InterdIscIplInarIa archaeologIca
natural scIences In archaeology
A look at the region
Archaeobotany and the Terramara Archaeological Park of Montale
(Emilia-Romagna, Northern Italy): Experiences of Public Education
Giovanna Bosi
, Giovanna Barbieri
, Assunta Florenzano
, Elisa Fraulini
, Maria Chiara Montecchi
Alessia Pelillo
, Elena Righi
, Rossella Rinaldi
, Cristiana Zanasi
Laboratory of Palynology and Palaeobotany, Department of the Life Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Archaeological Park and Open Air Museum of Terramara in Montale, Archaeological and Ethnological Comunal Museum, Modena, Italy
1. Introduction
For many years, numerous questions have been raised
regarding archaeological site management and the
preservation of its surroundings, especially for sites included
in extremely anthropized contexts (Urtane 2000).
Widespread around the world and with almost a century of
experience behind them, archaeological open-air museums
are one of the most efective ways of bringing
archaeology to the public (Pelillo 2009), representing as they
do human-nature interactions. They are in fact a favoured
scenario for holistically combining all parties to reconstruct
the complex history of humankind and nature.
Archaeological parks have a defnitive value as public
education tools, providing for most people the only frsthand
experience at a site. Archaeologists, therefore, should
pay particular attention to their management needs and
educational topics – in order to provide correct and efcient
Archaeological Open-Air Museums: the defnition of AOAM refers to the
Guide to the Archaeological Open-Air museums in Europe
(Pelillo 2009).
information about archaeology (Hofman
et al.
2002). In
its dual role as an archaeological reserve and interpretation
centre, a historical site or park should ofer a useful mixture of
research and conservation, education and leisure. Moreover,
it should aspire to preserve the archaeological remains in
ways that are well integrated in the surrounding landscape
(Panosa 2012).
According to the Italian legislation (D.M. of 18
2012), an archaeological park is a “territorial scope
characterized by peculiar pieces of archaeological evidence
and an overlapping of historical, landscape or environmental
values, equipped as an open-air museum on the basis of a
specifc legislation. Archaeological parks fall under the
category of territorial parks, intended as places where
the mix of culture and nature is presented in diferent
forms, sometimes with prevailing natural (geological,
vegetational, faunal,
) features, sometimes with the
historical ones (landscape, architecture, urban, mining,
) An archaeological park occurs when the historical-
archaeological component is quantitatively or qualitatively
a key determinant.”
Archaeological sites or parks contribute to the cultural
identity of their own community, along with tourism
Volume VIII ● Issue 2/2017 ● Pages 175–186
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Article history:
Received: 2
August 2017
Accepted: 21
December 2017
DOI: 10.24916/iansa.2017.2.6
Key words:
Bronze Age
environmental reconstruction
experimental archaeology
The Terramara Archaeological Park of Montale is an open-air museum dedicated to the enhancement
of the Bronze Age
culture of Northern Italy. Investigation of its rich archaeological record,
particularly from the archaeobotanical point of view (seeds/fruits, pieces of wood and charcoal, pollen
and charcoal particles), has made it possible to reconstruct the landscape’s evolution and human-plant-
animal relationships. This paper aims to present a comprehensive and exhaustive overview of the
relationship between archaeology and archaeobotany in order to improve the content and exposition
of the Terramara Archaeological Park of Montale, thanks to the fruitful cooperation between the
Laboratory of Palynology and Archaeobotany of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and
Civic Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of Modena.
IANSA 2017 ● VIII/2 ● 175–186
Giovanna Bosi, Giovanna Barbieri, Assunta Florenzano, Elisa Fraulini, Maria Chiara Montecchi, Alessia Pelillo, Elena Righi, Rossella Rinaldi, Cristiana Zanasi:
Archaeobotany and the Terramara Archaeological Park of Montale (Emilia-Romagna, Northern Italy): Experiences of Public Education
development and the economic improvement of the territory.
Consequently, for an efcient archaeological or historical
site recovery it is essential to plan a well-defned project that
shall take into account its own specifc features. First of all,
in a revaluation project, symbolic or cultural characteristics
of the site should be assessed. Archaeological or scientifc
features have also to be considered, according to their
important contribution in terms of knowledge and awareness.
Finally, careful consideration should be given to the teaching
possibilities, as these represent the strongest link between
the archaeological remains and the visitors (Panosa 2012).
AOAMs play a unique role in this feld. Developed frst in
Germany and Scandinavia, while yet being relatively recent
in Italy, they ofer an exciting interface between scientifc
research and education, bridging the gap between academia
and the public. By reconstructing the environments and
activities of the past in a striking and evocative way,
they manage to convey to a wider audience the results of
excavation and research. For many of the AOAMs, a key
factor has doubtless been their relationship with experimental
archaeology, this developing scientifc discipline having
found fertile ground for testing its procedure and methods
according to scientifc analysis in this kind of museum,
increasing the relationship between research and divulgation
(Zanasi 2014a; Zanasi 2015).
In addition, there is a growing demand by the public
and by schools for a form of archaeology-tourism that
is increasingly taking the form of
. Here the
philosophy evinces the visitors’ emotional
involvement: they are transported backwards in time, where
they are immersed in the atmosphere of bygone ages. Not
infrequently, this process is facilitated by the presence
of qualifed staf dressed in period costume and skilled in
historical re-enactment (Zanasi 2014a; Zanasi 2015).
Through a hands-on experiential approach, archaeological
parks are one of the best tools for humanities and science
education in the cultural and environmental heritage feld.
According to Dyer (2007), “There are curricula across
all sectors which now contain more elements of cultural
heritage, ecology and sustainability – particularly in science,
geography, citizenship and religious education – but
somehow the holistic energy that turns facts into feelings,
professional development into corporate responsibility and
understanding into personal action is not there in sufcient
strength. (…) Bringing concrete understanding to abstract
scientifc concepts through memorable experiences in an
inspiring environment is a very powerful educative tool
which too few programmes achieve”.
2. The Terramara Archaeological Park of Montale
The Archaeological Park and Open-Air Museum of the
Terramara of Montale, located 11 km from the city centre
of Modena (Figure 1a), was set up in 2004 by the Civic
Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of Modena. The
Terramara Archaeological Park of Montale is dedicated to
the enhancement of the
communities and their
characteristic villages in the Po plain area (2
BC, Northern Italy) that represent one of the most important
and meaningful cultural entities of European prehistory
(Bernabò Brea
et al.
The realization of the Park was the achievement of a long
period of scientifc research, which had already begun earlier
and is still ongoing. At the base of the enduring success of the
Park there is this peculiar, constant and osmotic relationship