image/svg+xml191 IX/2/2018 INTERDISCIPLINARIA ARCHAEOLOGICA NATURAL SCIENCES IN ARCHAEOLOGY homepage: Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) Claudia Moricca a,b* , Francesca Alhaique c , Lia Barelli d , Alessia Masi b , Simona Morretta e , Rafaele Pugliese f , Laura Sadori b a Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy b Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy c Archaeozoology Laboratory, Bioarchaeology Service, Museum of Civilizations, Piazza G. Marconi 14, 00144 Rome, Italy d Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazza Borghese 9, 00186 Rome, Italy e Institute for Archaeological Heritage in Rome, Piazza dei Cinquecento 67, 00185 Rome, Italy f Independent researcher, Via del Forte Tiburtino, 120/d, 00159 Rome, Italy 1. Introduction The discovery of the New World by Columbus in 1492 caused a series of revolutions, among which the arrival of new vegetal and animal edible species that were gradually introduced in the diet and habits of Europeans and soon became a substantial part of it. The plants include Capsicum spp. (pepper and hot chili), Cucurbita spp. (gourds and pumpkins), Helianthus spp. (sunfower), Phaselous spp. (beans), Solanum lycopersicum L. (tomato), Solanum tuberosum L. (potato), Theobroma cacao L. (cocoa), Zea mays L. (corn), and the not edible, but quite important plant from an economic point of view, Nicotiana spp. (tobacco). Domestic animal species, in contrast, are much fewer: Meleagris gallopavo L. (turkey), Cavia porcellus Pallas (guinea pig), and Cairina moschata L. (Muscovy duck). Their introduction occurred at diferent times and rates as can be highlighted by iconographic pieces of evidence, ancient texts and recipes, as well as rare archaeobotanical and archaeozoological fndings (Mofet, 1992; Karg, 2010; Beneš et al. , 2012). In the reconstruction of the spread of new species, written sources play a key role. The frst indications come from Columbus himself who, for instance, in a letter dated November 13 th , 1493, described maize as a type of millet. The following year, 1494, some Zea mays caryopses were delivered from Mesoamerica by Peter Martyr to Cardinal Ascanio Maria Sforza Visconti in Rome, favouring its distribution not only in Italy, but also in Spain, Portugal and Turkey (Janick, 2011). The fast spread of this plant is Volume IX ● Issue 2/2018 ● Pages 191 –203 *Corresponding author. E-mail: ARTICLE INFO Article history: Received: 6 th July 2018 Accepted: 4 th December 2018DOI: 10.24916/iansa.2018.2.6 Key words: New World speciesarchaeobotanyarchaeozoologydisposal pitdiet Cucurbita maxima/moschataCucurbita pepoCavia porcellus Early Modern AgeRome ABSTRACT This paper reports the archaeobotanical and archaeozoological data from a disposal pit, whose use started after the partial closure of a staircase, and from a mortar surface within a former porch in the Santi Quattro Coronati complex in Rome, Italy. The two contexts were in use in the Early Modern Age, when the complex served as a cardinal seat. The element that distinguishes the Santi Quattro Coronati from other contemporaneous contexts is the presence of New World species, until now only hypothesized based on a letter sent by the frst resident bishop in Santo Domingo to Lorenzo Pucci, then cardinal with the titulus of the Santi Quattro Coronati. Pumpkin seeds ( Cucurbita pepo and C. maxima/moschata ) were found in the pit, while a pelvis of guinea pig ( Cavia porcellus ) was found in a former porch. Numerous archaeobotanical remains preserved by mummifcation, identifed mostly as food, and many archaeozoological specimens were found in the pit. Based on the data, it is hypothesized that the pit was used mainly as a deposit for table waste. The results as a whole help towards the investigation of the eating customs and daily habits of a Renaissance high-status clerical community.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2018 ● IX/2 ● 191–203Claudia Moricca, Francesca Alhaique, Lia Barelli, Alessia Masi, Simona Morretta, Rafaele Pugliese, Laura Sadori: Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) 192 also attested by the frst depictions of maize in Rome in the festoons of the Loggia of Cupid and Psyche painted by Raphael (1515–1518). The fresco shows also Phaselous vulgaris , Cucurbita maxima and C. pepo (Caneva, 1992). The latter, however, had already been represented a decade before in the 1503–1508 Grandes Heures d’Anne de Bretagne , a prayer book compiled and illustrated in Touraine, France (Paris et al. , 2006). The earliest fnding of Cucurbita moschata / C. maxima appears to derive from a 15 th –16 th century cesspit in a Renaissance monastery in Argenta, Northern Italy (Mercuri et al. , 1999); again in Northern Italy, between 16 th and 17 th century, we fnd Cucurbita seeds in kitchen trash of the Guerrieri Gonzaga Palace in Volta Mantovana (Bosi, Buldrini and Rinaldi, 2015). Since the 16 th century it appeared widespread in central Europe (Teppner, 2000). Capsicum spp. appears to have been immediately accepted by Europeans because of its pungent taste, reminiscent of the black pepper that Columbus was originally looking for (Janick, 2011). The frst European illustrations of chili pepper are dated to 1540 ( Codex Amphibiorum ) and, along with other Renaissance images, indicate that hot chili was the frst variety of Capsicum to be introduced. C. annuum seeds are attested in Europe since the 16 th –17 th century in the Dutch site of Hertogenbosch (Hallavant and Ruas, 2014), in early modern sites in Northern Poland (Karg, 2010) and in a 17 th –18 th brick cesspit belonging to the college of the Theatine order in Prague, Czech Republic (Čulíková, 2014). Helianthus annuus L. (sunfower) is also part of the vast heritage acquired after the discovery of the New World. Its frst European depiction dates to 1568 and is found in Florum et Coronariarum by the Flemish botanist Dodoens. Archaeobotanical fndings of sunfower in the Old World were found between the 15 th and the 18 th centuries in south-western Germany, where also Z . mays is attested (Rösch, 1998). The arrival of potato to Europe is attributed to Francis Drake in association with the rescue of Roanoke colonists (Janick, 2012). The delay in the introduction of potato and tomato was partly due to their land of domestication, respectively the Inca Empire, conquered by Francisco Pizarro in 1531–1536 and the Aztec Empire, whose conquest occurred in 1521 (Daunay, Laterrot and Janick, 2006). Potato is frst mentioned in herbals, where an illustration is also found, by Gerarde in 1597. Tomato is frst mentioned in a 1544 chapter on mandrake by P. A. Matthioli (Daunay, Laterrot and Janick, 2006). The frst illustration appears in Fuchs’ unpublished Vienna Codex , painted by A. Meyer between 1542 and 1565 (Daunay, Laterrot and Janick, 2006). Much scepticism surrounded the consumption of both tomato and potato due to their similarity to the poisonous mandrake fruits and roots respectively (Janick, 2011). However, they both soon became substantial parts of the Mediterranean diet.Among the animals, the most important is the turkey. This bird was likely imported to Spain in 1511 and from there it rapidly spread all over Europe (De Grossi Mazzorin and Epifani, 2015 and references therein). As far as Italy is concerned, the earliest possible evidence are the stuccoes in the Vatican Loggias made by Giovanni da Udine and Perin del Vaga between the end of 1517 and the beginning of 1519, but their identifcation as turkeys or peacocks is debated. Other clearer images are found in the paintings of Palazzo Madama by Giovanni da Udine dated to 1522–23. Although in the beginning turkeys were only considered as exotic animals to be exhibited by wealthy people, within a few decades they became popular as high-status food as evidenced, for example, by recipes in the Singolare dottrina by Domenico Romoli (1560) and the Opera by Bartolomeo Scappi (1570). Turkey bone remains are much rarer and less securely dated (De Grossi Mazzorin and Epifani, 2015): the earliest identifed specimen having been found in a silo at Muro Leccese referred to the end of the 16 th –beginning of 17 th century; other remains referred to the 16 th –17 th century are from the Prösels/Presule castle in Alto Adige and from the Gonzaga Palace at Volta Mantovana in Lombardy. In Rome turkey remains were recovered at Caput Africae (17 th –18 th century) and at the Crypta Balbi (18 th century); other specimens dated to the 17 th and 18 th cent. were identifed in the Nuovo Mercato di Testaccio (Rome), possibly indicating that by this time the species was no longer only the prerogative of the high classes.Relevant for our site and for its relations with the Americas is a letter, dated to 1519 or 1520 (Oliva, 1993) by Alessandro Geraldini, frst resident bishop in Santo Domingo, to Lorenzo Pucci (Arrighi, 2016), then cardinal with the titulus of the Santi Quattro Coronati and supervisor for the Church of the Indies in the Consistory, in which turkeys, referred to as a gallus and a white gallina from the “ sub Aequinoctiali plaga ”, were mentioned as a gift sent to the cardinal together with parrots ( psittacos ) and some gods worshipped by local indigenous populations.The analysis of archaeobotanical and archaeozoological data is fundamental for the reconstruction of the history and the introduction of New World species in the European context. These complement written sources and illustrations in terms of the identifcation of the geographical spread of American fora and fauna in the Old World, also taking into consideration factors such as climate and social status. To this purpose the chance to study bioarchaeological samples from Early Modern age confned contexts of the Santi Quattro Coronati in Rome is of great importance. 2. The investigated site The Santi Quattro Coronati is an architectural complex comprised of several blocks constructed between the 4 th century AD and modern times. It is located in Rome (Italy) on the Caelian Hill between the Lateran and the Colosseum (Figure 1). Starting from 1138 AD and for the following four centuries, the history of the monastery was strictly correlated to that of the Umbrian Abbey of Sassovivo, of which it represented the most important fliation, as it was the seat of the attorney of the Roman diocesan administration and
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2018 ● IX/2 ● 191–203Claudia Moricca, Francesca Alhaique, Lia Barelli, Alessia Masi, Simona Morretta, Rafaele Pugliese, Laura Sadori: Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) 193 the temporary residence of the Pope’s guests (Barelli and Pugliese, 2012). In the 13 th century, a portion of the complex became part of a vast palace, meant to host the cardinal titular of the basilica. In 1564 the complex was assigned to host the Conservatory of the Orphan Girls, run by Augustinian Nuns, who still guard the complex.The complex was subjected to a series of restorations that, through diferent archaeological campaigns, have brought to light structures attributable to the Renaissance. These include a closed staircase, used as a discard pit and some layers excavated within a former arched porch (Barelli and Pugliese, 2012). 3. Materials and methods For the current research, two specifc contexts of this large complex have been taken into consideration (Figure 2). One is a discard pit excavated in 1996, under the supervision of the architects Lia Barelli and Monica Morbidelli and the archaeologist Rafaele Pugliese. The pit occupied the bottom part of the staircase of the façade-tower of a vast titular complex rebuilt under Pope Leo IV (847–855). The closure of a door on the ground foor of the tower is attributed to the restoration works ordered by Cardinal Carrillo (cardinal between 1424 and 1434). This allowed for the stairwell to be flled by waste of a varied nature in the following decades. Such use, as highlighted by ceramics, appears to be dated towards the end of the 15 th century. The closure of the pit is dated at the middle of the following century, possibly in concomitance with the settlement of the Augustinian nuns in 1564. The entire fll of the bell tower has been collected and preserved. For the current study the stratigraphic units US 3 and US 4 have been selected. Archaeobotanical remains were separated through dry sieving, using a series of three sieves with 5-, 2- and 1-mm meshes. A total of 28 l of material was sieved. Each fraction was then hand-picked. Macro-remains were counted, observed under a Leica M205C stereo microscope (magnifcation up to 100×) and photographed using a Leica IC80 HD camera. Combined pictures and 3D models were obtained using Helicon Focus (version 6.6.1 Pro). Morphological identifcation was performed by comparing the samples against several atlases (Cappers, Neef and Bekker, 2009; Neef et al. , 2012; Cappers and Bekker, 2013) and modern reference samples. The second context was investigated during the most recent excavations, carried out in 2011–2012 (Barelli and Pugliese, 2012; Masi, Sadori and Pugliese, 2012) in a former porch (Asciutti, 2012) located in the west side of the garden of the complex. Among the investigated layers, a surface made of mortar (US 521) referenced to the beginning of the 17 th century mixed with ceramic materials dated to the end of the 16 th century, yielded a small faunal assemblage whose content is relevant for the present research. Traditionally, in archaeozoological analyses the volume of the excavated material is unknown; the remains were therefore simply picked out from the entire flling of each layer. The faunal assemblage – separated from the same buckets as the plant materials as well as another small sample handpicked during the excavation from the same discard pit, but lacking precise stratigraphic provenience – have been analysed. Furthermore, as mentioned before, US 521 from the 2011–12 excavations of the former porch has also been Figure 1. Rome, Italy. Location map of Santi Quattro Coronati (circled in white), between the Colosseum and the Lateran Basilica.
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2018 ● IX/2 ● 191–203Claudia Moricca, Francesca Alhaique, Lia Barelli, Alessia Masi, Simona Morretta, Rafaele Pugliese, Laura Sadori: Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) 194 investigated. Although the specimens are very fragmented, the preservation condition of bone surfaces is good and has allowed the observation and identifcation of human, animal and other natural traces; all specimens, including the unidentifable ones, were inspected for any such modifcations. The age of single individuals of domestic species was calculated based on the archaeozoological literature (Silver, 1969; Payne, 1973; Barone, 1981; Bull and Payne, 1982; Grigson, 1982; Barone, 1995). Given the fragmented state of the bone specimens, it was possible to estimate only the withers height of a horse (May, 1985). 4. Results The infll of the discard pit from US 3 and US 4 is mostly constituted of hay, which represents the bulk of the fnding in which the carpological and zoological remains were dispersed. Approximately 6,000 well-preserved fragments of seeds and fruits, belonging to 35 taxa, mostly identifed at species level and attributed to 18 diferent plant families were identifed (Table 1, Figure 3). Scientifc nomenclature follows Flora d’Italia (Pignatti, 1982) and Mabberley’s Plant Book (Mabberley, 2008). The favourable thermo- hygrometric conditions present in the pit allowed the mummifcation of plant remains by desiccation, although few wood remains were found charred. Even the most fragile mummifed parts of plants, such as lemmas and paleas of spikelets are preserved.Besides the few wild and ornamental plants, the botanical assemblages included food remains. For this study, these will be classifed as cereals, pulses, fruit plants and vegetables/ spices. Cereals include oat ( Avena fatua / sterilis ), broomcorn millet ( Panicum miliaceum ) and bread wheat ( Triticum cf. aestivum ). Concerning barley ( Hordeum vulgare ) , only rachises were found. In terms of pulses, faba (or broad) bean ( Vicia faba major) is the most numerous fnding, although pea ( Pisum sativum ) is also present. Remains of faba beans are Figure 2. Plan of the architectural complex of Santi Quattro Coronati. The two contexts of retrieval are highlighted. 0 20 m
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2018 ● IX/2 ● 191–203Claudia Moricca, Francesca Alhaique, Lia Barelli, Alessia Masi, Simona Morretta, Rafaele Pugliese, Laura Sadori: Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) 195 Table 1. List of identifed plant and the number of remains retrieved in the pit of Santi Quattro Coronati, where * represents the fruits estimated based on the number of retrieved fragments. Carpological remainsUS 3US 4N%N% Allium cepa L.tunic3 0.13 3 0.09Allium cepa/sativum basal plate 10 0.44 22 0.67Allium sativum L.tunic25 1.09 8 0.24Avena fatua/sterilis spikelet 0 0 10 0.30Cannabis sativa L.achene2 0.09 12 0.36Castanea sativa Mill.pericarp63 2.75 130 3.93Citrus sp.pericarp 14 0.61 26 0.79Coriandrum sativum L.mericarp6 0.26 1 0.03Corylus avellana L.pericarp5* 0.22 5* 0.15Cucumis melo L.seed41 1.79 76 2.30Cucurbita maxima/moschata seed 8 0.35 27 0.82Cucurbita pepo L. seed2 0.09 6 0.18Cupressus sempervirens L.cone1 0.04 0 0Ficus carica L.achene4 0.17 0 0Foeniculum vulgare Mill.mericarp3 0.13 14 0.42Hordeum vulgare L.rachis19 0.83 9 0.27Juglans regia L.pericarp 10* 0.44 17* 0.51Lagenaria siceraria Standl seed5 0.22 0 0Malus sp.seed1 0.04 1 0.03Medicago sp.legume49 2.14 177 5.36Olea europea L.endocarp54 2.35 96 2.90Panicum miliaceum L. foret 17 0.74 33 1.00Panicum sp. foret 44 1.92 188 5.69 caryopsis 0 0 1 0.03Pastinaca sativa L.mericarp 380 16.56 526 15.92Piper nigrum L.drupe 8 0.35 4 0.12Pisum sativum L.seed5 0.22 11 0.33Prunus avium/cerasus endocarp 28 1.22 47 1.42Prunus domestica L.endocarp26 1.13 14 0.42Prunus persica (L.) Batschendocarp3 0.13 5 0.15Punica granatum L.seed26 1.13 83 2.51 exocarp13 0.57 15 0.45Ranunculus repens L.achene4 0.17 21 0.64Rubus fruticosus aggr.endocarp1 0.04 3 0.09Torilis arvensis (Huds) Linkmericarp 0 0 4 0.12Triticum cf. aestivum L.caryopsis2 0.09 0 0 rachis425 18.53 623 18.85Vicia faba L. majorseedcoat 385 16.78 63 1.91Vitis vinifera L.pip 187 8.15 377 11.41 pedicel 389 16.96 617 18.67 tendril22 0.96 20 0.61 Apiaceae undif. mericarp4 0.17 10 0.30 Total2294 100 3305 100
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2018 ● IX/2 ● 191–203Claudia Moricca, Francesca Alhaique, Lia Barelli, Alessia Masi, Simona Morretta, Rafaele Pugliese, Laura Sadori: Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) 196 present only in the form of teguments. A wide variety of fruit plants, used also as vegetables, was retrieved. These include olives ( Olea europaea ), cherries ( Prunus avium/cerasus ), plums ( Prunus domestica ), peaches ( Prunus persica ), blackberries, Rubus fruticosus , grapes ( Vitis vinifera ), pomegranate ( Punica granatum ), citrus fruits ( Citrus sp.), pumpkins ( Cucurbita maxima/moschata and C. pepo ), melon ( Cucumis melo ), calabash ( Lagenaria siceraria ), apples ( Malus sp.), fgs ( Ficus carica ), hazelnuts ( Corylus avellana ), chestnuts ( Castanea sativa ) and walnuts ( Juglans regia ). Finally, also various plants used as vegetables or spices were attested in the examined sediments. These include parsnip ( Pastinaca sativa ), garlic ( Allium sativum ), onion ( Allium cepa ), coriander ( Coriandrum sativum ), fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare ), black pepper ( Piper nigrum ) and hemp ( Cannabis sativa ). Additionally, the weeds spreading hedgeparsley ( Torilis arvensis ), creeping buttercup ( Ranunculus repens ) and alfalfa ( Medicago sp.) were found. Cypress ( Cupressus sempervirens ), an ornamental species, was also attested (with a cone) in the Santi Quattro Coronati pit. Cucurbita seeds are very similar among species, but they also present a vast range of intraspecifc variations. However, C. maxima is more distinctive (Mofett, 1995). Unfortunately, due both to the conservation state of Apiaceae seeds and the similarities among diferent species, it was not possible to identify all Apiaceae remains. For this reason, the presence of other Apiaceae, such as dill and parsley cannot be excluded.The faunal assemblage from the discard pit includes a total of 582 specimens mostly from US 3 and US 4 (Table 2). Land gastropods consist mainly of Helicidae, especially the chocolate-band snail ( Eobania vermiculata ) and the garden snail ( Cornu aspersum ) . Marine bivalves are represented mostly by the wedge clam ( Donax trunculus ) and a few remains of common cockle ( Cerastoderma edule ). Fragments of crustacean exoskeleton were recovered in both layers and fsh remains, still under study, are very common. Among the birds, only chicken ( Gallus gallus ) and pigeon ( Columba livia/oenas ) have been surely identifed; in addition, eggshell fragments have also been recovered.In the microfauna there are mainly remains of rodents ( e.g. Rattus rattus ) as well as some small reptiles (Lacertilia). Besides the bone specimens reported in Table 2, two mummifed “rats” were recovered in US 3. Figure 3. Santi Quattro Coronati (Rome): plant macro remains. a. Cannabis sativa , fruit; b. Vicia faba , seedcoat with hilum; c. Avena fatua/sterilis , spikelet; d. Triticum cf. aestivum , rachis; e. Citrus sp., pericarp; f. Cucurbita pepo , seed; g. Castanea sativa , pericarp. 0 2 mm 0 1 cm 0 4 mm 0 1 cm 0 4 mm 0 1 cm 0 2 mm
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2018 ● IX/2 ● 191–203Claudia Moricca, Francesca Alhaique, Lia Barelli, Alessia Masi, Simona Morretta, Rafaele Pugliese, Laura Sadori: Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) 197 Lagomorphs are represented by a mandible fragment belonging to a young individual. A single Felis catus phalanx was recovered in US 3, but the same layer also yielded the complete mummy of a cat. The only horse remains is a complete left metatarsal belonging to an individual about 149 cm tall at the withers.Among the three main domestic mammals the domestic pig Sus domesticus is the dominant species with a minimum number of 10 individuals ranging from very young ones (0–6 months) to over 4 years old, but more than half of them are less than 18 months old. There are at least two males and two females. Ovicaprines are the second domestic taxon as number of specimens, referable to a minimum of 9 individuals most of them adult and even senile. Cattle is very rare, represented by a minimum of 3 individuals, one of them 6–12 months old while the other two are adults.The proportions of skeletal fragments attributed to size groups refects the abundance in the identifed species. In this research “small mammal” would comprise lagomorphs, cat, and other animals of similar size; sheep, goat, and pig, are considered “medium-sized mammal”; cattle and horse, are “large mammal”. All the rest of the specimens were completely unidentifable. The faunal assemblage from US 521 (Table 3) includes many intrusive small gastropods ( e.g. Pomatia elegans , Rumina decollata ) and very few Helicidae which may have the same origin, although their exploitation as food cannot be excluded. The domestic species recognized are mainly pig and ovicaprines, each represented by a single prime adult individual; because of fragmentation, it has been possible to assign larger animals only to size group and not to species. A single cat calcaneum attests to the presence of this feline.Finally, the assemblage included also an almost complete left pelvis (Figure 4) attributed to guinea pig ( Cavia porcellus ). Table 2. Faunal remains recovered in the discard pit (NISP=Number of Identifed Specimens; for taxa with * “1” indicates just presence; N/A materials from the pit lacking precise US information). SpeciesUS 3US 4N/ATOTALNISP%NISP%NISP%NISP% Land gastropods16 6.8 14 4.5 4 11.1 34 5.8 Marine bivalves26 11.0 31 10.0 2 5.6 59 10.1 Crustacea*1 0.4 1 0.3 2 0.3 Pisces 41 17.3 44 14.2 85 14.6 Aves 18 7.6 15 4.9 33 5.7 Aves eggshell*1 0.4 1 2.8 2 0.3Gallus gallus L.6 2.5 2 5.6 8 1.4Columba livia/oenas 1 0.3 1 0.2 Microfauna15 6.3 16 5.2 1 2.8 32 5.5 Lagomorpha 1 2.8 1 0.2Felis catus L.1 0.4 1 0.2Equus caballus L. 1 2.8 1 0.2Sus domesticus Erxleben 8 3.4 18 5.8 15 41.7 41 7.0Ovis vel Capra 12 5.1 16 5.2 6 16.7 34 5.8Bos taurus L.1 0.4 3 8.3 4 0.7 Small mammal1 0.4 1 0.2 Medium mammal23 9.7 42 13.6 65 11.2 Large mammal3 1.3 9 2.9 12 2.1 Unidentifable 64 27.0 102 33.0 166 28.5 Total237 100 309 100 36 100 582 100 Table 3. Faunal remains recovered in US 521 (NISP=Number of Identifed Specimens). SpeciesUS 521NISP% Land gastropods2321.1 Pisces 1 0.9 Aves1 0.9 Cavia porcellus Pallas 1 0.9 Felis catus L.1 0.9 Sus domesticus Erxleben76.4 Ovis vel Capra 43.7Medium mammal1917.4Large mammal3 2.8Unidentifable 49 45.0 Total 109100
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2018 ● IX/2 ● 191–203Claudia Moricca, Francesca Alhaique, Lia Barelli, Alessia Masi, Simona Morretta, Rafaele Pugliese, Laura Sadori: Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) 198 The specimen was identifed on the basis of morphology, presenting among the other features a characteristic notch on the neck of the ischium, (Ijzereef, 1978; Pigiére et al. , 2012). Measurements too (SH 4.3 mm, LAR 6.0 mm, following von den Driesch, 1976) are comparable to data from archaeological and reference specimens (Pigiére et al. , 2012; Van Neer, pers. comm.) 5. Discussion Archaeobotanical and archaeozoological studies of Late Medieval/Early Modern Age contexts are quite rare in central Italy. A great help in the survey of plant remains is provided by BRAIN (Botanical Records of Archaeobotany Italian Network:; Mercuri et al ., 2015), an interactive database including archaeological sites with microscopic and macroscopic remains, which allowed the authors to gain awareness of fve Medieval-Renaissance sites in central Italy where carpological analyses were performed.In the studied pit, without considering the hay, the plant and animal remains (seeds, fruits, eggs, shells, teeth, and bones) mostly consist of a series of edible species, likely belonging to the diet of the inhabitants of the Santi Quattro Coronati complex. Ornamental and wild plants, such as cypress and alfalfa, are present as well. The plant and animal assemblages provide an overview of the eating habits in a cardinal’s residence of the 16 th century in Rome.The archaeobotanical remains did not present prominent diferences in qualitative or quantitative terms. Only fve species ( Torilis arvensis , Lagenaria siceraria , Cupressus sempervirens , Avena fatua/sterilis and Ficus carica ) were found in one depositional layer but were absent in the other.The number of refuse items of cereals and pulses is higher than in many other contemporaneous deposits ( e.g. Mofet, 1992; Bandini Mazzanti et al. , 2005; Bosi et al. , 2009) (Table 1). This richness deserves particular attention. A noticeable part of the Poaceae remains is from the hay and consists of non-edible parts (Table 1) such as rachises, leaves, and culms. Hay could have been used either as palliasse (bedding material) or to dampen bad odours and preserve foods (Barelli and Pugliese, 1996). Nonetheless, the hay assemblage provides information regarding the food plants available in the area. A clear example is provided by barley, for which only rachises are present. It is worth mentioning that two main clusters of millets were found in the pit. One, characterised by a rounder shape, was identifed as Panicum miliaceum . The other one, which included more elongated forets was not identifed at a species level and will be the subject of further studies. Parsnip mericarps represent the main fnding of the present study. The presence of fruit remains for a plant whose roots are eaten, fnds an easy explanation. Parsnip roots were in fact used as a cooked vegetable and as animal fodder starting from Roman times (Zohary, Hopf and Weiss, 2012). They are usually harvested after a frost, which results in an increase in sweetness (Cain et al. , 2010). As with carrots, parsnip roots are harvested and often stored along with their stem and leaves (Gray, Steckel and Ward, 1985). The presence of the fruit (ripening in autumn) is evidence of a late harvest. This factor allows for the documentation of a plant which could have otherwise been neglected.The Fabaceae assemblage represents ca. 16% of the botanical carpological remains, including also alfalfa, a plant not directly related to food consumption. It was either part of the hay or represents the remains of fodder. Faba beans and peas were also abundant. Seed coats of the former (Figure 3b) represent a signifcant fnding: also in terms of dietary habits. Being sourer than the rest of the seed, it appears as if they were being discarded on purpose, as it is also commonly done in modern times. The “Mirror Pit” in northern Italy (Bandini Mazzanti et al. , 2005) has registered the presence, even if very low, of both legumes. Grape represents one of the main fndings analogous to other contemporaneous pits in Italy ( e.g. Ferrara-Emilia Romagna: Bandini Mazzanti et al. , 2005; Bandini Mazzanti and Bosi, 2007; Bosi et al. , 2009; Latium: Clark et al. , 2009) and in England ( e.g. London: Giorgi, 1997). Fresh fruit consumption is hypothesised for the fnd in Rome, where more pedicels than pips were found. A similar consideration can be made for the olive endocarps, which are found intact and do not show signs of pressing, suggesting their use as table food. The very low concentration of fg achenes and of blackberry stones, generally among the most numerous Figure 4. Santi Quattro Coronati (Rome): the Cavia porcellus pelvis from US 521. 0 1 cm
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2018 ● IX/2 ● 191–203Claudia Moricca, Francesca Alhaique, Lia Barelli, Alessia Masi, Simona Morretta, Rafaele Pugliese, Laura Sadori: Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) 199 fndings in contemporaneous deposits (Giorgi, 1997; Bandini Mazzanti et al. , 2005; Bandini Mazzanti and Bosi, 2007; Karg, 2007; Bosi, Mercuri and Bandini Mazzanti, 2009; Sadori et al. , 2013; Mariotti Lippi et al. , 2015), fnds a parallel in the “Ducal Pit” (Bosi et al. , 2009), characterised as a deposit of table waste, rather than a latrine. Analogously to most pits contemporaneous (Giorgi, 1997) to the current case study, Rosaceae remains are a fnding worthy of note in the Santi Quattro Coronati pit, with a prevalence of the genus Prunus , represented mostly by plums, sour or sweet cherries, together with peaches. Remains of apples here are few (Table 1), while these were found to be more common at other sites (Bandini Mazzanti et al. , 2005; Bosi et al. , 2009; Badura et al. , 2015). Melon seeds were also found in the Roman complex. These constituted a common fnding in the pits of the Ferrara area in Italy (Bandini Mazzanti et al. , 2005; Bosi et al. , 2009) and were also retrieved in two Early Modern cesspits in Prague (Beneš et al. , 2012), representing an exception for central European sites. The use of melon in Sardinia, Italy, has been documented since the Late Bronze Age (Sabato et al. , 2017). Remains of Rutaceae peels were also found but were identifable only to the genus level. Citrus remains were rare in other contemporaneous deposits, being retrieved in the form of seeds and a leaf in the 16 th –17 th century inflling of the Vladislav Hall of Prague Castle, where they appear to be clearly associated to social status (Beneš et al. , 2012). Citrus seeds were also found in deposits in early modern London on rare occasions (Giorgi, 1997). The peels found in the Santi Quattro Coronati pit represent a unique fnd, as such parts usually undergo a fast process of degradation. Citrus remains are in fact generally scarce and consist mostly of seeds. Furthermore, Citrus taxa are hard to distinguish among each other due to a sexual compatibility within the members of the genus, which favours natural hybridisation (Pagnoux et al. , 2013).The fnding of pomegranate at the Santi Quattro Coronati complex is relevant and it is constituted by both seeds and exocarps. Access to luxury foods and exotics can be key elements to the identifcation of the social status of the inhabitants of the complex, being found only in middle to upper-class deposits (Bandini Mazzanti and Bosi, 2007; Bosi et al. , 2009).Nuts represent a signifcant fnding in the Santi Quattro Coronati pit. Walnuts, chestnuts and hazelnuts represent a large part of the dietary remains. Among these, the most striking fnds are represented by chestnut (Figure 3g), with an exceptional preservation of the hairy episperm. Walnuts and chestnuts were found in most Late Medieval/ Renaissance pits of Emilia Romagna (Bandini Mazzanti and Bosi, 2007). Hazelnuts, probably collected from the wild, were also found in England (Mofet, 1992; Giorgi, 1997). The extensive use of garlic dates back to ancient Roman times, when this plant was used in a wide number of food preparations and for healing purposes (Tattelman, 2005). Charlemagne ordered the cultivation of garlic and onions in all royal gardens (Castelletti, Castiglioni and Rottoli, 2001). The assemblage of Apiaceae, used mostly as food favourings, corresponds to that of other parallel cases. Fennel and coriander were found in Ferrara (Bandini Mazzanti et al. , 2005; Bosi et al ., 2009), in the Hanseatic towns of northern Europe (Karg, 2007) and in Dudley, England (Mofet, 1992). Fennel could have been collected wild, although it is possible that it was cultivated for convenience. In contrast, coriander was necessarily cultivated (Mofet, 1992). Despite its usual association to textile production, the presence of hemp is most probably correlated to its use in Late Medieval and Early modern recipes (Korber-Grohne, 1987; Beneš et al. , 2002). Hemp seeds are still used in many recipes nowadays, but also because of their excellent content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (Rodriguez-Leyva and Pierce, 2010). Hemp has been retrieved in other pits in Ferrara (Bandini Mazzanti et al. , 2005; Bosi et al. , 2009), in England (Mofet, 1992), in a wooden sewage Renaissance tunnel in Prague (Beneš et al. , 2012) and in several Middle Age and Early modern drains and drainage channels, ditches, pits and wells in Denmark (Karg, 2007). The composition of the faunal assemblage of the two layers (US 3 and US 4) in the discard pit is very similar. Land gastropods, including mainly Helicidae, may represent either intrusive species or items of food refuse, but even in the latter case they were not a signifcant part of the diet. Fish is abundant as would be expected in a religious context, although in Rome alimentary rules also afected lay people (D’Amelia, 1975); crustaceans, as well as marine molluscs, are probably part of the same meatless diet. The remains of birds together with eggshell fragments, indicate the exploitation of this class of animals as well as of their products.The microfauna, small rodents and reptiles, can be considered as intrusive elements or pests discarded in the pit together with the other waste products. The cat was often used not just as a pet, but mainly for pest control and, apparently, after death its carcass was considered as “common” garbage.The horse specimen shows some scrape marks along the shaft, possibly traces from manufacturing, suggesting that craftwork activities were also performed at the site. Many of the domestic mammals show cuts and chop marks indicating, as expected, that they represent food debris. Only a few remains are burnt, but such modifcation appears accidental and not directly related to cooking activities because the combustion is not localized, but present over the whole specimen. This may suggest that boiling or stewing rather than roasting were probably the main cooking procedures. Carnivore traces on the bones are more abundant than anthropic modifcations and were produced mainly by small predators, such as cats, suggesting a close relationship between humans and felines.The faunal assemblage from the discard pit represents a mixture of food debris and other waste ( e.g. cats and rats) and does not show peculiarities in the taxonomic composition and/or any identifed modifcations which may clearly suggest a high-status residence ( e.g. presence of more abundant or peculiar wild species or of many very young
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2018 ● IX/2 ● 191–203Claudia Moricca, Francesca Alhaique, Lia Barelli, Alessia Masi, Simona Morretta, Rafaele Pugliese, Laura Sadori: Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) 200 individuals for most domestic taxa ). This is in contrast to the indication provided by the plant remains; however, the faunal assemblage may give some hints about the diet not only of the cardinal and his entourage, but also of the servants working in the palace.Other Italian late medieval-early modern contexts, such as the Castello di Manzano (Cherasco, Cuneo – Bedini, 1995), Castello di Rafenstein (San Genesio, Bolzano – Eccher and Tecchiati, 2014), Palazzo Vitelleschi (Tarquinia, Viterbo – Clark et al. , 1989), Castello di Santa Severa (Santa Marinella, Roma – Cerilli Fatucci, 2016), Castello Baglioni (Grafgnano, Viterbo – Alhaique et al. , in press), and the Palazzo del Principe (Muro Leccese, Lecce – De Grossi Mazzorin and Nocera, 2005), show more clear evidence for luxury elements also in the fauna, possibly because such contexts are not strictly related to religious communities.Except for the presence of the guinea pig, the faunal sample retrieved in US 521 does not show peculiarities and includes both food debris and intrusive elements such as small land gastropods. Chop and cut marks were detected on the remains of the main domestic animals, as well as on specimens attributed only to one size group. Very few remains are burnt or display traces of carnivore activity. 5.1 New World species at the Santi Quattro Coronati complex The Santi Quattro Coronati complex is characterised by the presence of New World species, both in terms of fora ( Cucurbita sp.) and fauna ( Cavia porcellus ).As far as plant species are concerned, the genus Cucurbita , native of South America and imported to Europe only after the discovery of America in 1492 (Teppner, 2004), was retrieved. They got so well established in the Old World, that it was not until the 20 th century that botanists realised that they were in fact original of the New World (Whitaker, 1947).The genus Cucurbita includes fve cultivated species: Cucurbita fcifolia Bouchè, C. maxima Duchesne, C. moschata Duchesne, C. argyrospema Huber and C. pepo L. (Mofett, 1995). In the pit, seeds of C. maxima/moschata and C. pepo , the most popular in Europe, were found. Many doubts are placed regarding the route through which these species reached Europe during the 16 th century. It was thought that C. pepo was introduced to Asia before arriving in Europe (Mofett, 1995), although both iconographical and archaeobotanical evidence seems to reveal otherwise. The plant iconography of a prayer book traces back the introduction of Cucurbita species in Europe to at least 1503–1508 (Paris et al. , 2006). Most archaeobotanical studies carried out on Cucurbita were performed on American material (Smith, 1968). Seeds constitute the most common type of macro-remains found and they are usually preserved through desiccation, charring or waterlogging ( e.g. Decker and Newsom, 1988; Smith, 1997; Lema, Capparelli and Pochettino, 2008). In terms of micro-remains, phytoliths prevail ( e.g. Piperno, Andres and Stothert, 2000; Hart, Thompson and Brumbach, 2003; Piperno and Stothert, 2003; Hart, Brumbach and Lusteck, R., 2007). The archaeobotanical evidence is, however, quite limited and presents a wide dispersion in area over Europe and northern Africa starting from the 16 th century. The Santi Quattro Coronati fnd helps to confrm such an early introduction to Italy, heretofore hypothesized only looking at the festoons of the Loggia of Cupid and Psyche in Rome (Caneva, 1992). Cucurbita seeds have been retrieved mostly in post-Medieval castles and urban sites, not necessarily associated with high status (Mofett, 1995). Despite being exotic, they soon became particularly valuable to people who did not have access to a wide variety of fresh food (Parkinson, 1904), due to their good preservation qualities. The earliest fnds of Cucurbita moschata / C. maxima in northern Italy appear in Argenta (15 th –16 th century – Barbi et al. , 1998) and in Volta Mantovana (16 th –17 th century – Bosi, Buldrini and Rinaldi, 2015). The presence of Cucurbita sp. was attested in the 17 th century in Libya at the ancient town of Garama (Pelling, 2003). Seeds of C. pepo were retrieved in Germany in a pit from the 16 th –17 th century in Lüneburg (Wiethold, 2003) and in a deposit in Rhineland (Knörzer and Pfanzenspuren, 1999), and in Belgium in a 17 th century cesspit at the Arme Klaren site (Speleer and Van der Valk, 2017). In the Czech Republic, in Prague, C. pepo seeds were found in the infll of the vault of Prague Castle’s Vladislav Hall, which is dated between the 16 th and 17 th century, and in two cesspits framed within the same period (Beneš et al. , 2012). One seed and a half of C. pepo were also retrieved from a pit in Dudley Castle, central England, which was used between 1642 and 1647 (Mofet, 1992). Other European fndings of the same species include 17 th century latrine deposits from Amsterdam in the Netherlands (Paap, 1984), Bratislava in Slovakia (Hajnalová, 1985) and Arnstadt, Germany (Lappe, 1978). Among the animal remains from the discard pit of the tower, no New World species were recovered, but the faunal sample from US 521 in the excavations of the former porch yielded a pelvis attributed to Cavia porcellus . The whole specimen appears slightly burnt, but given its uniform distribution over the bone surface, such modifcation is probably not related to cooking. Although no cut marks were detected on the specimen, it is not possible to exclude a priori that this animal was used as food because coeval recipes using this species are known ( e.g. Scappi, 1570). The guinea pig was likely imported to Europe within the frst half of the 16 th century. The Swiss naturalist Conrad Gessner describes and depicts this species, calling it Cuniculo vel Porcello Indico, in his Historia Animalium published between 1551 and 1558, based on individuals he received as gifts from France and from Germany. Depictions of this animal appear in early 17 th century paintings such as the Garden of Eden and the Entry of Animals into Noah’s Ark by the Flemish artist Jan Brueghel the Elder. Skeletal remains of this species are very rare in archaeological sites and early specimens have so far been identifed only in England in a manor at Hill Hall (Essex) within a context dated to 1574–75 (Hamilton-Dyer, 2009), in a middle-class residence referable to the late 16 th –early 17 th century at
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2018 ● IX/2 ● 191–203Claudia Moricca, Francesca Alhaique, Lia Barelli, Alessia Masi, Simona Morretta, Rafaele Pugliese, Laura Sadori: Early Arrival of New World Species Enriching the Biological Assemblage of the Santi Quattro Coronati Complex (Rome, Italy) 201 Mons in Belgium (Pigiére et al. , 2012), and in a farmstead at Middleburg (Netherlands) from layers of the late 17 th –early 18 th century (Van Dijk and Silkens, 2012). In Europe, guinea pigs were initially considered only as prestigious exotic pets, but relatively soon they also became part of the human diet, as suggested by recipes in the Opera by Bartolomeo Scappi (1570), where he also mentions that, although the best season to eat the coniglio d’India was between October and February, it was available in Rome and in other places in Italy all year round. 6. Conclusion The botanical and faunal assemblage of the disposal pit has allowed much information to be gathered regarding the diet and daily habits of the inhabitants of the Santi Quattro Coronati complex during the Early Modern period. The bulk of the biological remains were made up of hay and the plant assemblage, and poor in remains that are indicators of latrines, such as fg achenes and blackberry endocarps, allowing us to characterise the pit as a disposal for residues of food preparation and meals. The table and kitchen waste comprised remains of cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, spices, molluscs, fsh, birds, and mammals. Three New World species, two pumpkins from the pit, and the guinea pig from the former porch, complement the Old World species assemblage.The C . pepo and C. maxima/moschata seeds found in the pit of Santi Quattro Coronati represent one of the oldest retrievals of such species, if not the oldest, in Europe. While C . pepo represents the oldest fnd, C . moschata/maxima has also been found in Northern Italy in a cesspit ascribed to the 15 th –16 th century (Barbi et al. , 1998). In the absence of a more precise dating it is not possible to ascertain which one would be the oldest fnd. The guinea pig specimen, referable to the end of the 16 th or beginning of the 17 th century, represents the frst evidence of this species in Italy and one of the earliest in Europe. These early introductions could be justifed by the fact that the Cardinal’s palace, a very prestigious and wealthy landmark, was one of the frst stops along the trading routes that emanated from the New World, leading to the rapid availability of new plant and animal species. This may possibly also be related to the role of Cardinal Lorenzo Pucci, titular of the Santi Quattro between 1513 and 1524, as supervisor for the Church of the Indies in the Consistory. The high social status of the inhabitants of the complex can be further afrmed by the presence of pomegranate remains, associated with fertility, hope for immortality, and resurrection.The Santi Quattro Coronati complex represents a unique case study in the context of Early Modern archaeobotany and archaeozoology, and even more so due to the outstanding state of conservation of the mummifed remains. It allows another piece of the puzzle to be added to the picture of New World species being imported to Europe.The present study also demonstrates the wide potential of scientifc research in relation to the Modern Age, a historical period to which it has yet to be applied for this specifc context. Furthermore, it represents a work carried out in full harmony between the Academy, involving diferent areas of study and specialization, and the Superintendence, the national body ofcially in charge for the conservation of cultural heritage, obtaining relevant results in a common framework and the shared goal of scientifc research. Acknowledgments We would like to express our gratitude towards Carlo Pavolini and Paola di Manzano of the Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma (Institute for Archaeological Heritage in Rome), who succeeded each other in charge of the complex and have allowed the proper conservation and study of the materials. We would also like to thank the Little Sisters of the Lamb, the current inhabitants of the wing of the complex in which the materials are stored, for their kindness and hospitality in giving the materials to researchers.Francesca Alhaique is extremely grateful to Wim Van Neer of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences for fundamental discussion on the identifcation of the Cavia porcellus specimen and for providing information on the reference material in the Belgian collection.Diego Sabato is acknowledged for his help in the identifcation of some archaeobotanical specimens. References ALHAIQUE, F., PIERMARTINI L., ROMAGNOLI G., 2018. Un castello della valle tiberina tra la fne del medioevo e l’inizio dell’età moderna. Stratigrafa e materiali di un pozzo da butto nella rocca di Grafgnano (Viterbo). In press in: Pré-tirages VIII Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale, Matera, 12–15 September 2018 . ARRIGHI, V., 2016. PUCCI, Lorenzo. 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