image/svg+xml95 V/2/2014 INTERDISCIPLINARIA ARCHAEOLOGICA NATURAL SCIENCES IN ARCHAEOLOGY homepage: Editorial IANSA 2/2014 On the Neolithic and the Importance of Being in the Scopus Database Jaromír Beneš, Ondřej Mlejnek This issue contains a series of papers devoted to geoarchaeology and zooarchaeology. In accordance with a decision made two years ago, the geographical scope of articles in Interdiscipliaria Archaeologica (IANSA) is not limited. This fact is demonstrated by the frst paper describing interrelations between El Niño climatic phenomenon and human occupation as recorded in the coastal landscape of Peru. The paper by Piotr Kalicki demonstrates the importance of climate in relation to human occupation. The majority of the papers in the current issue discuss the problems of the Neolithic and Eneolithic. These periods of human prehistory seem to be quite popular in current archaeology. A number of scholars perceive this era as crucial for understanding the biological roots of European population. The understanding of the Neolithic has improved a great deal recently, particularly its relationship to the previous Late Palaeolithic and the Mesolithic periods. The Neolithic period is once again the focus of scholars. The primary question of environmental archaeology is how Neolithic people infuenced the landscape, where they lived. The Neolithic mode of life actually substantially changed the subsistence strategies of humans and also introduced new animal and plant species. From this point of view we might expect a major human impact on the environment. A study concerning Neolithic and Postneolithic landscape development in the Ondava region analyses the geoarchaeological record in archaeologically less recognised Eastern Slovakia. This paper by Marek Nowak and Tomasz Kalicki demonstrates that the human infuence on the landscape in the Neolithic period was not really as intense as one might expect. This “low impact” effect has been defned some time ago by palynologists. Regarding these studies, the human impact on the environment was surprisingly low in the Central European Neolithic. During the following period, however, archaeologically defned as the Eneolithic (Late Neolithic), clear anthropogenic interventions can be determined.This issue also contains a study which can be labelled as an attempt at a basal mode of analytical work. This paper by Beneš et al. deals with the Neolithic Hrdlovka site located in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic). The authors demonstrate the importance of the scientifc ordering of both artefactual and environmental data, as well as the mode of argumentation, which seems to be prevailing growing in the archaeological mainstream at present, constituting a common archaeological standard in peer-reviewed journals. If one compares it to the structure of archaeological papers thirty years ago, the differences are dramatically apparent. The third paper in this volume is an interesting example of the employment of advanced technology in a terrain survey. The ERT method used in the research by Martin Moník and Jan Sedláček during the geophysical investigation of the Middle Eneolithic hillfort Úsov in Moravia made it possible to obtain primary data about a rampart and its construction. The authors also present a hypothesis about the reason for the intentional burning of the rampart in the local loessial sediments.The last paper of this issue by Teegen and Kyselý is focused on the issue of malformations of canines in prehistoric and medieval domestic pigs. In this study four cases of severe enamel and dentine defects in the upper canines of male domestic pigs from the Iron Age and Medieval sites in Bohemia were analysed. According to the authors, such severe defects are likely results of intra and extra alveolar traumas. A description of an anomaly on one lower female pig canine is also included in this paper. These kinds of malformations are extremely rare in archaeological fnds.Finally, we would like to inform you about some great news. IANSA has been included in the Scopus database after almost two years of evaluation. Why it this so important? The main task of this database consists in searching for scientifc publications and sharing of knowledge among scholars in the electronic age. The Scopus database is a useful tool particularly in archaeology, which is traditionally Volume V ● Issue 2/2014 ● Pages 95–96
image/svg+xmlIANSA 2014 ● V/2 ● 95 –96 Jaromír Beneš, Ondřej Mlejnek: On the Neolithic and the Importance of Being in the Scopus Database 96 perceived as a social science, which integrates data from many diverse disciplines. It is of special importance for our journal, because IANSA is focused on publishing the results of cooperation between archaeologists and natural scientists. In disciplines such as archaeobotany, geoarchaeology, bioarchaeology etc. a transfer of knowledge via papers published in scientifc journals represents the main mode of communication among scholars. We hope that the inclusion of our journal in the Scopus database will empower a new series of paper submissions. Last but not least, the ranking of the IANSA journal is now substantially higher. We promise to make use of this new advantage to improve the quality of the journal.