image/svg+xml97 X/1/2019 InterdIscIplInarIa archaeologIca natural scIences In archaeology homepage: Look into region Interdisciplinary Research at the Department of Archaeology, Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové Richard Thér a a Department of Archaeology, Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové, Rokitanského 62, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic 1. Beginnings of experimental research The beginnings of academic activity related to interdisciplinary research in archaeology in Hradec Králové are inseparably connected with Radomír Tichý. In 1993, he became an assistant for Ancient History and Antiquity at the Department of History, Faculty of Education, University of Hradec Králové (later the Institute of Historical Sciences at the University of Hradec Králové). In 1994, he founded there the University Centre of Experimental Archaeology and the regionally-active Society of Experimental Archaeology that brought together students and academics interested in experimental archaeology. His frst long-term experimental project was focused on the construction of a basic settlement unit of frst farmers in central Europe. An early Neolithic longhouse was built in 1994 in a typical Neolithic settlement location positioned on a gentle southern slope at the confuence of two streams near Librantice, a few kilometres to the east of Hradec Králové (Figure 1). The house, as a basic structure of a Neolithic settlement unit, was accompanied by reconstructions of structures documented in the archaeological record – hearths, ovens, storage pits, a clay pit, a well – and also by theoretically-assumed components of the economic hinterland. All the structures were constructed using replicas of Neolithic artefacts. The experimental feld trips focused on the building of the house and other structures, and subsequently on their use, and the replication of a whole spectrum of production activities as documented in an Early Neolithic context, was organised over several summer and winter campaigns (Tichý, 2000a). The project was terminated in 1998 due to changes in the land ownership. The same year, the experimentally-used area was excavated with the aim to interpret depositional processes on the site. The basic result of the excavation was that most of the lost or discarded artefacts and debris remained laying on the surface and did not enter the sunken features. Neolithic pottery, in particular, has a low potential to enter the deposits in sunken features as it soon disintegrates on the open surface (Tichý, 2001a). 2. Centre of Experimental Archaeology and Archaeopark Všestary In 1996, R. Tichý, together with students of history, started to develop the Centre of Experimental Archaeology Všestary (CEA). The initial aim of the project was to create Volume X ● Issue 1/2019 ● Pages 97–104 *Corresponding author. E-mail: ARtiCle inFo Article history: Received: 11 th July 2019Accepted: 18 th August 2019 DOI: 10.24916/iansa.2019.1.7 Key words: experimental archaeologytechnological analysis automatic classifcation University of Hradec Králové AbstRACt The Philosophical Faculty of the University of Hradec Králové (FF UHK) has recently become co- publisher of the IANSA journal. This represents an appropriate opportunity to look into the history of the interdisciplinary research at the Department of Archaeology of FF UHK. This article gives an overview of the research undertaken, mainly in the feld of experimental archaeology and the study of ancient technologies. The overview demonstrates the natural links that exist between the Department’s research focus and the profle of the journal.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2019 ● X/1 ● 97–104 Richard Thér: Interdisciplinary Research at the Department of Archaeology, Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové 98 an environment suitable for feld experiments. The model settlement unit comprised some basic types of settlement structures chosen to represent a variety of archaeological features typical for Eastern Bohemia. The main experimentally-constructed structures of the complex were two post-built houses based on Bronze Age fnds and one semi-sunken dwelling based on evidence from the Hallstatt period. They were accompanied by other structures: a well, storage and clay pits, a variety of workshops, felds and a cemetery with various forms of burials (Figure 2; Thér and Tichý, 2000; 2002).CEA also exploits the educational potential of the results of experimental archaeology. Since 2000, there has been an increased interest from primary and secondary schools to take part in the educational program “Touching Prehistory”. The programme is grounded on the fact that our knowledge of prehistory is based only on fragmentary material remains. The way of life in prehistory is distant to us and our idea of it is far from a complete picture. Teachers have only a few means or possibilities to create an image of prehistoric life that can be visualised by children. The program, therefore, uses the results of experimental archaeology to achieve a comprehensive perception of phenomena relating to prehistoric life in children’s minds. Besides the experience with replicas of life-size structures built from adequate materials, the children and adults alike can themselves experience the craft technology of daily prehistoric life.CEA also serves for the training of students of archaeology. There are two roles for university training at the CEA: 1) The students gain hands-on experience with the materials Figure 1. Experimental construction of the Neolithic long-house in Borek (photo by R. Tichý). Figure 2. Centre of Experimental Archaeology Všestary (photo by R. Thér).
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2019 ● X/1 ● 97–104 Richard Thér: Interdisciplinary Research at the Department of Archaeology, Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové 99 and techniques used in the archaeological periods studied and in the design of archaeological experiments in seminars supplementing the theoretical introduction to experimental archaeology; 2) They develop presentation skills for the dissemination of archaeological knowledge to the public during the practical training focused on visitor guiding and demonstrating the archaeologically-reconstructed processes.With time, the presentation component of CEA’s activities strengthened, which led to the transformation of the CEA into the Prehistoric Archaeopark Všestary, opened in 2013. The Archeopark represents a combination of both an open-air and indoor exhibition. The newly-constructed, three-foored building hosts a permanent exhibition that maps out the basic issues of archaeological inquiry with an emphasis on the interpretation of the archaeological record. The open-air part of the Archaeopark contains prehistoric buildings, workshops, clay pits, other types of settlement features, and a cemetery. An important part of the open-air exhibition is a roofed model of an archaeological excavation. The permanent and temporary exhibitions are complemented by interactive programmes. Apart from the programmes for schools that follow the tradition of the programme “Touching Prehistory”, there are also thematic weekends: so-called “Days of Living Archaeology”. The theme of each event covers a specifc topic, for example: burial rituals, harvest and processing of food, hunters and gatherers, Celtic craftsmanship, Romans on the fringes of the Imperium, archaeological excavation, etc. (Tichý, 2017). 3. Monoxylon expeditions Another long-term and complex experimental project, Monoxylon expeditions, is focused on early sea navigation. Prior to the frst maritime expedition, R. Tichý had had several years of experience with experimentally-reconstructed river logboats (Tichý, 2003). To date three expeditions in the Mediterranean have been carried out.Monoxylon I expedition was undertaken in 1995. The aim of this frst expedition was to test out the possibilities of sea navigation for the frst farmers who ventured between the Middle East and mainland Greece. The objective of the frst expedition was to verify the transport of people, crop and livestock by a dugout logboat. The boat of the frst expedition was hypothetical because at the time of preparation for the expedition there had not been any fndings of Neolithic dugout logboats in the Mediterranean. The boat was made out of a poplar tree using a “burning out” technique. In addition, replicas of Neolithic adzes and axes were tried out to shape the wood. The boat had originally been ftted with a mast and a boom sail. The results of the frst expedition led to the conclusion that such type of sail is inappropriate for a logboat of such construction. The mast signifcantly reduced the vessel’s stability in wavy conditions at sea because of the absence of a proper keel. The sail was only practical to use in a stern wind (coming directly from behind the boat), however, such conditions were rare during the voyage. The issue with the short-axis stability of the boat was solved by fxing a side foat-log. Adding a side foat took its toll though in slowing down the speed of the boat and in reducing the boat’s manoeuvrability. This 6 metre-long boat with a side foat-log travelled 290 kilometres at sea. The route started from the island of Samos and went through the chain of islands of Ikaria, Mykonos, Tinos, Andros and Evia up the coast of the Attica Peninsula, where it ended near the town of Nea Makri. The boat was proven seaworthy and able to transport a crew of nine alongside the additional load onboard (Tichý, 2001b; 2001c; 2016).The Monoxylon II Expedition took place in late August and early September 1998. The main objective consisted in the practical testing of coastal navigation by logboat along the coast of Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. This expedition was a natural continuation of the frst voyage to areas of occurrence of the Early Neolithic Cardium pottery culture. During their month at sea, the crew of the Monoxylon II paddled a distance of over 780 kilometres. The boat of Monoxylon II was inspired by the discovery of a Neolithic Figure 3. Dugout logboat with sail on expedition Monoxylon III (photo by R. Thér).
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2019 ● X/1 ● 97–104 Richard Thér: Interdisciplinary Research at the Department of Archaeology, Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové 100 boat in Lake Bracciano (Italy) made of oak. Thanks to its reinforced bottom and the transverse “ribs” of the bottom (visible on the original), the monoxyl was very stable and reached an average speed of 5 km/h. A sail was not tested during this expedition (Tichý, 1999; 2000b; 2016).The last expedition so far – Monoxylon III – took place in the spring and early summer of 2019. New archaeological evidence from Cyprus, Crete and other islands of the Aegean Sea allowed the reopening of questions related to the spread of agriculture and early maritime navigation. The latest expedition focused on further details of the use of primitive logboats as maritime vessels, especially the possible use of a simple sail, and also on the question of travel distances which could play a signifcant role in the way agricultural communities spread across other parts of the Mediterranean. These include the colonisation of Cyprus, islands of the Adriatic Sea, and the spread of obsidian between Sicily and the coast of Tunisia. The route of the expedition started from the Attica Peninsula, continued across the chain of islands to the Isle of Milos, which was a signifcant source of obsidian, and from there to the islands of Santorini and Crete. Monoxylon III used the boat of the second expedition, which was then modifed to refect more accurately the parameters of the original boat from Lake Bracciano. Also, some of the movable wood components found in the original logboat were taken into consideration and used in some hypothetical placements and with the tying of the sail. The expedition proved the capability of the boat to withstand the conditions prevalent in the Aegean Sea and the possibilities of using the simple sail efciently (Figure 3). 4. Study of pottery technology Another line of the research at the Department of Archaeology FF UHK, again grounded in the experimental and interdisciplinary approach, is the study of pottery technology. The methodology of identifcation of technological processes from archaeological evidence is systematically being developed. So far two lines of technological inquiry have been followed: identifcation of pottery fring processes and identifcation of pottery forming techniques.Through a series of fring experiments we have ascertained that fring procedures does afect many of the characteristics of pottery and leaves archaeologically-testable traces. We studied selected parameters of the fring process, based on a large dataset of measured experimental pottery frings involving all basic types of pottery fring structures (hearths, clamps, kilns…) as evidenced or considered in archaeological research. The results showed that there is a signifcant diference between one-space and two-space frings. In one-space frings, the vessels are in direct contact with the fuel, while in two-space frings the vessels are separated from the fuel. Firing structures can be characterized by a specifc range of thermal profles based on the fring procedures that can be employed in these structures (Thér, 2014). The most important parameters usable for diferentiation among fring processes are related to the dynamics of the fring. Consequently, determining the efects of the dynamics of the fring based on the properties of the ceramic products is a key step in the application of this approach to archaeological ceramics. That is why we have based our subsequent research on the hypothesis that procedures with the potential to develop fast heating and cooling rates with very short soaking times around the maximum temperature can cause a signifcant thermal gradient within the vessel wall. We experimentally determined the limits of the heating dynamics of the fring processes for two basic alternatives of pottery fring considered for the Early Neolithic in central Europe—bonfres and single-chamber kilns (Figures 4 and 5) —and analysed the thermal gradient within the walls of the fred pottery as the efect of these heating dynamics (Thér et al. , 2018). Another line of research related to the study of pottery fring has been a systematic study of the direct evidence of pottery fring structures. The main theme is the spread and development of two-chamber vertical kilns as one of the principal innovations in pottery technology that occurred during the Iron Age in central Europe. We explored the earliest evidence for such structures in the Hallstatt period (Mangel and Thér, 2014; Mangel, Thér and Figure 4. Experimental bonfre: a) fring at the moment of maximum temperature on the outer zone of the (pottery) load; b) pottery exposed during the cooling stage of the fring (photo by R. Thér).
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2019 ● X/1 ● 97–104 Richard Thér: Interdisciplinary Research at the Department of Archaeology, Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové 101 Gregor, 2015) and comprehensively analysed the fnds of the La Tène two-chamber vertical kilns in central Europe (Mangel and Thér, 2018). The development of the methodology for the identifcation of pottery forming techniques was based on the relationship between forming techniques and the orientation of the components of ceramic materials. The alignment of inclusions and voids is usually characterized by qualitative categories or ordinal scales. We developed a quantitative approach. Measurement of the orientation refnes the analysis of the preferred orientation by defning exact intervals of orientation variability for particular forming techniques and their combinations. Quantifcation of the alignment and orientation of inclusion yields objective criteria for interpretation the forming sequence employed. At frst, an experimental collection of pottery manufactured using fve basic forming techniques and combined techniques were analysed. The intervals of the alignment and orientation were then been proposed for the basic forming techniques (Thér, 2016). Subsequently, we focused on the diferences in orientation among pottery-forming techniques utilising rotational movement. Apart from the comparison among the forming techniques, the efects of degree of transformation of the clay mass, shape of the vessel, velocity of rotation, as well as the individual experience of the potter on the orientation of particles in a wheel-thrown vessel wall were also evaluated. The results showed that wheel throwing can be diferentiated from other applications of rotational movement in forming (Figure 6), but the characteristic orientation parameters are not independent of the context of the manufacture. They refect the equilibrium established between the movements of the potter’s hands, the technical parameters of the rotational device, properties of the clay and the shape of the vessel (Thér and Toms, 2016).The proposed methodology was successfully applied to a study of the introduction of the potter’s wheel in central Figure 5. Experimental fring in a single-chamber kiln: a) fring at the moment of maximum temperature at the front of the load; b) pottery exposed during the cooling stage of the fring (photo by R. Thér). Figure 6. Diferences in orientation of voids and particles in tangential section of the vessel wall among a wheel-thrown vessel (A), a wheel-shaped vessel with coiling as a primary forming technique (B), and a wheel-shaped vessel with pinching as a primary forming technique (C). The orientation is represented by rose diagrams showing the orientation of each detected inclusion or void in the sample (it is an alternative to the histogram for circular data). The wheel-thrown vessel shows strong diagonal orientation corresponding with the direction of rotation (A). Horizontal orientation of the particles is typical for the wheel-shaped vessel combined with coiling. It refects the orientation of the particles in the body of coils placed horizontally in the vessel wall (B). Pinching, on the contrary, causes very poorly vertically-aligned textures or nonaligned textures (C) (R. Thér).
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2019 ● X/1 ● 97–104 Richard Thér: Interdisciplinary Research at the Department of Archaeology, Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové 102 Europe. We have demonstrated that the introduction of pottery, formed using a potter’s wheel, at the beginning of the La Tène period represents a clear technological discontinuity in terms of ceramic paste preparation, the entire forming sequence and the fring procedure. The identifed forming sequence (wheel shaping) is a time-consuming and skill-demanding activity. The clear technological divergence between wheel- made pottery and the rest of pottery production refects a divergence of identities within the potting community. The results can be interpreted as being the consequences of the transmission of a novel technology in a restricted learning network. In contrast, during the La Tène C–D1 period, wheel-made pottery was produced in a number of local pottery workshops. A diverse use of rotational energy has been identifed. Wheel throwing occurred as common practice in forming fne ware along with the use of wheel shaping. The diversifcation of the use of a potter’s wheel can be linked to changes in the selective environment caused by increased socio-economic complexity in the period. The results suggest the existence of independent specialists sensitive to cost-efective production techniques (Thér and Mangel, 2014; Thér, Mangel and Gregor, 2014; 2015; 2017; Thér, Mangel and Toms, 2015).Less successful was the application of the methodology to hand-building forming techniques. We compared two basic families of hand-building techniques (coiling and slab-building). The results show that orientation analysis can diferentiate between the orientation caused by the forming force used in shaping the slabs and coils. However, the pottery-forming practice cannot be simplifed to these basic forming forces. Incorporation of slabs or coils into the vessel wall or diferent approaches to form the segments might result in signifcant transformation of the initial or ideal orientation, resulting in an overlap of orientation characteristics between the variants of the two basic forming families. We demonstrated that the described methodology can be used to trace basic trends in the development of pottery-forming techniques in the Early Neolithic settlement in Bylany. However, the results of our experimental analysis should be a warning against too schematic a view of the orientation patterns refecting these basic forming techniques. Slab building and coiling are among the techniques where the vectors of the forming force are not sufciently constrained by the principles of the technique. Consequently, they can produce highly variable orientations of the microstructure of the formed ceramic vessels (Thér, Květina and Neumannová, 2019). 5. Journals The extensive experimental research resulted in the founding of the journal Reconstruction and Experiment in Archaeology. The original aim of the journal was to support the development of archaeological experimentation in the Czech Republic and to create a platform for the publication of experimental research. However, it soon became apparent that the Czech environment is too small to fll out such a specialised journal. In 2004, the journal was divided into two separate series. The international format of the journal under the name EuroREA (now EXARC journal published by EXARC has extended its geographical scope. The focus of the Czech journal, with the title supplemented by Živá archeologie (Living Archaeology), was extended. The journal is still oriented towards archaeological experiment and reconstruction, but also welcomes articles dealing with the interpretation of archaeological evidence and presentation of archaeological knowledge. 6. Applied informatics The third feld of interdisciplinary endeavour at the Department of Archaeology FF UHK is applied informatics. The frst project was focused on the use of geographic information systems for the electronic publication of documentation from archaeological excavations. In the frst application, the data from a large-scale excavation of the Neolithic settlement in Mohelnice was used. The aim of the project was to create a comprehensive means of excavation data publication and ofer new possibilities for spatial analysis (Thér, 2004; 2008). The project was built on the ArcGIS software platform and ArcGIS became the basis for the processing of archaeological documentation at the Department of Archaeology FF UHK. Since then, the activities related to applied informatics have expanded and at present also include the application of 3D modelling and virtual reality. This development resulted in the accreditation of a bachelor’s study program “Computer support in archaeology” in 2006. Most recently, a project focused on the automated documentation and classifcation of pottery is being developed and overseen by J. Wilczek. With the use of the latest developments in mathematics, biology, physics, informatics and archaeology, an easy-to-use computer application for creating illustrations, classifcations, and automatic searches is being developed in cooperation with the Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté in Dijon (France). The aim of the computer application is the implementation of a number of approaches allowing automatic classifcation and automatic recognition of whole vessel shapes based on their fragments. These approaches will include both previously published, but as yet unused, methods (ICP, SIFT, etc. ), and new approaches based on modern statistical methods and geometric morphometry. In this respect, the use of a number of Machine Learning methods is also very promising, allowing the combination of quantitative statistical methods and the intuitive qualities of ceramics specialists (Figure 7; Wilczek, 2017; Wilczek et al. , 2018). Applying these methods should increase the quality and quantity of archaeological data used in archaeological interpretation. The other project integrates approaches for the identifcation of technological phenomena in archaeological
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2019 ● X/1 ● 97–104 Richard Thér: Interdisciplinary Research at the Department of Archaeology, Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové 103 pottery with methods of semi-automated classifcation. The main objective of the project is to propose solutions allowing to semi-automatically highlight, quantify and interpret diagnostic traces on the surface of archaeological pottery. The developed procedures apply some quantitative analyses of 3D pottery models. In addition, the project also explores the automatic determination of a manufacturing sequence in order to increase the efectiveness of the archaeological analyses and interpretation of archaeological pottery. The project will also explore the possibilities of the efective sharing of analysed, annotated, and interpreted 3D pottery models with the wider scientifc community. 7. Conclusion Thus it has been the long-term focus on interdisciplinary research within the Department of Archaeology that has led to the decision to share responsibility for the publishing and provision of fnancial and organisational support for the further development of the IANSA journal. The Philosophical Faculty of the University of Hradec Králové has been a co- publisher of the IANSA journal since the issue 2/2018. References MANGEL, T. and THÉR, R., 2014. Pyrotechnologická zařízení z období HA D2–3 až LT A z Kapsovy Lhoty (okr. Strakonice). K možnostem interpretace fragmentárních nálezů pyrotechnologických zařízení s rošty. In: J. Čižmářová, N. Venclová and G. Březinová, eds. Moravské křižovatky. Střední Podunají mezi pravěkem a historií . Brno: Moravské zemské muzeum. pp. 801–813.MANGEL, T. and THÉR, R., 2018. Laténské hrnčířské pece ve střední Evropě . Červený Kostelec: Nakladatelství Pavel Mervart.MANGEL, T., THÉR, R., and GREGOR, M., 2015. K otázce hrnčířských vypalovacích zařízení s rošty z období Ha C – LT A ve střední Evropě. Archeologické rozhledy , 67, 356–399.THÉR, R., 2004. Elektronická dokumentace výzkumu Mohelnice. In: M. Lutovský, ed. otázky neolitu a eneolitu 2003 . Praha: Ústav archeologické památkové péče středních Čech. pp. 425–431.THÉR, R., 2008. Využití GIS pro zpracování a publikaci plošných archeologických výzkumů: příklad neolitického sídliště v Mohelnici u Zábřeha. In: J. Macháček, ed. Počítačová podpora v archeologii 2 . Brno, Praha, Plzeň: Ústav archeologie a muzeologie, Masarykova univerzita, Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Katedra archeologie, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, pp. 93–102. THÉR, R., 2014. Identifcation of pottery fring structures using the thermal characteristics of fring. Archaeometry , 56, 78–99. THÉR, R., 2016. Identifcation of pottery-forming techniques using quantitative analysis of the orientation of inclusions and voids in thin sections. Archaeometry , 58(2), 222–238. THÉR, R., KALLISTOVÁ, A., SVOBODA, Z., KVĚTINA, P., LISÁ, L., BURGERT, P., and BAJER, A., 2018. How Was Neolithic Pottery Fired? An Exploration of the Efects of Firing Dynamics on Ceramic Products. Journal of Archaeological Method and theory [online]. THÉR, R., KVĚTINA, P., and NEUMANNOVÁ, K., 2019. Coiling or slab building: Potential of orientation analysis for identifcation of forming techniques used by Early Neolithic potters. Journal of Archaeological science: Reports , 26, 1–14. THÉR, R. and MANGEL, T., 2014. Inovace a specializace v hrnčířském řemesle v době laténské: model vývoje organizačních forem výroby. Archeologické rozhledy , 66(1), 3–39.THÉR, R., MANGEL, T., and GREGOR, M., 2014. Produkce laténských hrnčířských pecí na Chrudimsku: příspěvek k poznání organizace hrnčířského řemesla. Archeologické rozhledy , 66(3), 415–452.THÉR, R., MANGEL, T., and GREGOR, M., 2015. Život hrnčíře začíná v LT A. Výroba keramiky v době laténské na Chrudimsku . Hradec Králové: Filozofcká fakulta UHK. THÉR, R., MANGEL, T., and GREGOR, M., 2017. Potter’s wheel in the Iron Age in Central Europe: process or product innovation? Journal of Archaeological Method and theory . 1–44.THÉR, R., MANGEL, T., and TOMS, P., 2015. Potter’s wheel and organization of pottery production in the Late Iron Age in Central Europe: a case study from Eastern Bohemia. In: A. Danielisová and M. Fernandez-Götz, eds. Persistent economic ways of living: production, distribution, and consumption in the iron Age and early Medieval Period . Budapest: Archeolingua, pp. 185–202.THÉR, R. and TICHÝ, R., 2000. Centrum experimentální archeologie Všestary. Rekonstrukce a experiment v archeologii , 1, 164–169. Figure 7. Prototype of the computer application allowing morphological analogy identifcation to a fragment’s profle. Example of a result – the most similar complete vessel (C17_003_06; grey polygon shown by red and blue thin outlines) has been identifed as the best analogy to a selected fragment (C05_075_04; red and blue thick outlines) within the database containing 358 complete vessels (J. Wilczek).
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