image/svg+xml129 VI/2/2015 INTERDISCIPLINARIA ARCHAEOLOGICA NATURAL SCIENCES IN ARCHAEOLOGY homepage: Editorial IANSA 2/2015 The IANSA Journal goes on… (2010–2015) Ondřej Mlejnek Welcome to the second issue of IANSA for 2015. It’s been fve years since we started to publish this journal, so this anniversary deserves a little bit of a look back from whence we came. In the beginning few people believed that we could successively run an English-language, scientifc, open-access, archaeological journal in central Europe. There were many objections, such as: it’s not possible to receive the number of submissions necessary for each issue, because if someone has a high-quality paper, written in English, he would rather send it to some American or West European international journal with a high impact factor. Or: it’s not possible to get money for this project when there is a general lack of any in science. However, fve years later – and we are still here! Since that time we have published about 82 scientifc papers and many editorials, book reviews and obituaries, in a total of eleven issues. We have launched an international Advisory Board composed of highly-respected scholars from fve different countries. Authors can communicate with editors via our online editorial system - which has been upgraded just recently. And, what’s more, we have been enlisted in many important journal databases, such as: Scopus, DOAJ (Databases of Open Access Journals), Czech National Databases of Scientifc Journals, and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. Next year we would like to send in our application for the Web of Science. We hope we will be able to fulfl our main aim: that of presenting the results of the cooperation between central and eastern European archaeologists and natural scientists at least over the next fve years, but we hope for much longer than that.In this issue you can fnd a total of fve scientifc papers, two thematic reviews, a book review and also, as usual, a back-story section. Lenka Varazinová Suková et al. have tried to trace post-depositional processes at the Mesolithic site of Sfnx in Jebel Sabaloka (Sudan) and on the basis of their results they have suggested alternative methods of excavation at these kinds of sites. Anna Maria Mercuri et al. have documented a climate development on the edges of the Sahara Desert in the Early and Middle Holocene relating the examples of the Jefara Plain in Libya and Gobero Lake in Niger. As proxy data, results of palynological analyses were used and compared with the archaeological evidence. Jaromír Beneš et al. describe the results of the excavation of the Neolithic longhouse number 8 in Hrdlovka (northwest Bohemia). This paper contains also a 3-D reconstruction of this house, which is available in the electronic version of our journal. David Parma et al. publish a case study based on the excavation in the inundation zone of the Svratka River in Brno-Přízřenice (South Moravia). A 50-cm-thick dark horizon representing so-called “dark earth” was unearthed in a section. This horizon, dated to a period from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age, was analyzed by pedological and micromorphological methods and the results are published in this paper.In a frst thematic review, Peter Poschlod describes the changes of climate in central Europe during the Holocene and their impact on the man-made landscape, habitat and species diversity through time. Michal Preusz et al. present in a second thematic review the conclusions on fndings of exotic spices at archaeological sites dated to the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age in the Czech Republic. Archaeobotanical data are compared with written sources and thus a general description of the use of exotic spices during this time is presented in this paper. In the book reviews section, Petra Spěváčková has reviewed an anthropological publication by Simon Hillson, published by Cambridge University Press, with the title “Tooth Development in Human Evolution and Bioarchaeology”. Finally, the Look into a Region (Back-story) section is this time devoted to the Czech and Slovak chapter of the “Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology” international organization. Ladislav Šmejda describes a history of digital archaeology in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and also presents the main research directions explored so far, as well as discussing the potential for future progress in this feld of archaeology. Volume VI ● Issue 2/2015 ● Pages 129–130
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2015 ● VI/2 ● 129–130Ondřej Mlejnek: The IANSA Journal goes on… (2010–2015) 130 As you can see, the contents of this general issue is really rich and varied and we wish you pleasant reading. You can also look forward to the next issue of our journal, which will be devoted to the Migration Period and to the recently excavated burial site in Prague – Zličín that has been dated back to the ffth century AD.