nicely burnished surfaces with the so-called “soapy texture”, and the systematic use of the potter’s wheel, became archetypical (Forsdyke, 1914, pp.129–130; Wace and Blegen, 1916–1918, pp.180–181). Consequently, any variation observed that could not ft into the above criteria -especially in terms of the use of the potter’s wheel – was considered to represent an inferior product, an imitation of the “True Grey Minyan” (Zerner, 1993, p.43; Sarri, 2010b).Modern research though emphasises that regionalism was a signifcant component of the MH culture, with variability being particularly expressed in ceramics (Rutter, 2007, p.36; Voutsaki, 2010, p.100), something that could explain the inability to produce a uniform nomenclature, the necessity of which has been recently proposed (Gauss and Lindblom, 2017). Therefore, any distinction made between a classic example of quality and a less carelessly made “replica” seems arbitrary and pointless. Common interregional cultural traits did exist, and the production of well-burnished eating and drinking pots fred in a reducing atmosphere Volume XII ● Issue 2/2021 ● Pages 217–233*Corresponding author. E-mail: anthoula.balitsari@uclouvain.beARTICLE INFOArticle history:Received: 15thJanuary 2021Accepted: 17thJuly 2021DOI: words:the ArgolidAtticaMiddle HelladicGrey Burnishedpotter’s wheelwheel-fashioning methodshandmadeABSTRACTThe Middle Helladic Grey Minyan ware is usually assigned with archetypical features, including the systematic use of the potter’s wheel. However, because of the signifcant variation observed, terms such as “True Grey Minyan” and “Imitations of Grey Minyan” were commonly applied in order to emphasise the diferences, which, nonetheless were never systematically analysed. The main subject of the present paper is to highlight the diferences existing in the potting traditions of Grey Minyan in two nearby regions, namely the Argolid and Attica, which seem to belong to diferent cultural spheres, given the divergence observed especially in the shape repertoire. The identifcation of diferent production and consumption practices is obviously related to diferent cultural phenomena, as evidenced through (a) the production of similar wheel-fashioned and hand-built Grey Minyan shapes in Attica, and (b) the introduction of foreign potting traditions, namely wheel-fashioned Grey Minyan pots, which are completely alien to the local, handmade ceramics of the Argolid.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece218Figure 1. Distribution of main MH sites in the Argive plain (the Argolid); sites discussed in text are indicated with capital letters (map created by A. Balitsari).Figure 2. Distribution of main MH sites in Attica; sites discussed in text are indicated with capital letters (map created by A. Balitsari).was one of them, shared by many subregions of the Greek mainland. However, the production of Grey Minyan was not necessarily a routine only done one way.The main subject of this paper is to provide a preliminary overview of the diferences existing in the potting traditions of two nearby regions, namely the Argolid and Attica Figure 3.Typical shapes of GB from the Argolid and Attica (drawings by A. Balitsari and Y. Nakas).(Figures 1–2), with special emphasis placed on the use of the potter’s wheel for the production of Grey Minyan, which will be here preferably called Grey Burnished (hereafter GB) 0 20 km0 5 km0 5 cm0 5 cm
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece219(see also Balitsari, 2019, p.481)1. Although the study of the potter’s wheel in the preceding EH II–III (ca. 3100–2200/2100 BCE) period has made signifcant progress (Choleva, 2012; 2018; 2020), the use of this tool in the MH period has not yet been satisfactorily explored, despite the crucial role of this era for the technological developments attested during the Late Helladic (hereafter LH) period, when the potter’s wheel was assumed to be more systematically used for the production of Mycenaean ware (Prillwitz, 2020), although detailed studies of forming techniques were largely lacking (Berg, 2013) and have only recently appeared (Rutter, 2017; Choleva et al., 2020).The present analysis is focused on the Argolid and Attica because they seem to belong to diferent cultural spheres, as is easily observed through the diferences expressed in their preferred wares, as well as in the shape repertoire of the GB of each area (Figure 3). In brief, NE Peloponnese, including the Argolid, is characterised by greater variation in the surface treatment of their ceramics, with painted wares prevailing, while plain burnished pottery is much more common in central Greece, including Attica (Philippa-Touchais and Balitsari, 2020). These variations are apparently related to diferent eating and drinking practices. However, further substantial diferences in the material record cannot be established, because of (a) poor preservation of the MH remains, (b) the preliminary and often short character of many publications, and (c) the lack of systematic research of the Middle Bronze Age in the Greek mainland, which is less appealing compared to other periods and areas of the Bronze Age Aegean, like the synchronous Middle Minoan civilization.2. Methodology, aims & theoryThe present analysis is of a preliminary character, and the ultimate goal is not to provide a detailed map with specifc chaînes opératoiresattested to in the GB pottery, but to approach statistically the relative percentages of handmade and wheel-thrown or wheel-fashioned GB pots per site and region. Taking into consideration the socio-technical 1The attributive MH (i.e.MH Grey Burnished) could be used to avoid confusion, when also dealing with other grey wares of the Aegean, like the Anatolian grey ware (Pavúk, 2007).requirements of a specialised manufacturing process (Roux, 2016, pp.101–103), such as the adoption of the potter’s wheel, the emerging pattern(s) can thus be used, frstly, as a starting point for future and more detailed studies, and secondly and more importantly, to challenge traditional approaches, according to which GB could be more or less successfully copied by any potters who, it is suggested, have only needed to have sight of some arbitrarily-assumed exemplary fnal product derived from somewhere else (i.e.Boeotia) to be able to reproduce it perfectly.The above simplistic perspective cannot be considered valid any longer, since technological practices are now considered to be deeply socially embedded. Although their transmission happens through networks of close interaction, this dissemination does not follow a linear development according to which up-to-date, more efcient, and less energy- and time-consuming technologies will easily spread because they are improvements (Choleva, 2020, pp.1–2). More importantly, the physical presence of a master and an apprentice is a prerequisite for particular perceptual motor-skills to be developed, those that are related, for example, to the clay preparation, the fring methods (Fowler, 2016, p.480), and more importantly the forming techniques, particularly those linked to the potter’s wheel (Roux and Corbetta, 1989). Therefore, despite the dearth of other evidence and the overall problems of research, the comparative study of the potting practices applied in the production of the GB in the Argolid and Attica provides frmer ground to establish the sociocultural boundaries existing between the subregions of the Greek mainland during the MH period.The study was based on hands-on experience with GB pottery from settlement contexts in the Argolid (Argos) and Attica (Marathon-Plasi, Athenian Agora, Thorikos); it also took into consideration the available evidence from related researches conducted on nearby MH sites, including Aspis and Asine in the Argolid, and Marathon-Vranas in Attica. GB was organised in subclasses according to macroscopic fabric groups; the visually-distinct features on the walls and sections of the sherds of each subclass were examined in order to distinguish between handmade (namely coil-built) and wheel-thrown or wheel-fashioned pots. However, on the one hand, the fragmentary character and poor preservation of the material, particularly the small size of sherds, obscures the identifcation of properly wheel-thrown products, which can only be hesitantly recognised. On the other hand, the Table 1.Main diagnostic features and corresponding forming operations of wheel-fashioned GB pottery (after Choleva 2012, pp.356–357, table 8).Diagnostic featuresForming operationStretched surfacesShaping with RKEUneven wall thickness Shaping the roughout with RKEHorizontal and parallel striations Thinning the rough-out with RKEOblique surface discontinuities and bulges Thinning and/or shaping the roughout with RKELinear grooves between zones of coil jointsConcentric or spiral undulations Fissures along sectionJoining the coils with or without RKE
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece220Figure 4.MH habitation districts in Argos (map created by A. Balitsari).0 400 mTable 2. Main diagnostic features compatible with wheel-throwing and/or wheel-fashioning techniques (after Choleva 2012, p.354, table 6).Diagnostic featuresWheel-throwing or wheel-fashioning techniqueWheel-fashioning techniqueStretched surfaces+Concentric or spiral undulations+Horizontal and parallel striations+Uneven wall thickness+Oblique surface discontinuities and bulges+Linear grooves between zones of coil joints+Fissures along section+generic term “wheel-fashioning” is mainly applied, when the main diagnostic features argue for joining and thinning the coils, and shaping the roughout with the help of a potter’s wheel, as described namely in methods 3 and 4 in the four-type classifcation system proposed by Roux and Courty (1998, pp.750–751, tables 1 and 3), and further applied by Choleva in the study of EH and LH pottery (Choleva, 2012, esp. pp.352–358; Choleva et al., 2020, pp.227–229) (Table 1). Particularly the coexistence of stretched surfaces indicative of strong wall modifcation with the help of rotative kinetic energy (hereafter RKE) with other features incompatible with thoroughgoing wheel-throwing was the main criterion for distinguishing wheel-fashioned pottery (Table 2). Nonetheless, further distinction between the two methods was not pursued, as it goes beyond the general aims of the study. Intense burnishing, though, frequently
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece221Figure 5. GB bowls from South Quarter in (a) fne grey, (b) semi-fne grainy, and (c) semi-fne with black inclusions fabric (drawings by Y. Nakas and A. Balitsari).Figure 6.Handmade GB bowls from the South Quarter in (a) fne grey, (b) semi-fne grainy: nonstretched surfaces; coils visible on the interior (indicated in red); fssures along section (indicated in blue) (photos by A. Balitsari).creates certain obstacles as it masks surface features related to forming techniques. In a few cases some kind of rotational movement might have also been used for the fnishing of rims and shoulders, as indicated by the creation of parallel grooves and incisions. The term “wheel-fnished” is potentially applicable, but these features might have also resulted from the steady hand of a potter with the help of a simple turntable; therefore, the particular specimens were preferably classifed as handmade.3. The Argolid3.1 Short historical background and results of researchCompared to other areas of mainland Greece, the MH period of the Argolid in the northeast Peloponnese is much better explored. This state of research is an immediate consequence of the early attention attracted by the later prosperous Mycenaean civilization that emerged in sites, which were already and uninterruptedly inhabited from the beginning of the MH period. The most signifcant MH settlements developed around the Argive plain, which remained the nodal point for the entire Bronze Age. Asine apart (Nordquist, 1987), the other major centres with stratifed evidence of continuous habitation, such as Argos and Lerna, are still largely unpublished, while Mycenae (Shelton, 2010), Tiryns (French and French, 1971) and Midea (Demakopoulou and Divari-Valakou, 2010), which later developed into major palatial centres, only poorly preserve evidence of MH stratifed contexts, mostly because of latter disturbances, especially of the intense building activity.Special emphasis will be placed on Argos, where the author had the opportunity to examine unpublished material (a)(c)(a)(b)(b)(Not to scale)0 5 cm
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece222from stratifed contexts. During MH I–II, habitation in Argos was dispersed, organised in diferent nuclei: on top of Aspis, on Larissa, in the ravine of Deiras, at the SE foothills of Aspis, as well as in the South Quarterof the modern city (Figure 4). During MH III–LH I, the settlement plan changed drastically; with the exception of Aspis, the other habitation districts were abandoned and the population was concentrated on the southeast foothills of Aspis, which also went through major reorganization (Touchais, 1998; Papadimitriou et al., 2015, pp.162–166; Balitsari, 2017, pp.119–121).The material discussed here is dated to MH I–III early and derives from settlement and stratifed contexts: from a household assemblage, conventionally termed as the “House of Pithoi” (Balitsari, 2019), and settlement deposits in the area of Aphrodite’s temple (“Aphrodision”) in the South Quarter(Balitsari, 2017; in prep.), and from the semi-underground house structure P1 at Deiras(Deshayes, 1966, pp.18–21). The GB was grouped in three subclasses according to fabric: (a) fne grey (MFG 7a), (b) semi-fne grainy (MFG 6a), and (c) semi-fne with black inclusions (MFG 3a)2. Fine grey predominates (46–81%), and semi-fne grainy is also common (12–38%), although fuctuations in the relative percentages between subphases existed. Semi-fne with black inclusions is less popular throughout the period studied (2–4%)3. Similar shapes are attested in all three varieties, mainly bowls with an everted rim and fat base (Figure 5). In terms of the manufacturing process, the MH pottery of Argos, including the GB, seems mostly handmade, as indicated by the discontinuities on the surfaces, and the uneven wall thickness, from the use of coils. The latter are particularly visible on the interior (Figure 6), as well as in the irregular rim formation and unbalanced shape, in the case of some of the best preserved, (nearly) complete examples (Figure 7).Wheel-fashioning methods, on the other hand, were only observed in a restricted number of pots (1–9%), mainly two-handled bowls with an angular body, drop-shaped rim and 2For detailed descriptions, see Balitsari, 2019, pp.482–484. 3Percentages are estimated in the total number of GB sherds collected from MH I–III early deposits from the House of Pithoi (Balitsari, 2019, p.501, table 5), Square BB 33 in Aphrodision (Balitsari, 2017, vol. 3, p.26, table 36; Balitsari in prep.) and house structure P1 at Deiras (after personal inspection). Figure 7.Handmade fne GB bowl from the South Quarter with nonstretched surfaces and irregular rim formation (photo by A. Balitsari).Figure 8.GB bowls with an angular body from (a) Deiras (after Deshayes, 1966, p.37:5), and (b) Orchomenos (after Sarri, 2010a, pl.2:6).Figure 9.Fragments of fne GB bowls with an angular body from the South Quarter and Deiras with evidence of wheel-fashioning methods: concentric undulations (indicated in green); oblique surface discontinuities (indicated in blue); horizontal and parallel striations (indicated in red) (photos by A. Balitsari).0 5 cm(a)(b)(a)(b)(c)(Not to scale)(Not to scale)
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece223ring base (Figure 8), which are closely linked to the potting traditions of central Greece, including Attica. These were mainly found in MH I late-MH II deposits. The prevailing features include stretched surfaces, horizontal and parallel striations usually observed on the interior, combined with oblique surface discontinuities, which correspond to the pressure exercised while joining and levelling the coils on a potter’s wheel (Figure 9). The fabric of the specifc vases is always fne but usually of a darker grey colour, with well-burnished but less shiny surfaces compared to the handmade fne GB pots. The petrographic examination, combined with a refring test of small chips, indicated the use of slightly diferent fne clay pastes, which are less calcareous, compared to the fne clays used for the handmade GB (Balitsari and Kiriatzi, 2019). A local provenance for these wheel-fashioned pots can neither be excluded nor reinforced, since the fne texture of the fabric does not really allow any safe correlation to a specifc clay resource. So even if these bowls have been locally produced, they are not simply imitations, but are the product of a deeply rooted “know how”, and one which seems alien to local ceramic traditions.For Aspis, the preliminary examination of the GB by M. Choleva suggested that it was equally handmade and wheel-fashioned, with the potter’s wheel being incorporated into the manufacturing process in diferent, more or less complex, ways including the shaping of the roughout, the fnishing of the rims and/or the upper parts of the containers, and the burnishing of the surfaces (Philippa-Touchais et al., 2011, p.555). More information on the typology and the chronological distribution of both handmade and wheel-fashioned GB in Aspis is certainly needed.In Asine, the pioneer research conducted by L. Spencer for pottery assemblages dated from EH III to MH II indicated that “wheel-formed” products constitute diachronically a minority (≤7%), being often produced in fabrics, which are either non-local or of uncertain provenance (Spencer, 2007, p.146). Although classifcation according to ware was not of primary importance in this research, it is easy to assume that a signifcant amount of the wheel-fashioned pottery is related to GB (Spencer, 2007, pp.152–153). Unfortunately, further details for particular shapes and specifc typological features remain unknown.3.2 DiscussionDespite the lack of consistency in the evidence available so far, hand-forming techniques seem to remain popular in the Argolid. This is not in accordance with an evolutionary model, according to which the appearance of the potter’s wheel in EH III should have “normally” led to the gradual displacement of handmade techniques in the course of time. The resistance of the Argolid to the potter’s wheel in conjunction with the development of a shape repertoire, which is characterised by notable diferences when compared to central Greece, indicates that the communities of the Argolid retained a distinct social identity expressed through specifc choices in the production and consumption of ceramics.Based on the evidence from the South Quarter and Deiras of Argos, wheel-fashioned pots constitute a minority, strictly related to the potting traditions of central Greece. These could either have been imported or produced by one or more potters initially trained in central Greece and later settled temporarily or permanently in the Argolid. The fact that the potter’s wheel is strictly related to the specifc shape of the two-handled bowl with an angular body, drop-shaped rim and ring base signifes that wheel-fashioning methods were not silent and were unlikely to have been easily overlooked by consumers. On the contrary, it seems that the wheel-fashioned material was closely linked to specifc craftsmen and to a certain package of symbolic correlations, and this could explain (a) why the shape was not reproduced in a handmade version that would be probably less appreciated, and (b) why local shapes were not reproduced with wheel-fashioning methods. More evidence from Aspis will certainly provide us with valuable insights into the co-existence and integration of foreign and local traditions, especially during the later phases of the MH period, as well as into the potential inequalities existing in the supply patterns of imported pottery between the diferent habitation areas of Argos. The latter possibility is based on the divergence observed in the amount of Aeginetan and Minoan(ising) pottery, which is signifcantly higher in Aspis compared to the South Quarter (Balitsari, 2019, p.507, and n.138).4. Attica4.1 Short historical background and results of researchThe MH period in Attica is the least explored compared to other prehistoric phases in the region. Long-lived settlements presumably existed, like Athens (Immerwahr, 1971; Balitsari and Papadopoulos, 2018; 2019; Venieri, 2020) and Eleusis (Mylonas, 1975; Cosmopoulos, 2014), though the stratigraphic evidence is scarce, because of continuous habitation in later periods and/or poor documentation of the excavation record of past decades. To give an outline of the available evidence, it is worth stressing the following:(a) EH III–MH I is only represented in an extremely limited number of sites by very little pottery, even fewer burials and no architectural remains. Consequently, the end of EH II and the transition of Early to Middle Helladic period (EH III–MH I) remains practically unknown (Balitsari and Papadopoulos, 2019, pp.135–138).(b) During MH II–III, the number of sites increased across Attica, although it never reached the density of settlements attested to during the earlier EH period, a situation that possibly refects a more centralised model of habitation, which is also common for the Peloponnese (Papadimitriou, 2010, pp.246–248; Papadimitriou and Cosmopoulos, 2020, p.374). However, it is important to note that the majority of sites attributed to the specifc period is only known through short reports or preliminary publications. Except for Eleusis, no other site has produced satisfactory evidence to reconstruct
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece224Figure 10.Typical GB shapes from Attica and other MH sites of central Greece (for Plasi: drawings by A. Balitsari; Athenian Agora: drawings by A. Hooton; Amarynthos: after Krapf, 2015, Figure 3:19; Mitrou: after Hale, 2016, Figure 14:30; Orchomenos: after Sarri, 2010a, plates. 8:20, 15:1).(Not to scale)
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece225settlement organization (Cosmopoulos, 2014). For Athens, it was recently suggested that habitation was organised in clusters around the Acropolis (Venieri, 2020, p.417), but again, no architectural phases have been distinguished.(c) As far as the transitional late MH-early LH period is concerned, except for the exemplary publication of J. Maran for the related deposits excavated at Kiapha Thiti (Maran, 1992), the existing picture of the dearth Figure 11. Fragments of GB pots from Plasi in (a, c, e) fne grey, (b, f) semi-coarse with whitish inclusions and silver mica, (d) semi-fne grainy fabric (drawings by A. Balitsari).Figure 12.Fragments of GB pots from Plasi in (a–c) fne grey and (d) semi-coarse with whitish inclusions and silver mica, with evidence of wheel-fashioning methods: concentric undulations and uneven wall thickness (indicated in red); horizontal and parallel striations (indicated in blue); fssures along section (indicated in green); oblique surface discontinuities (indicated in yellow) (photos by A. Balitsari).of evidence from the rest of Attica does not change signifcantly. Even at Thorikos, which at this time became the most important centre of Attica (Papadimitriou, 2010, pp.254–256), because of its control over the Lavrion mines, and as is evidenced in the rich burial record of the site (Lafneur, 2010), settlement remains were not systematically explored and deposits were not always recorded in detail (Servais, 1967, pp.20–24; Papadimitriou, 2020).(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(a)(c)(b)(d)(Not to scale)0 5 cm
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece226It is thus instantly clear that the MH cultural changes, including the development of potting traditions, are difcult to track and organise within the traditional tripartite scheme (i.e.MH I, MH II, MH III). Inevitably then the chronology of pottery and related fnds is usually established based on parallels from stratifed contexts in other areas. Also, compared to the Argolid, Attica is characterised by a signifcant geographical segmentation with plains being divided of by mountains and ridges. A preliminary overview of the potting traditions in various Attic sites revealed (a) a complete accordance of GB in terms of shapes with central Greece’s standards (Figure 10), and (b) interesting regional diferences related mainly to external contacts, especially with Aegina and Keos (Philippa-Touchais and Balitsari, 2020, pp.387–393, 395). However, a close study of the technology of its manufacture is certainly needed in order to shed light on potential diferences in the potting traditions exercised, as well as the interregional contacts that might have developed. Here is presented an overview for the GB from some major centres of the MH period, Marathon (Plasi, Vranas), Athens and Thorikos, which are currently being studied by the author as part of her post-doctoral research.The Marathonplain is located on the north-eastern coast of Attica at the entrance of the Euboean gulf. The MH period is represented by both settlement and burial evidence. At the coastal site of Plasi, settlement remains were uncovered in the late 1960s (Marinatos, 1970a, p.5; 1970b, pp.153–154; Mastrokostas, 1970), but systematic exploration did not start until 2015 by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The settlement remains include among others an impressive fortifcation wall, a large rectangular building, the so-called “Megaron” of Plasi, dated to MH II–III (Polychronakou-Sgouritsa et al., 2016, pp.307–310), and two contemporary pottery kilns (Kapsali, 2019). Other rectangular buildings, including a second smaller Megaron to the north, have also been unearthed, though their excavation, and the study of the associated deposits, has not been completed yet. Here we will focus on the deposits from the interior of the frst Megaron, currently being studied by the author.The GB can be divided into three subclasses according to macroscopic fabric features: fne grey, semi-coarse with whitish inclusions and silver mica, and semi-fne grainy. All varieties are represented in common shapes, mainly goblets and bowls (Figure 11). Unfortunately, because of the later use of the area as a burial ground, during the transitional MH III–LH I (Polychronakou-Sgouritsa et al., 2016, pp.310–311) and the Geometric period4, in addition to the proximity of the MH remains to the modern ground surface, signifcant disturbance has been caused and the pottery has largely sufered from wear and extreme fragmentation. The following observations though can be made:(a) The fne grey variety is the dominant subgroup of GB (88%). The wheel has been commonly used for its production and it seems that it was introduced from an early stage in the procedure, namely from the joining of the coils. This observation is mostly based on the uneven wall thickness, the fractures along sections and the surface discontinuities observed combined with the 4See: 13. Fine GB bowl from Plasi with evidence of wheel-fashioning method: uneven wall thickness (indicated in red); horizontal and parallel striations (indicated in blue); spiral undulations (indicated in green) (photos by A. Balitsari).0 5 cm
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece227stretched surfaces, and the typical striations created during rotation.(b) Semi-coarse with whitish inclusions and silver mica fabric group, which is the second most representative (11%), has also produced similar evidence (Figures 12–13). However, there are few sherds with no evident wheel marks, suggesting that the potter’s wheel might have not been systematically used for the manufacture of the specifc subclass.(c) Semi-fne grainy on the other hand, which is less common (1%), lacks entirely wheel marks (Figure 14).Only a few kilometres away, a MH cemetery is located at the inland site of Vranas,where a stone-coated tumulus dated to MH I–II represents one of the earliest MH monumental burial structures of the Greek mainland (Pantelidou-Gofa et al., 2020, pp.437–440). The pottery found inside the graves, as well as in the nearby deposits consists of signifcant quantities of fne GB (Pantelidou-Gofa et al., Figure 14.Fragments of GB pots from Plasi in (a) semi-coarse with whitish inclusions and silver mica and (b–c) semi-fne grainy fabric with no apparent wheel marks. The few lines barely visible on the exterior surface correspond to burnishing marks (photos by A. Balitsari).(a)(b)(c)(Not to scale)
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece228Figure 15. Fragments of fne GB pots from the Athenian Agora with evidence of wheel-fashioning methods: horizontal and parallel striations (indicated in red); oblique surface discontinuities (indicated in blue); burnishing marks (indicated in yellow) (photos by C. Mauzy).Figure 16.Fragments of fne GB pots from the Athenian Agora with evidence of wheel-fashioning methods: horizontal and parallel striations (indicated in red); oblique surface discontinuities and bulges (indicated in blue); linear grooves between zones of coil joints (indicated in green); burnishing marks (indicated in yellow) (photos by C. Mauzy).2016, pp.25–34). The close study of the technology, with special emphasis placed upon the intact vases from the graves, indicated that wheel-fashioning methods prevail, with the wheel being introduced also at an early stage in the manufacturing process (Pantelidou-Gofa et al., 2017, pp.39–40). It should be stressed though that the fne GB of Vranas is quite soft, light grey and the burnishing seems more carelessly executed. In contrast, at Plasi, the GB is always hard-fred, well-burnished and exhibits more commonly darker grey hues. Semi-coarse and semi-fne varieties have not been recognised at Vranas.At Athens, a MH II deposit excavated at the Basileios Stoa of the Athenian Agora, close to an empty and partly destroyed cist tomb of possibly MH date, was systematically examined and published (Balitsari and Papadopoulos, 2018). GB constitutes the majority of the assemblage, with goblets being the most representative shape (Balitsari and Papadopoulos, 2018, pp.228, 254, tables 1, 3). In this deposit, GB is strictly represented by a fne fabric with slight variations of colour, presumably because of the atmosphere and temperatures reached during the initial fring: macroscopic fabric group 1a is hard and dark grey throughout, while macroscopic fabric group 1b is light grey, sometimes medium hard to soft, with biscuit efect5. In terms of the manufacturing process, signs akin to those observed mostly in the fne GB of Plasi suggest that the potter’s wheel was also used during coil-joining (Figures 15 and 16). Proper wheel-thrown products may also be present (Balitsari and Papadopoulos, p.233, Figure 12). Other varieties of GB in coarser fabrics, as well as strictly hand-built specimens, were not observed. Fine GB is also attested in other deposits of the Athenian Agora, with many sherds being catalogued then as wheelmade (Immerwahr, 1971, pp.60–61, 76–78, nos.272–291), a designation which now creates reasonable suspicions for the possible identifcation of similar wheel-fashioning techniques. However, until there is full publication and systematic examination of related material from other assemblages, no pattern can be considered representative for the entire Athens.5For more details, see Balitsari and Papadopoulos 2018, p.229–230.(Not to scale)(a)(b)(c)(a)(b)(Not to scale)
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece229Thorikosis the third site to be discussed. As already mentioned, the settlement mainly fourished during late MH-early LH. However, there are substantial indications that habitation might have started earlier, possibly from the beginning of MH (Papadimitriou, 2020, p.466). The GB presented here comes from various assemblages, not necessarily stratifed, and it is dated to MH II–III, according to the available parallels. The quantifcation attempted for its representation, can only be based on the settlement deposits excavated by the Belgian School in the mid and late 1960s (Papadimitriou et al., in prep.). Fine GB prevails (93%), while a semi-coarse variety with schist inclusions and silver mica seems to constitute a small minority (7%). However, both fabric groups are associated with similar shapes, mainly goblets and wheel-fashioning techniques of manufacture as those encountered at Marathon and Athens (Figures 17–18).4.2 DiscussionFrom the evidence above, it becomes clear that the Attic sites examined so far are set within the same and distinct socio-technological framework with regard to the production and consumption of GB, as indicated by the predominance of fne fabrics, the systematic use of wheel-fashioning methods, and the creation of similar shapes – with goblets dominating – intended to cover the same drinking habits. However, slight variations also existed and these are mostly seen in the quality of burnishing and the initial fring. Coarser clay pastes are also attested, but there is no strict relation between specifc clay recipes, formation processes and fnal products of specialised use. On the contrary, both hand-built semi-fne/coarse and wheel-fashioned fne GB tend to cover similar consumption practices, and therefore any distinction Figure 17. Fragments of GB pots from Thorikos in (a–b) fne grey and (c) semi-coarse with schist inclusions and silver mica fabric with evidence of wheel-fashioning methods: horizontal and parallel striations (indicated in red); fssures along section (indicated in green); oblique surface discontinuities and bulges (indicated in blue) (photos by A. Balitsari).Figure 18.Fragment of fne GB goblet from Thorikos with evidence of wheel-fashioning methods: evenly made horizontal ribs (indicated in green); concentric undulations (indicated in yellow); horizontal and parallel striations (indicated in red); oblique surface discontinuities (indicated in blue) (photos by A. Balitsari).(Not to scale)(a)(b)(c)0 5 cm
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece230between them is strictly related to the production choices made by the potters.The petrographic examination and the chemical analysis conducted at Vranas do not exclude the local/regional production of the GB (Pantelidou et al., 2017, pp.45–47; Balitsari et al., forthcoming). The assumption is further reinforced by a few special typological features shared with other sites of Attica’s east coast, mainly Brauron, such as the low foot and the incised shoulder of bowls (Philippa-Touchais and Balitsari, 2020, p.389). The same analyses at Plasi are defnitely required to be undertaken in order to shed light on the provenance of its GB. A working hypothesis for explaining the variability particularly seen at Plasi would be that the settlement, because of its privileged position on the coast, was possibly subjected to more regional and external infuences, compared to the inland community of Vranas.The interrelation of the less fne varieties of GB at Thorikos and Plasi also demands further investigation6. Interestingly, fairly coarse to coarse, as well as handmade, GB is also attested at Eleusis (Cosmopoulos, 2014, pp.270–271), while in Kiapha Thiti, which is contemporaneous with Thorikos, GB is exclusively fne and probably entirely “wheelmade” (Maran, 1992, p.120), as in the case of the Athenian Agora. It may be assumed then that the production of semi-fne/coarse GB, handmade or wheel-fashioned, is allied to potting traditions shared between coastal sites, but this hypothesis needs to be further investigated by analytical methods and the detailed examination of more Attic sites.5. Concluding remarksThis short overview underlines that any comparison made between the GB of two diferent regions can only be telling when substantial information is known for the entire technological sequence, including its typology, where the latter is particularly linked to consumption practices and local preferences. Therefore, GB can no longer be examined from the prevailing point of view of today, which is biased towards Boeotia’s so-called superior manufacturing standards.The examination of GB in Attica indicated that the potter’s wheel was highly involved in the manufacturing process. Handmade GB did exist, but its typological similarities with its wheel-fashioned counterpart indicate that they were also produced within a common cultural framework. In the Argolid, however, the situation is reversed; GB is predominantly handmade, while the complex use of the wheel was only observed in a limited number of pots. The apparent techno-typological afnities of the latter 6The petrographic examination and chemical analysis of selected samples from the Athenian Agora, Plasi and Thorikos is part of the author’s research programme, which is conducted at UCLouvain, in close collaboration with the Fitch Laboratory of the British School at Athens, and aims at the investigation of the cultural contacts developed within and beyond Attica during MH and early LH, with special emphasis placed upon ceramics.with central Greece’s GB indicates that the specifc pots were either imported or produced by craftsmen who were familiar with the potting practices of a diferent cultural environment.This situation though is not entirely new, since the very frst appearance of wheel-fashioning methods during the EH III phase was also the “result of technical transfers from central Greece” (Choleva, 2018, p.229). Therefore, we could speak of a continuum of infuences, which, nonetheless, never became so frmly established as to signifcantly afect local potting traditions. According to L. Spencer’s analysis, the striking resistance exhibited – not only – at Asine to the incoming device of the wheel and all the associated practices may be explained in terms of household-based production, as is indicated by the overall lack of technologically-sophisticated ceramics, and household diferentiation sought through the diversity of the consumption choices (Spencer, 2007, pp.150–158). The latter situation has also been witnessed in Argos. In contrast, at Lefkandi, a type-site of central Greece, there is a growing specialisation in production and homogenisation of ceramic assemblages over the centuries, with the latter being closely related to a consumption behaviour in favour of communal cohesion (Spencer, 2007, pp.129–133). This picture certainly fts with V. Roux’ s position, according to which the ”non-transfer of the potter’s wheel could be explained in terms of polarisation between communities” (Roux, 2020). In other words, GB was not simply a product of imitation – because it was “fashionable” at that time – but was reproduced according to specifc social structures and identities.A last question that is worth exploring is the chronological context of the relatively higher occurrence of wheel-fashioned GB pots, during MH I late-MH II, at least in Argos. Interestingly, both the Argolid (Philippa-Touchais, 2007, pp.111–112; Spencer, 2007, p.149) and Attica (Gauss, 2020, p.614) witnessed an increase of Aeginetan wares from MH I late-MH II. Being visually distinct, Aeginetan pottery is generally a helpful indicator for reconstructing external contacts. It is thus possible that the appearance of wheel-fashioned products could be seen within a wider revitalization of the communication networks in the Argosaronic gulf that enabled the transfer of products and/or people.This is, however, only a half-fnished scenario with signifcant limitations that create some obstacles and gaps. Being overlooked in the research for many years, because of the remarkable poverty of the material culture, the MH period has yet to be systematically investigated. The development of pottery organised in conventional chronological phases needs to be updated and refned, given the signifcant degree of regionality that obscures direct comparisons between synchronous events. To accomplish this, well-stratifed deposits are of primary importance to allow the close examination of the technological sequences. Especially as far as the use of the wheel is concerned, the investigation of the earliest MH period is a prerequisite to fully understanding the formation processes of potting practices after the end of the Early Bronze Age.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2021 ● XII/2 ● 217–233Anthi Balitsari: Diferent Shades of Grey Minyan: Dissecting an “Iconic” Ceramic Class of Middle Bronze Age, Mainland Greece231AcknowledgmentsThis paper was made possible thanks to collaborations with various institutes and research teams. In no particular order, I would like to express special thanks to Prof. G. Touchais, A. Philippa-Touchais and the late Prof. F. Croissant from the French School at Athens, Ass. Prof. Y. Papadatos, Ass. Prof. G. Vavouranakis and Prof. N. Polychronakou-Sgouritsa from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Prof. R. Docter and Dr. S. Dederix from the Belgian School at Athens, Dr. N. Papadimitriou from the University of Heidelberg, Prof. J.K. Papadopoulos and Dr. S. Dumont from Agora Excavations, and last but not least to Dr. E. Kiriatzi, Dr. N.S. Müller and Dr. M. Choleva from the British School at Athens. Finally, I would also like to thank Dr. Don Evely for reading and improving my text, as well as both anonymous reviewers for their useful comments. All shortcomings though that remain are my own.ReferencesBALITSARI, A., 2017. Argos. Oi Mesoelladikes (ME) katavoles enos diachronikou argolikou kentrou. Nea dedomena gia ti ME I–II periodo apo ti Notia Synoikia. Unpublished thesis (PhD), University of Athens.BALITSARI, A., 2019. The “House of Pithoi”: An early Middle Helladic (MH) household in the South Quarter of Argos (Argolid, Peloponnese). Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 143(2), 455–543.BALITSARI, A., in preparation. Argos. Les Fouilles de l’Aphrodision: Les niveaux d’occupation de l’Helladique Moyen.Études Péloponnésiennes.BALITSARI, A., KIRIATZI, E., and MÜLLER, N.S., forthcoming. Petrografki kai chimiki analysi deigmaton Mesoelladikis kai Ysteroelladikis kerameikis apo tous tymvous Vrana sto Marathona. In: M. Pantelidou-Gofa, G. Touchais, A. Philippa-Touchais, N. 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